Bigoted seats

Bigoted seats

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and of course its harry potter


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>I refuse to take on the additional guilt of not having gotten into Harry Potter until I was 35. But I’ll admit that despite the annoying J.K. Rowling vs. Native People scandal (that I doubt you heard anything about, but I followed because I’m Native), I got deeply sucked in last year. It was the depression and disgust surrounding Donald Trump’s election that sent me into a YA fantasy endurance run

Jesus fuck. Also Jana Schmieding is not a Native American name it’s north German Jew as fuck

>I demanded that our first experience be The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

sounds like a great person to be around

>I took the bullet and pulled the restraint over my shoulders, pressing down as tightly as I could, my precious E-cups getting smashed into my chest and up around my neck.

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They are like those "abbos" in Australia that only have an abbo great grandma or something

They should make a Harry Potter themed camp where all the Harry Potter fans can live.

I love how the feminist problem is basically solving itself

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Jesus wept

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there were no fat wizards in harry potter. Snape is the real hero.

what the FUCK is the deal with 30+ women and "young adult fiction"?

>big tits : fat women
>fast car : falling off a cliff

Stop being a bigot, the heart attack had nothing to do with her weight and medical science is a fake lie founded by the white patriarchy to control women. Women should be allowed to weigh more than an adult male and expect that male to have six pack abs! God you incels its 2018!

I am fat as fuck and I fit, she must be well over 300 lbs.

The employees would probably give in to her every whim over this. I used to work at Universal Studios, and only the pansy leftists worked at Harry Potter.

Disney world is fucking pathetic. There are people seriously brainwashed about that place.

There are people in the comments that are actually on her side. They are saying that the ride should accommodate this whale. How the hell did this happen?

You'd think this would be a wake up call for her to lose weight but she'll just double down and blame the park for not accommodating her fat ass

>Jana Schmieding

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this is satire right?
>While ‘safety’ is often the given reason that fat people are excluded, it’s clear to us that companies are actually just keeping the general public safe from our fatness.

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tfw when you're so fat, you're mistaken as a bludger than a student riding a broom

i went to universal last year, i ate a weed edible while standing in line for harry potter.
im fat as fuck and i fitted comfortably in those seats.


Kek seconded

>lets just stick a big piece of plastic right in front of someone's crotch so a sudden jolt sends their dick into it
For what purpose?

Because our safety ends where the emotional eater’s feelings begin

Just got back. I liked it. Wasn't world the price/enjoyment ratio for a family imo, but I went with my brother and it was enjoyable for a day.
>Magic Kingdom

Wish I went on the animal safari but the line was 90 minutes long.

To keep kids from sliding out.

>wasn't worth the price for a family (husband wife kids)

Yuppies and hicks love bragging about having 1/1000th native blood and pretending that makes them on par with Lysol drinking reservation dwellers. They're usually bullshitting, too. I have no idea why people do that but I saw that kind of shit all the time when I used to live in the Adirondacks.

Children's books and a house full of cats sooth the pain of loneliness when they become too obese for attention from betas and niggers.

>pretending that makes them on par with Lysol drinking reservation dwellers
Why would someone pretend to be something worse?

White guilt

I can actually feel her hot, nigger cock laden breath.

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>Other people have to be put at risk if it means I don't have to get my feelings hurt

>safety / liability issues
pick one faggot

Better wash down the humiliation of being too fucking fat to fit in a theme park ride with a tall glass of carbs!

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They also kicked her off the tea cup ride.
No justice anywhere.

>women of size

People of diabeetus

if the alternative is sliding under the seat-belt thingy, I prefer slightly bruised balls

>be morbidly obese
>brag about it
>complain about it as if it's other people's fault
why would women do this


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Reminds me of this scene:

Can it have showers and big kitchens?

>I refuse to take on the additional guilt of not having gotten into Harry Potter until I was 35. But I’ll admit that despite the annoying J.K. Rowling vs. Native People scandal (that I doubt you heard anything about, but I followed because I’m Native), I got deeply sucked in last year. It was the depression and disgust surrounding Donald Trump’s election that sent me into a YA fantasy endurance run where I went so far as to purchase an armchair for my round-the-clock bedroom reading.
This woman is literally a living meme, lmao. Holy shit. What a mess. Everytime I see these leftist feminist tumblrinas talk about Harry Potter, all I can think of is Mike Enoch in Charlottesville chanting "Harry Potter isn't real!" lol



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She looks Jewish.

I'm horrified, but I want to see the finished product.

I'm 2 Meters and can't go on many attractions, busses and flights are torture, where is my outrage ?

At least that Bitch can slimfast or well, eat less.


