Two Russian Strategic Bombers Intercepted by US Fighters Off Alaska - Reports
they dindu nuffin
wow it's literally fucking nothing
wow read the article
queue retards thinking this is the first time its happened when in reality russia does this every year to every country in nato.
It's Spring. This will be happening. They'll fly west to England and off the northern coast of Canada, too. Literally nothing to see here.
Big fucking news.
As an Alaskan though I half wish one of these days they'd land a troop transport here. There's a Russian cargo airline that flies through here all the time, they should just fill that plane with little green men
Why do they do it? Is it some "Remember we're scary" type dick waiving?
Oil scouting.
The same reason we do it to them. Because we can.
It's just training. We do it, too. We fly against North Korea and China quite frequently just to see how they react. We do it with naval vessels even more. It's called a freedom of navigation operation. We will intentionally violate the waters of some countries to see if they have the balls to call us on it.
this is a beautiful 73 year old tradition, user
So, training and dick waiving. At least my tax dollars are going toward training.
Training. Basically, to test our defenses and to train their pilots on flight paths required on an actual bombing run.
And so? US intercept our patrols, we intercept their recon planes. Nothing really happened.
Sending F-22s out to meet TU-95s is a bit overkill. I'd wind the Ruskies up and send F-4s.
Just to intercept the Tu-95s that fly off the Alaska coast costs millions. F-22s can't make it without a tanker, so we have to launch a KC-135 for them. If the tanker doesn't offload enough fuel, they end up dumping it to make it within the allowable gross weight for landing. There's also the intelligence and AD assets that are running 24/7 just so we can know they're coming.
Millions. For literally not happening.
We should just use laser pointers, and point them at the cockpit. That'll learn 'em.
Yep, even goes on here. Norwegian and Danish interceptors escort them back to Swedish airspace. They always pretend they got of course and got lost, and we always pretend that we believe them. I'm guessing it's the same on the ruski eastern border
>Sending F-22s out to meet TU-95s is a bit overkill
Why? It's peace time, so nothing is going to happen. If Tu-95 really wanted to chimp out, they would launch their Kh-102 missiles from the inside of russian territory.
Tu-95 is called "bomber" only as tradition. They don't have any bombs.
>F-22s can't make it without a tanker
Nigger what? What a waste of money on a plane that can't even go anywhere. How the fuck did they get those things up here in the first place if they can't even make it half of Seattle distance?
When the F-22s initially replaced the F-15s we would sometimes have to have F-15s fly up to sit alert. They just carry drop tanks. It was kinda funny to take the wind out of the F-22 pilots' sails.
You're trying to compare strategic bomber and fightr jet. Bomber has larger range by default.
Range: >1,600 nmi (1,840 mi, 2,960 km) with 2 external fuel tanks
Range: 15,000 km (8,100 nmi, 9,400 mi) unrefueled
It's a little different. The F-22 won't carry drop tanks because muh RCS. Even though there's nothing to really hide from. Even when your bombers are escorted by Flankers, the fighters don't accompany them all the way. I don't even know how many Il-78s you guys would need to make that happen. You'd probably have to have tankers for your tankers.
So it seems to me like the burgers have plenty of time to let the Tu-95s get well into Alaskan airspace close to something, you know, worth bombing, before they start intercepting them.
Who the fuck commands our military? I'd be far superior.
They don't carry bombs any more. They're cruise missile carriers.
this shit has happened literally every fucking week since the cold war began
america does the exact same thing to them
Doesn't matter what they actually have. I think the message we should send to the Russians is "you're welcome to the snow chinks but don't touch my pure aryan (tm) cities"
This. It's normal you faggots, they are testing our response times.
>I'd wind the Ruskies up and send F-4s
Lol, we should maintain a squadron exclusively for this purpose.
Who got that
We should be strong allies with Russia. I like them. I've been deployed along side Russian troops. They are not the enemy you have been convinced of.
Did I ever say Russia was an enemy? My enemy is the federal leviathan and the enemy of my enemy is my friend
these are all paid Russian trolls
> intercepts occurring more frequently and intensely (in such proximity it'd be dangerous if the pilots sent on these missions weren't the elite of the elite)
> more common than at any year during the Cold War
> continually increasing trend even after americans elect a president whose candidacy called for respecting Russia
> "who cares lol no big deal"
I wish I was president, just do I could unironically maintain a small squadron of P51 Mustangs abd Hawker Tempests, just for this. And if I really wanted to piss them off, I'd use ME-262s or something.
I probably wouldn't be a good president but fuck it, I'd enjoy it.
KEK, if you do this, I'll start a lobby group. As we decommission the F-16, then we reduce the wear on the new ones by dusting off some of the old F-104 starfighters for silly stuff like this. It'll be a constant reminder to them, just where they are in the tech-race at this time.
When you live in the city between their base and ICBM silos and mobile units.
Bombers carry sophisticated EW, which allows them to blind enemies radars. It's glowing like a christmas tree, hard to determine where exactly he is.
They have been doing this stuff since the cold war. I actually think it's more of a tradition/ fuck off what you gonna do about it. I also think they do just to see if we are watching for them, kinda like testing the waters.
>when your strategic bombers are propelled
haha fuck off. You're better than Iran but most of your shit is fake.
We do most of the work from CFS Alert it's our early warning. Kind of like a forward deployed NORAD.