/ptg/ President Trump General - NO BULLY EDITION


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump roundtable with Automakers 5/11/18
>Pres Trump Remarks on Lowering Drug Prices 5/11/18
>This Week @State 5/11/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/A FUCKING LEAF 5/11/18
>SoS Pompeo/SoKo FM Kang Press Conference 5/11/18
>VADep Officials @Senate on Budget 5/11/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, HHSSec Azar) 5/11/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence MAGA Rally in Elkhart IN 5/10/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC for IN 5/10/18
>VP Pence on CBS ThisMorning 5/10/18
>VP Pence on GMA 5/10/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets Chile FM 5/10/18
>Pentagon Press Brief on Niger attack 5/10/18
>NasaAdmin Bridenstine on Huckabee 5/10/18
>CommSec Wilburine @Senate on budget 5/10/18
>IntSec Zinke @Senate on budget 5/10/18
>HHSSec Azar @Senate on Budget 5/10/18
>UNAmb Haley Commencement speech @ClemsonU 5/10/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greet NoKo exHostages 5/10/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greet NoKo exHostages 5/10/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


make sure you headpat your economics wolves

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Make a white baby tonight!

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was just memeing, it's Spice & Wolf

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Trump denuclearizes the Korean peninsula. How will the leftist media spin this?

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tfw no thicc hoe gf to pass around to my friends

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Tasty bread! Awoooo!

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My onahole isn't getting pregnant, Idk what I am doing wrong.

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he died didn't he?

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Awooovement required! Break glass and awoo!

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I know how to deal with Big Pharma if I was president.

Basically declare low cost medicine is a matter of national security.

Order the Department of Defense to start making medicine and release the formulas and blueprints behind them into the public domain afterwards.

Also have the Department of Defense to start a Medicine Branch and sell medicine under the Department of Defense label at low cost.

Any new medicine the DoD scientists create will immediately go into the public domain so patent battles in the future will be an impossibility.

Big Pharma will eventually go bankrupt because they can't compete with the DoD/military complex.

What do you guys think? Will my idea work?

it's clearly of japanese make, can't you read?

Crushed ribs and collapsed lung along with ruptured internal organs resulting in eternal bleeding.
Death by BBW. What a hell of a way to die.

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>not being able to impregnate solely by the first drop of precum
And people here say the s 0y meme isn't real, lmfao

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Reminder that wolfgirls are the best girls.

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Nuclear is science therefor Trump is anti-science! REEEEEeeeesist.

The following information is true and complete.
No, I'm not providing sources. Google it yourself. It's all out there.

Frederick Trump moved to the United States from Bavaria, in 1855. He was first a barber in New York City, but then he moved to the liberal Northwest and set up a bunch of whore houses. Followed by restaurants. Followed by boarding houses (the original slumlord). Hookers, dank food and awful rent - he definitely represented Portland pride! He got rich and got into local politics.

Frederick Trump actually moved BACK to Europe in 1903 but he got chased out because Bavaria has compulsory military service and Daddy Fred ran away to avoid prison for avoiding the military, so he moved BACK to America in 1905. With his new, non-citizen wife.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Anyway, Frederick Trump sired Fred Trump, Robert Trump and Donald Trump.

Fred had no kids and died young and rich after playing landlord for a while.

Robert played landlord, got married and still plays landlord. He keeps his head low. He has a son named Christopher. Christopher Hollister Trump-Retchin is in his early 40's. He keeps his head low and plays landlord, he's done this all his life.

Donald sired Eric, Donald Jr, Tiffany, Ivanka and Barron. Eric and DJTjr play landlord. Ivanka is a professional women's fashion advocate. No one knows what Tiffany does but it involves posting a lot on Instagram. Barron is just a kid, so leave him out of this, I just put his name for accuracy.

So anyway, that's literally every American Trump. That sums all of them up.

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Top 5 Baby Names that increased from 2016-2017
notice the 5th biggest increase on the girl one?

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D'ya see a veteran in there? Like, anywhere? At all?
Nowhere. They're nowhere in this family.

This guy..

This guy who claims "no one loves the veterans more than me" ..

this guy who insults gold star families, this guy who claims he knows more than generals .. this guy who told John Kerry "you're hurting the country" .. this guy who denigrates Robert Mueller, James Comey and Tammy Duckworth ..

This guy who allows his staff to mock John McCain and cheerlead his inevitable death, after this guy mocked McCain himself, first ..

This guy ..

This guy, has no skin in the game.

Remember that, America.

This guy has no skin in the game.
And neither does anyone in his entire family.

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Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

I love Shkrelianne.

