Honestly, I really want to know why Christians See Jesus as a god. Is it because God gave him miracles...

Honestly, I really want to know why Christians See Jesus as a god. Is it because God gave him miracles? Is it because he is believed to come up for a second time sometime later?

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It doesn't matter.
The religion created Western Civilization. It works.
Islam? The religion of land pirates, arrogance and mud huts.

Jesus is god

>see Jesus
you said it. you have to see it. you will convert when you do, muslims are the easiest converts because they are deeply connected to trying to follow God but have no idea how they should do it. once you see what it really is to be christian you will have a different understanding of what we are about.
>ask Him yourself

Jesus is a prophet. Not a god.

Guess it’s time for another crusade

I am not really a Muslim, nor do I follow any Abrahamic religions. I just wanted to know

Nah dude. Think about it like this:
>I’m god
>See that Jews curropted faith I gave them, turning away from my intended law of natural order
>fug dat shiii, imma become a man.
>Jesus born of Mary is “son of God”
Ideal man born, Christ conciousness that is 5th-dimensional being (ie ability to Trump all dimensions into single 3D/4D reality for us)
>5-D Jesus has god powers since god chose to be a man and that man was Jesus.
Moral of story:
#1: praise god (take ideal actions)
#2: love your neighbor as yourself (we are all of one consciousness and I am merely singular expression of universal consciousness)

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>Meme flag
I bet you are not even European

Its because He said he was God and then rose from the dead to prove it.