If the Hogwarts ride bit her it would end up too fat to ride itself

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>eat less

Nice meme bro. It's all genetics

>1.09 fathoms
Ha, manlet please.

Why didn't she just cast an enchantment of thinning?

Jesus christ...Im a big guy.Fat yes but i did used to go to the gym last year.Fell off due to job and gained good amount of weight,like 50 fucking lbs.Right when spring started I got a new gym membership,kayak and hiking gear.Im not happy being this big and neither is she.Im doing something about it and she wants to be a lazy fat fuck who sits,reads harry potter and gets bigger and blames everyone else.I was never happy when I was fat...and neither is she no matter how much she tries to hid it in her fake fucking wizard fantasy land.

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>when you need a zamboni to play quiddich


The chocolate and crackers threw me off.

Goes from peasant Illinois/Wisconsin cuisine to some sort of mixed 56% travesty with chocolate.

Don't forget the churro!

The churro chooses you

>there were no fat wizards in harry potter. Snape is the real hero.
Now that I think about it, Dudly, Vernon, Crabbe, Goyle and Milicent Bullstrode were the only fat characters in the series. They were all portrayed as evil, terrible, useless people. Even Neville, when he was young and chubby was portrayed as kinda useless. He only became a badass when he got older, slimmer and handsome.
I think Harry Potter should be banned for extreme bias against heavyset individuals and body-shaming. For science's sake, it's 2018.

what's the estimated calorie count?

I can't believe I read the whole article... I don't know where to start picking it apart.
At least the comments sections on these things always help bring me back to sanity.

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It's a huffpaint piece what do you expect reason and logic?

>when welfare pays for your shit

Who the fuck makes these webms and gifs which completely leave out the most important part?!? Fucking infuriates me!

To virtue signal user

12-13k, reasonable for slender queen like her.

Her "precious e cups" were in the way

Any bigger and I'd kill myself. Yes, Lady's love it but getting cloth, shoes and riding anything is a pain in the ass. Not to mention I have to duck slightly to not bump my head at door frames.

>Kicked off Ride for being too fat
>Immediately gets beer and churros
Zero hope for this whale, stick a harpoon in it and melt the blubber down for lantern oil.

Pic unrelated

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As someone who has had shoulder harnesses actually come unlocked and fly upwards while sitting in a hanging rollercoaster, it was nice to be sitting in a scoop like bucket.

To clarify, sitting in a hanging rollercoaster going down the initial hill...

>sausage chocolate cheese ketchup , all the good stuff at once , bake it in the oven for 20minutes yammy yammy!

>be fat roastie
>your life is so pathetic it pains people to look at you
>go to children's amusement park
>try to go on ride for mostly children
>too fat to sit
>probably get laugh at
>write an entire article about it and some how it gets published on the huffpost because it has no editors
Everything about this worries me.

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Second sentence and she's already playing the racial card.


>Exclusion and shame are not motivational techniques; they’re forms of bullying
But bullying is a form of motivational technique.

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I hate fat bitch feminists but fuck that Harry Potter ride, i almost throw up on that ride. Fuck Harry and his stupid fucking fag ride.

>what's the estimated calorie count?
over 9 thousand.

that's bigoted. Notify JF Rawlin and put that girl on that rirde IMMEDIADELEY

What the fuck is on her shirt? Is that a print or the remains of food she intend to save for later?

>I discovered that one of the vendors had givent he girl a piece of cardboard to put in between herself and the armrest. With the cardboard in place, I discovered that i could not fit in the seat.
Fucking BASED merchant

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Pls god kills this oxygen stealer

The next Hermione should be fat.
After all, it was never said in the book she was thin...

Shaming Fatty's is the way to go.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahsha that fucking fat bitch is trying to claim she is native American. She should be fed to fucking sharks or gators or something.

>Harry Potter

We are reaching pure meme concentrations unknown before to man

Could be a nog with a fro. Looks fucking horrendous

you've never eaten a 'sloppy joe'?

But what can they do to accommodate her. I know it's a Harry Potter ride but they can magic the seats bigger or expellianos the mountains fat out of he.

The thing is, if this had happened to some land whale 20 years ago you would be reading a feel good story about how the experience had encouraged her to loose a load of weight. The commenters would congratulating her for the weight less instead attacking the amusement park.

No, its just the lesser form of a hamburger and i've never found it hard to form ground beef into patties.

>As someone who has had shoulder harnesses actually come unlocked and fly upwards while sitting in a hanging rollercoaster, it was nice to be sitting in a scoop like bucket.

Did you die? Did they get sued?

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>no archived link
You should be banned

Kike lard.

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