Have the Trumps successfully recaptured the sense of "Camelot" at the White House much like JFK did way back in the day...

Have the Trumps successfully recaptured the sense of "Camelot" at the White House much like JFK did way back in the day? It seems that every thing happening these days has an extra special quality of magic to it that Obama's grubby nigger leadership never had

Attached: melania-trump-barron-trump-donald-trump.jpg (940x627, 56K)

Fuck off you piece of shit.

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Not an argument

Haha, that's a keeper for sure

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Your post is so retarded that it doesn’t merit an argument. Like when an aspbergers kid shits in his own hand then eats it.

It’s just kind of gross and I wish I had never seen it.

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Melania is so gorgeous. Glad we have a first lady who is actually a fucking lady

Trump is only at the White House basically when he needs to. Obama probably turned it into a shithole. That's why he's always in Florida.

srsly i was jacking to her earlier 2day