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This website is sick in the head. I explained how Trump might start WWIII and a guy replied to me by posting a cartoon picture of a guy at his computer smiling as a nuclear warhead goes off outside his window in the background, as if he wants a war.

in order for it to be 'thread appropriate' it really needs to have a MAGA hat

>it's not even real awoo hours yet

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mods will let this cp slide but IP range ban me for Justinposting

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Holy shit she looks awful

/thicc boy hours/

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I can't read moon runes. I can't read a single word on the box.

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Who the fuck names their kid dream, let alone nova?

>First the Media shilled for North Korea's propaganda minister.
>now they shill for Khalesi

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Based Krauts, selling brats and rye bread to go with your hooker. I love Trump even more now

>tfw have second most popular name in the western world after muhammed
>ywn be that cool new kid in school named Nova

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you first

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wow that font
the left is on their way to figuring out how to meme

even Oaklynn is dumb

Found it, this is the loyalty they provide.

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>photos taken moments before tragedy struck

welcome newfriend

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And investment/r&d plummet as a consequence
It costs billions to create and put a drug on the market, there has to be some incentive

Aside from Melania, all the girl names sound like nigger names

Get out.

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why not go all the way and get rid of patents altogether
if you cant keep a trade secret a secret its fair game on the market for innovation

>let alone nova
My only thought about it

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oh look it's another round of "is he retarded or just 14?"

What's wrong with Justinposting when he was in his prime twink stage of his life?

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Threadly reminder that Trump has a sub 100 IQ.

Probe my boipussi ayylmao senpai

The left sucks at memes.

What the fuck even is that? It's cringeworthy. Hillary Pepe... No.

Reading popular new names makes me desperate, people are so easily falling to meme trends. At least Melania is okay even though it kinda sounds like an ukrainian whore name


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That was when he was 16, please leave.

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alright kohai

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me, in the middle.

It's beautiful.

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Lol no it wasn't. He was 22 in those pictures...

>And investment/r&d plummet as a consequence

But the DoD will always get a guarnattened amount of taxpayer money.

The DoD does not need to depend on Wall Street.

The incentive is National Security, nothing more and nothing less.

Antifa made a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox for the purpose of collecting "fash" videos so users of the extension can mass flag them. They've gotten several videos taken down, including ones from very small YT channels.

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Is anyone else getting random text that looks like its embedded in the page? Its random strings of letters and numbers above the thread and below the bottom of the thread, text size is about the size of "Image posting is back" but its black.

Naming trends have always been stupid

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>you in charge of reading comprehension

Why can't our females be so loyal? What is this bullshit.

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>An Iowa man says his dog inadvertently shot him while they were roughhousing Wednesday.

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I have misread you, Ithought you said private companies would have to release their blueprints

Some archives from Google cache btw archive.li/NO2ZZ archive.is/a4kjB

we know that's not true

but i think that he wants you to think that it is

does that make sense to you, or is it too complicated?

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Turns out millennials love giving their kids stupid names.

Department of Defense has a bigger budget than Big Pharma

What is wrong with having the military also provide medicine?

I bet the military can get more human volunteers for medical trails as well compared to Big Pharma.

Department of Defense has the manpower and the taxpayer money compared to Big Pharma who depend on Wall Street investors.

My body is ready.

Also Trump senpai pls declassify UFO files.

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Are you someone worth being loyal to?

How is that action by them not the very definition of one of fascisms defining traits? Totalitarianism. No free speech. Thought crime.

These are modern day Bolsheviks.

>Sub 100 IQ
>While making a fortune
>And building a landmark in New York City
>Let alone becoming the motherfucking President of the United States
He's still smarter than you, but lets see you do it all better.

Trump will be blamed for this.

i want a website to exists that actually promotes free speech and expression. tired of sites like JewTube that penalizes you for "hate speech" which is already vague enough. time for a site that allows you to post whatever the fuck you want as long as it's not pedo shit

Democrats say America need the illegals here because they are willing to do the shit jobs that we supposedly won't do, right? But then they get upset when John Kelly calls them "unskilled"?

It was 2016, which made him 22.

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holy shit, pit bulls just went 4d nigger

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Because that money is used for killing people. We need all of it.

Is the football playing millionaire that still gets cheated on and divorced worth being loyal to?

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>51 hours to Joe
I need it.

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no dude

your shit is hacked

clean up your disgusting life

get a computer that isn't remotely controlled by the jews

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that dog knew exactly what he was doing

Stats_request: paradox of tolerance

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Keep trying, you'll get there eventually.

Avoiding the question doesn't change it

Put a female in a crowd of men, and they'll do devilish things to make them fight each other. Troy burned over a woman.

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