How is this any different to Obama bribing Iran?
North Korea will receive US economic assistance if it gives up nuclear weapons, Pompeo says
little difference is that north korea isn't fucking around with terrorists and stuff like that around korea.
but it still was wrong to get out of the iran deal like that, fucking stupid.
It's a good deal if
>NK actually gives up its nukes
>NK develops a strong economy worth becoming a trade partner with the U.S.A.
NK would have to swap to the Chinese model for that, at least.
Because North Korea actually seems open to potential American investment, they're not going to go back on their word if Kim wants a McDonalds on every street in Pyongyang.
Campaign Promise, also the ones openly treating with Nukes were Noko
Look at South Korea.
How did that happen?
I think you will find KFC on every street, McDonalds suck shit.
so a campaign promise for israel and nothing else counts?
but north korea isn't full of niggers like the US
You had your shot and failed miserably Kraut
so the kikes won and US is bowing to their master finally?
Well first off, what fucking business is it of yours? Seriously, I'm tired of Europeans telling the United States how it should run things. I'm getting fucking sick it, I'm getting fuck sick of hearing Europeans tell the United States that they aren't the leaders of the free world anymore.
Secondly, everyone shit on Trump about how he handled Kimmy. Now he's sitting at the table and they are getting ready to meet. Everyone doubted him on that, "Trump is going to start WW3". I'm sorry you fucking faggots can't back us up with Iran. Why we ever entangled ourselves with Europe is beyond me. You fucking cocksuckers are almost as bad as the Jews with the backstabbing shit. Instead of backing us up like we backed you up, you're at the ready to undermine us any chance you get.
Kikes won when you lost.
You ancestors should've fought harder desu.
The only thing worse than MAGApedes are people who have their own country crumbling to shit because of kikes and trying to lectures others about their own kikes. I know it's fun to poke fun at another person having a rat infestation in your house, but it's hard to take a kraut seriously when you're neck deep in cockroaches and loving it.
Also send more gibs.
for starter, North Koreans aren't muslims. Asians are people of honor, they will keep their promise. except for Japanese, they are subhumans who lie, cheat and steal.
NORTH KOREA will play USA like a violin.
Americans will be made to look like total fools.
Americans think that they can outsmart Russians and Chinese. Fucking fools. LOL
Orange better go back to his French bitch.
Lithuania is right.
How goes it over there user?
butthurt Japanese hiding in a meme flag
>How is this any different to Obama bribing Iran?
That's it's a Republican doing it. We will always excuse everything Trump does or authorizes. GTFO Shareblue shill. This is a Trump board
NK actually has nukes
well the US took part in helping the kikes back then and still the biggest kike enabler is the US.
nice copy pasta
you don't understand, i just point out the hypocrisy of trump supporters.
i did not vote for merkel, but the faggots here voted for the biggest kike cocksucker ever.
they aren't mudslimes
dirty gook
Relative to our other options, Trump is the best outcome we could've hoped for in the current climate.
It will be official white house policy drawn up and presented for ratification by Congress as treaty then signed by both countries with consequences for violation and not the domestically unsupported personal foreign policy preference of a nigger with awesomely creased slacks.
So you are like those libshit women who repeat same shit over and over again because you lack thinking power.
he is a dumb narcissists without long term plans and the biggest kike cocksucker ever, if that is the best you have you are really doomed.
In other words, welfare.
We will deal with our own problem here. Obviously we are not world players, so it's not really relevant in the grand scheme of things what happens here.
In some parts of the country things are improving, in others, things are going bad. Bad as in water is infested with larvae in some cities, and the cities basically don't give a shit and politicians hide it for as long as possible. Telling people to just drink some medicine to not get sick and "fuck off lmao". It's the bad parts that are stimulating the improvements of the good parts, so hopefully the people responsible for the good will get even more power as we move forward.
Based on options and promises, Trump was the best choice. It's was 3 flavors of Kosher anyways, so just wildcard it and pick the one with the most secret ingredients. It's just too bad that those secret ingredients turned out to be just copies of the same old recipe. I can understand why people voted for him. Name a single candidate that was anti-kike that was relevant. All the ones that were actually good didn't even go through the first round, and were DOA. I wish for a timeline where the world is ruled under the iron fist of the Randlet.
Iran was some dumb "pls stop" deal shit
Trump here is basically setting NK up to actually hang out with the big boys
Listen here. You will NEVER EVER be a global leader. Ever. Not even a regional leader. It's been destined. You think you are now, multiple times now you think it's your time. Germany is a bronze medal winner. You get a trophy for showing up.
>Not knowing fried chicken is fucking huge in Asian countries
>Not knowing the remaining Kenny Rogers' Roasters is there
They love that shit & I read they even eat it on Christmas.
>How is this any different to Obama bribing Iran?
NK doesnt have vast amounts of oil
damn! 10/10 smoked!
would read it again
>Based on options and promises, Trump was the best choice. It's was 3 flavors of Kosher anyways, so just wildcard it and pick the one with the most secret ingredients.
Trump may not be the Messiah that /ptg/ claims him to be; but he certainly was part of the Judendom's plans.
that is why Trump preffets to sign a deal with Noko
but they kill jews like Otto.
>that is why Trump preffets to sign a deal with Noko
Trump should stick to making love instead of wars...
>How is this any different to Obama bribing Iran?
Transparency. Obama sent billions to Iran, which eventually disappeared into the ether and we have no idea where it ended up.
