>it feels so fucking weird when a someone starts warming my balls up, like im so used to them just being chill Interesting. Sometimes my own touch can surprise me.
Dylan Gray
>onion flavored latte something is wrong with you
Dylan Price
Dr Awoo reports the shills and haters have a bad case of butt AIDS and it's likely terminal. Being a pussy doesn't count as a pre-existing condition.
Dana scares the hell out of me. She knows if she goes full NWO the household diabetic American patriots would freak out and demand she is fired. She's one of the worst people on Fox. Anyone who worked for Bush should be purged. Wallace was always a piece of shit though. She wants to put us in Death Camps
Jose Rivera
it's so fucking weird like, it feels so out of the ordinary i might actually lose the stiffy because of it
Depends how the structure of the deal is, the JCPOA was designed more to slow than stop Iran becoming a nuclear state. North Korea would be for denuclearization then relief.
Nobody knows what is coming out of the talks yet, but the biggest sticking point will be whether North Korea denuclearizes or not, and the definition of what that would be.
Ian Ortiz
Nice double entendre that'll get him flagged for calling for gun violence
Julian Powell
it doesnt help im drunk most of the time i get laid. shit just sort of happens, there's no real procedure to it
The fact it was the exact same name and wrong person gives a ton of credit to the leaker theory being someone who searched for his name, transferred info and didn’t even bother to properly vet the information.
Adrian Torres
Hm, I always get really horny when I drink (which is seldom). Maybe you're just not into the women you want to fug..
Carson Brooks
Needs vocals.
Cooper Reed
"inject heroin." that'd be my legal argument i ever confronted....... Wow, we're living in the age where someone could spark a revolution by a tweet and a bloody one at that. Cult of personality is very alive and has been for a while. it's just controlling the wave that Trump has made more difficult.
I've got a feeling Men have grown so weak that hard times are to come. Meh, at least darwin's law will take effect and women will lose their rights. plus, plus.
Pretty cool. A bit mellow for my tastes but still good.
Landon Watson
It's real. Those rifles were kept in stockpile in Eastern Europe since the war and later either sold or given to countries in African and Middle East that were sort of aligned with the eastern bloc.
Jackson Diaz
aye, i do too, a couple drinks down and i want to fuck anything that moves, both men and women. but then i either sit or get in bed and i barely stay awake
lots of stuff pops up over there there were even some sten/sterlings popping up as well as busted ass T34 and ISU tanks
So are we cool with the leaves now? I haven't been here for a while but I did filter the canadians because they were acting like cucks, but I've noticed they've been doing a lot of the baking lately, should I unfilter?
All through the morning, and through the long afternoon, Charles Martel's Franks stood shield to shield and withstood the onslaught of the Saracen's heavy horse. Finally, when it seemed everyone was exhausted, and the battle would wind down to a draw, Martel sent Duke Odo and his cavalry racing around the Saracen's flank and into the enemy camp where they began to loudly pillage and slaughter. The sight of their own booty being plundered by Odo's men, caused the Muslim ranks to break and begin a disordered rush rearward. Martel chose that moment to ride out and cut them down like a whilrwind. Who will be the Odo of 2018, when we first flank, and then destroy the Marxist/Globalist menace to civilization?
Hitler has already been reincarnated. Right now he is just a teenager or maybe in his twenties. He likes to draw and to paint. He wants to go to art school. He is out there.
Connor Jackson
That's just not fair..
Liam Bennett
Fugg it's quite hours. These are the worst. Trump fucking destroyed that week. People have told me they're starting to view Trump differently. Great times a head bros. Can't wait for the next big event. They seem to happen a few times a week at this point.
My art was rejected and berated by a jewish teacher infront of my class because it was too good once. But I haven't served in the military kek and my parents are wonderful.
>Amerilards are told by their preachers that God is happy when Israel is safe and Jews are in Israel >America keeps sinking since the creation of Israel, soon there will be nothing left of it