Tracking Systems Found With Flexible Structure

I am not someone that is that important, and live in a small town.
I went into the City Hall one day to talk with local Economic Office directors....about opening a public stock trading company that dealt with local investments and wondered what their answer would be. They were pretty open to the idea.

I went outside to catch a smoke after the meeting and saw something interesting. Two books that seemed to be unopened and brand new, with no pages crimped or highlighted, just sitting on the steps nearby. They were two books about Corp finance and Business Law.
The two books were laying there next to where I usually stop for a cig, so I picked them up thinking at first that they were a ground score.....
Later I opened one up to find something that was out of place
Most of the books have anti theft stickers added, but this was on a strip, and was broken off the strip and placed in the pages.
I would usually say that it would be another security anti theft device but this was not the same paper over foil sticker as usual
It featured a medical backing on the sticky part like in a EKG patch has, with a raised center and a flexible processor.

Has anyone on Jow Forums heard of these before?

I held it to the speaker in my office cpu and it was going wild glitching and making noise so it seemed active in some manner.

Attached: 0317152241a.jpg (640x480, 46K)

Give it back, jamal.

I looked at the numerous products online that all seem to be for book security and nothing looks the same.....

So I am wondering if you guys have bought books from a college bookstore and found something like this in between the pages

Am I tripping out?

Last time I checked they were all flat and didnt have a raised jet black core that was flexible....

Attached: 0317152241.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Yeah, it's an anti-theft device. The irony of you stealing it is not lost.

It's an RFID tag you dumb nigger.
Libraries use them for easy checkout/return.
Now give it back.

Attached: library3.jpg (699x585, 108K)

The irony of not finding one that looks the same anywhere is even worse

That's an RFID chip, monkey.

Attached: 081118141854_1_540x360.jpg (383x360, 42K)

The one in your pic is like all the others....the flat paper backed one that has a central area with a small antenna

The problem is that the one I found had a raised and enclosed plastic shell over the center area, and it was a flexible plastic

The height was at least 3mm above the surface of the backing, which was not paper as these are

It was the thick padded sticker that is used in medical practices

based schitzo

Quick...get the tinfoil hat on. They know you're on to them. They'll be coming soon.

give the fucking books back you thieving nigger.

I went to the shop and set it on fire while Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix was on the radio.....

Try cutting the lid off the processor

so they're hiding microphones in books because the microphone/camera/gps/finger print scanner in your pocket isn't good enough?

Too late I melted the fuck out of it....

Or trying to track me personally

I am still unable to find that exact model of sticker anywhere online...they are all flattened and are basic compared to this one with its own plastic housing...

yeah, and an old one too, at least 15 years or so. It's not an RFID chip dumbass, it's just emitting a small frequency that can get picked up by the alarm's sensors at the main entrance / exit. Of course, applying a small magnetic charge to it will blow it out and it becomes disarmed.
Jesus Christ kid, it's not exactly fucking rocket science, don't they at least teach you the basic principals of electricity in school any more?

The big one is just an older one. I don't see what you're spazing out for.

It's an RFI chip. Stop being retarded.

t. Fag that has been installing and testing RFID systems for manufacturing and retail for the last 10 years.

Quick user, burn all of your belongings, mag your computer to destroy all Jow Forums evidence and leave the country. Now that they know their cover is blown they will be after you.

If (They) needed to know where you were, you'd not know.