Stop propagating a lie.
IQ is a measure of how good someone is at living in an office cubicle.
If you have a high IQ, you might just be able to do the junior high level math.
>needing this logic to deal with you being a sub 80-IQ drooling retard
top fucking kek
>m-m-muh jews arent smarter
>b-but they run everything and out smart us at every turn
Taking advantage of people's base desires and making people feel sorry for you isn't a sign of intelligence. Who has personally been outsmarted by a Jew? We have greedy politicians that crave power.
>power isn't the end goal of the game of life
>being on top, rich, with all of your needs and desires met doesn't mean your smarter than other humans
Smarts and intelligence aren't the same thing user. We're disputing their measurable intellect not their shrewdness and cunning. The average Ashkenazi IQ in the US is 102 not 115.
piss off rabbi, before I unleash your fucking dybbuks on you.