So my father has been diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer and has been reacting like pic related...

So my father has been diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer and has been reacting like pic related. He has been becoming increasingly nihilistic, but who can blame him? The very fabric of his existence is breaking and all he has is family staring at him looking sad. He has been blue-pilled his entire life
>working for the government as an engineer
>Watching the satellite cable Jew
>Getting depressed, taking antidepressants
>Other Boomer shit
How do I give him meaning in his last days? He is angry and in despair and I thought who better to ask to take him out of his nihilism than my men on Jow Forums?

And if you could pray for him that would be appreciated.

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>and has been reacting like pic related

Don't upset his apple cart user just go with his flow and be there for him and sorry he's sick.

Tell him to clean his room.

Is room code for colon? This should be a friendly reminder to all Pol/sters to eat your fibre. I think anons Pa would agree ehh user?

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come out to him before he goes. full 1488

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give him some weed

Have him come to peace with God and come to peace with family and friends. Thats all you can do at this point. His politics doesn't even matter any more.

The truth is user, your father was always dead. He was never truly alive, just passing through life asleep at the wheel. Frankly he deserves this.

Redpill him as hard as you can and see if you can get him to become an hero and get a high score. Make sure he targets the correct people (the names aren't hard to find).

He would have been bleeding out the ass for LITERALLY FUCKING YEARS before talking to his doctor in order for this to happen.

Source: most people who work in my town end up with colon cancer and it's a running joke that people wont admit they shit blood for fucking years. then they realise it's not a joke and they die GOOD RIDDANCE

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>taking the 50/50 chance of ruining your relationship with your father and having him die thinking his son is an evil nazi
>even if you succeed, he dies thinking the world is doomed, and his nazi son will face a life of hardship
Just let him Boomer it up in his last days, user.

Will pray, it will be tough. I'm a paramedic and have delt with a few angry patients. Some of them will curse the world until their dying breath and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

What you can try is comfort activities. Like fishing, going to parks, stuff he probably did with you when you were younger. The main thing is get him out of the house and out of his self pity party. Not going to lie, might be tough to do. Don't be surprised if he tries to self destroy the activities meant to make him feel better.

3 things...1 go buy all the tumeric. 2 research Burzinski and his amazing, totally hidden by big pharme cancer cure. 3 trust in God to heal him. Jesus never once failed to heal someone that came to Him for healing. But you (your father) has to go to Him

>eat your fibre
This is good advice. I'm going to have a glass of Benefiber right now.

Said a hail Mary for him :(

Go buy a giant bag of weed and smoke it with him

>redpilling your dad who is already feeling horrible, has cancer and will certainly die soon
You have to be fucking joking, the last thing he needs to know is how much of a fucked up world he has been living his whole life. You might think "well at least he will feel comfortable that he won't live in this hell anymore", that doesn't help at all, he will feel horrible knowing all his attempts of forming a family and a legacy where in vain thanks defeneracy brain washing.

Take your dad outside, go to where there is only nature, go hiking, do something that you would never forget and he would be glad he did before he died

And never ask Jow Forums for advice you newfuck

Might as well pray to allah fo the good that does. Hey, next can you sing a Father Abraham for him?

user, you are next. Cancer is genetic.

I'm pretty sure the moment you start to shit blood it's already too late

Soothe him and try to get him to focus on family, make sure he drafts a will so you won’t be bickering with lawyers and relatives for a decade

Victory or Valhalla

>And if you could pray for him that would be appreciated.
I will say a pray for him tonight, and for you and your family as well. Sorry, user. I lost my dad years ago so I know the feels. Peace.

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Cancer comes from your diet, its never to late to give up the fight, take the food red pill and feed it to him after.
You haven't much time user, Search Dr Joel Furhman, Dr McDougal, Dr Micheal Greger. The post above about turmeric is correct.
If he or you thinks 'but I want to enjoy muh food before I die' enjoy cancer.

I'm a diet fag myself but it's already spread and he is FUCKED. his chance is maybe 5% with kimo.
I don't want to teach him the truth about the biggest losers in history. I want him to stop the nihilism before he kicks the bucket.
I'll continue to do this, thanks lads, it's a tough situation but I'm trying to stay positive and do my best to save him from himself

introduce him to Jordan Peterson

I would get my dad the best of everything I could. Especially drugs. Why not give him heroin or opium? Something that will put his mind in a good place while he fights the cancer. Does he have a bucket list? Find out. Help him achieve something he has always wanted to do.