T. your country is being invaded by rich asians and not poor blacks

>t. your country is being invaded by rich asians and not poor blacks

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still gonna make it a chink nightmare. Not as bad but still not a home for the white man

Would you rather have immigrants you can keep on a leash or communist who will take over all business and eventually your country?

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fucking newfag

I for one welcome our new Asian overlords.
It only means that Firefly/Serenity will become true, very soon!

Your people will become the poor minority when the rich asians are the majority. You are like an American plains Indian celebrating because more white Europeans are coming all the time.

>tfw all our immigrants are vetted and educated whereas any third world spic can just walk into the USA

silver lining I guess

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We're talking about East Asians, not Muslims.

You daft fucker, have you seen Melbourne? Full of 60IQ niggers, and I don't mean the black fellas. You haven't been spared the African horde.

>implying convict sperges want to work for money
What are you talking about? We have been a welfare state for generations, no real jobs in decades. Of course we prefer these insects to slave away as our own children tan on the beach waiting to become actors and sports stars.

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