Chad's death

Can any Mexican tell us what coverage this case has been getting there. Usually local news provide important details that the international press doesn't. What's the general consensus there? Was he kidnapped? Was he trying to buy drugs? Was it just an accident?
What strikes me as odd is how he was at the airport terminal. Even if there are gangs of kidnappers targeting white tourists there, I doubt they would snatch someone from inside an airport terminal.

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Fuck it, war upon Mexico must happen.

>I doubt they would snatch someone from inside an airport terminal.
Not when the gangs are police.

Interest... gonna hear crickets from those double digit fags

Blame drumpf for this

Airports have cameras everywhere though.

In related news man who got out of car during safari mauled to death.

Cameras controlled by the police.

Victim is white? Won't hear shit from anyone

Hahah mexico is so poor that the police station doubles as a subway station.

And liberals want this for America!

>minimal prison sentence for drug-possession of any amount is 10 years
>cops violently mow down criminal gangs with machine guns
this is the literal paradise that Jow Forumstards are usually foaming about.

you could simply starve the organized crime out by legalizing drugs and ending the retarded "war on drugs", but both mexico and US are too corrupt to do that, so more civilian deaths it is

nothing liberal about mexican government you fucktard. what are you babbling about

he deserved it.

Attached: 100 days of trump.jpg (1165x699, 311K)

>making highly addcitive substances commonplace will not lead to increased crime and healthcare costs
>black markets for legal substances don't exist
This is why you fail, achmed

>butt hurt bean nigger posts kike sophistry
You have to go back, pedro

there is a direct correlation between the ramping up of the "war on drug" efforts and the violence inside mexico.

remember alcohol prohibition? gangs sprouted out of the ground like weeds over night

>black markets for legal substances don't exist
there is a black market for alcohol, in the hands of violent super-rich gangs that murder and abduct in broad daylight? wow, do tell me more about that you fucking mongoloid

>Was it just an accident?
Just anti white resentment, probably because Mexicans are mad about Trump.

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The cost of legalizing drugs far outweighs the benefits of doing so. I don't give a shit about the gangs, those fuckers stay in Mexico for the most part. I do give a shit about people thinking it's okay to throw their lives away and dive headfirst into their addictions because it's "legal" now. You're deluded if you don't think hard drugs are a cancer on society.

I'm not really sure but I think I'm with Her now

he's saying they want to import masses of savages to poison and replace the whites.

>going to Mexico after the 90s

Fucking why?

>be ameritard
>go to mexico and think its safe
>get dead

If you travel to Mexico you deserve to die desu

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Fuck Mexicans, an Irish lad was murdered there for asking directions.
I hope Trump sends in the marines for regime change of the narco state.

how about we just build a fuckin wall

Q predicted this.