The finality of philosophy is the realization that you are a fleeting and ethereal mortal on a water balloon of a rock...

The finality of philosophy is the realization that you are a fleeting and ethereal mortal on a water balloon of a rock hurtling thousands of kilometers per hour towards a black hole. Gee, minor disagreements about money seem really petty and almost completely inconsequential after that. Well what if I told you that love and art are lies designed to hamper your garmonbozia? Ps, Zo pls respond

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kek i love "groundbreaking" meme pseudo philosophies from the 90s

Can we talk about Deep Ecology Theory next???

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Of course. I read the famous texts just like u. What was your gathering of the writing?

>deepak chopra

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Lanza is based as fuck and will never get the credit he deserves until long after he "dies"

Have you even read the book or delved into the double slit experient?

I was just kidding guys. I'm a brainlet who is just here for bantz

All conscious experience is shared by all conscious entities, higher conscious lives are lived more frequently than lower conscious lives, and all universal experience comes out to a perfect balance between positive or joyous and negative or painful experience. That is all you need to know.

I was a brain god here for a lil fun convo

Rip our fallen friend. Bless

Yeah my lil bro had it on his shelf and loaned it to me. Kinda drill and obvious read imo but v important for the continued existence of life

Excuse me?

Droll not drill

He was an avid anime fan and frequenter. A timid and troubled soul. May he Rest In Peace

I hope I never become as big brained as this.


As you zoom through the cosmos your mortal flesh remains bound to the chair, friend. As ancient stars burn in heaven, your rent will soon be due

>looks at book cover

Well to be fair, without life, it would really be hard to understand anything.

Just watch it. Lanza is out autist.

Jokes on u fucko, I have a condo

Very rudimentary understanding of time and light. How do u expect me to watch this? Plz link to his jokes



>no soul
>no spirit

>The finality of philosophy is the realization that you are a fleeting and ethereal mortal on a water balloon of a rock hurtling thousands of kilometers per hour towards a black hole. Gee, minor disagreements about money seem really petty and almost completely inconsequential after that. Well what if I told you that love and art are lies designed to hamper your garmonbozia?
I remember being 19 and thinking I knew something as well, OP.

How many jokes were in that block of text? I wrote 8 but maybe you only sensed 6 or maybe you’re not attuned