Elected trump

>elected trump
>still no wall

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It's not even a wall, it's a shity fence that i could get over.
When I heard him say wall ,I was thinking Great Wall of china.
>a great big beautiful wall.

i can't remember where i heard this opinion, redice or styx or what,

but someone suggested Trump is going to delay finishing the wall until the third year so as to use as a way to help get re elected. like it or not, for better or for worse, this definitely makes sense to me as what he might be doing

the wall is just a metaphor for more security on the border. a real china wall is going to cost hundreds of billions and we need that money to go to war with terror state Iran

That faggot just didn't promise us a wall he said it would be built QUICKLY he told me 100x. He's still doing 10x better then Obama 1 year in but I'm still booty blasted no wall. Spics are honor culture peeps and if you say something you better do it. Ironically they'll respect us better if we build the wall then if we cuck out.

Trump is a Rothschilds puppet. The Rothschilds own Donald Trump. He is now paying back

hey at least we moved the us embassy to jerusalem and exonerated sholom rubashkin and attacked syria AND we're about to attack iran. what more could you ask for!?

Would cost $20 billion at most and it's as a symbol. Why is every dixie flag a libshit pretending to be a southerner? Every. Fucking. Time.

I just wanted hillary in prison.
thats it.
he has failed.

kill yourself

Being able to choose your own flag has literally ruined this board more than anything.

a wall means less slavery. Americans love slaves.

yep guess he lied hundreds of times. still has accomplished more than every president in the last 30 years or so but yeah, if hitler 2.0 came around I wouldn't feel bad at all kicking Trumps thicc ass to the curb in a New york minute

What do you mean you're dissatisfied with Civil Asset Forfieture Grandmas house for a joint her grandson sold outside the house Sessions who won't investigate election fraud or Uranium one? It's almost like he has something dark and white hooded in his past. I like Trump but the entire Republican party is as compromised and bad as the dems.

its literally being built right now.
it takes time.

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eat shit and go suck a sandnigger dick you dumbfuck america hating leaf

>be op
>still no sex

that could indeed be his plan. obama did the same fucking thing. 2008, everyone was surprised that he was anti-gay. then, as the next election approached, he had a change of heart and became pro-gay. just to get all that pro-gay jizz vote.

They can only build fence and only where there was already fence and Donnie signed it. If you want anything out of him we have to push him. Politicians are like water and follow the easiest path and right now it's easier for him to fuck us over then deliver because too many of his voters are broke backed used to losing pretend conservatives that failed to even try to pretend to conserve the little girls bathroom and yet I'm a nazi becaue I want to push my leader a little harder.

>You're sucking jew cock by supporting war with Iran
>thinking jew dick is not sandnigger dick

>Lurk moar jew

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Trump should of built a massive wall like the Great Wall of china and make that statement to the world! It would of been a world wonder too

Annoys me as someone from the south. You also have a lot of niggers thinking they're coy using it. Meme flags should be used sparingly and with a reason. Clearly they were a shit idea because they just are used as another way to bait.

>image for ants
>calling someone else new

This. We need to take out those shitty meme flags as soon as possible.

>Broken English
>Do what I say
>Bother Trump so he thinks his base is splitting and he gets less support from the repubs and Dems.
Ok Pablo


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How much of a naive idiot are you? You still think Trump is some calculating, savvy actor who's sandbagging the wall and healthcare and daca and jailing Hillary and all the other shit he promised? He says some moronic, simplistic piece on whatever is on his mind, then forgets about it minutes later, or hits the brick wall that is congress and moves on to whatever new thing catches his attention for five minutes. Mexico was supposed to pay for it, remember? You think that's happening?

>We can't spend that much to protect our borders, because we need that many for war on Iran, because it's American duty to die for Israel

not only that but gasoline prices are going through the fucking stratosphere.. wtf is going on? We're now the #1 Oil exporter? so what why is gas so high?

would be better if we could deport all illegals to Canada