Somebody forgot that Dennis Rodman is friend of Kim and Trump.
You people really don't have any idea what's happening in the Middle East do you.
What a sad life of a Kraut, or i mean Ahmed.
Haha Ukraine was promised to have protection for giving their nukes. What did they get? Getting invaded by Russia. I hope North Korea won't be this naive.
What a fucking idiot.
>Dennis Rodman
LOL, what a fucking clown and certified fagg.
I'm not sure what's the deal with Kim and him, very fucking strange for brutal North Korean leader liking monkey covered in tats and piercings who likes to dress like a bitch..
Crazy Theocracies.
>Getting invaded by Russia.
O really? when that happened ?
Because it's not Obama. When our guys do it it's good. When their guys do it it's bad.
Petty straight forward my dude
It ended in the hands of terrorists mostly, iran exported terrorists to fuck up neighbouring countries because they want to dominate the region.
Unfortunately for them there's no cucks like Obama covering for them anymore.
this, keep your nukes morons just stop swinging them around telling people you're gonna use them.
So brutal that he accepted to go to a concert of Kpop.
>Comparing koreans to muslims
Exactly. And to expand on it, let's look at the choices
So you had what...Bernie, Hillary and Trump, who were the only relevant candidates. Let's also add Cruz there, because why not.
So you have a fucking communist/socialist who has an economic knowledge of an undergraduate student with rose tint glasses so large and dense, you'd basically looking from Kirby's anus. A lying career politician who could open up a whole museum to display all the skeletons in her and her husbands closet, a person who turned lying and manipulation in an a art. A businessman who "says as it is", that has meme potential and is full of himself, is able to make people follow him. And a fervent believer, who is an amazing debater and who could win against all of them on stage with a topic, BUT he's uncharismatic and has no idea how to inspire.
So what do you even pick here? Like I said, you just go for the wildcard, because all other options are pure dick. The problem is, as the kraut said, that these were the choices to begin with. If anything i'd say people showed that they're fed up by Trump even winning, so that's a good sign. Now if only people were fed up enough to learn about politics and actually choose someone. And if only the candidates grew a spine and could be trusted with leading. Say what you want, but all of the bad things aside, only Trump and Hillary felt like they can be leaders. Ignoring their choices, their decisions, their needs and wants, they're both natural leaders or at the very least, people who are able to control from the top. You can have the best intention in the world and the best ideas, but if you can't inspire people to follow through your ideas, you're worthless. I don't care if you have the perfect plan to make a utopian world, while your opponent has ideas on how to add triple cheese to all burgers. If he's able to inspire people to follow, he will win. The end.
I'm happy that people are less trusting of media and news, while becoming critical.
Not quite.
Almost everyone except a few like Syria/Turkey formed an alliance in 2007 in secret led by the Saudis and Israel.
It's only getting shown off now, the Middle Easts decades of war are about to come to an end because the jaw is closing on Iran.
I would argue that NK needs it more than Iran because their country is in fucking shambles and is gonna need some money to fix it.
It's the Japan strategy, rebuild the country from nothing into a manufacturing base to feed imports to your superpower.
America would make a lot of money if done correctly and it would improve the lives of millions currently eating grass and rats.
Your country is a fucking joke.
You bring nothing to the table anymore.
All the UK is good for now is a containment island to store sandpeople. Until we decide to glass it.
>and it would improve the lives of millions currently eating grass and rats.
America can not feed it's own fucking people.
Look at the poverty in that shithole...and it's getting worst every month.
America is going down, going down...
>nk is the last degeneracy free isolated. Lean country on earth.
Its like seing the last of its kind die.
I imagine it will be like this seing the last european die.
>America can't feed it's own people
Are you stupid? America makes so much excess food that it became one of its largest exports.
On sheer volume nobody else even comes close, there's so much food in America the homeless are sickeningly obese.
can't hear you over the sound of all these burgers cooking
Hopefully I'll be able to see my grandpop's old home soon
>over the sound of all these burgers cooking
that's all you know in your miserable greedy life
>majority of "American" accomplishments are really German
>majority of "white Americans" are German
>would never have become a superpower if they didn't snatch German rocket engineers and a German jew to have some Japanese BBQ in the summer of 45
>sitting commander-in-chief is of German ancestry
How is it like being a worthless taco nigger with no accomplishments, history or culture?
This is why you never reply to meme flags...they are literally retarded. I was homeless for a year and never went hungry
>North Korea
Stupid naive greedy America played by China and Russia, hahahahaha hahahaha
>North Korea
Hi stupid...LOL
The main difference is that Koreans are actually smart.Persians have camel shit for brains.
How does it feel to be an occupied country? lol all you can do is run your mouth to people on the internet. Meanwhile my country has troops stationed all over your countries without any regard to your laws. No one fucking cares about you here, you're just a buffer state.
You know how much we don't give a shit about Europe? We station nuclear missiles in your countries as a first line of defense lol. If we ever went to war with Russia or China guess who is getting it first? You're just a forward base of ours, keep running your stupid mouth. I'll kick back and know our soldiers have your country on lockdown.
It isn't.
Honestly the worst kept secret about the North Korea business is that the US has an incredibly weak hand and has ever since its unwillingness to bite the bullet and go to war with North Korea has been revealed (really it was never in doubt, given that North Korea has basically thumbed its nose at the US for decades at this point with essentially no consequences despite a lot of noise about sanctions and whatnot).
Trump is basically looking for a face-saving way out of this whole thing completely, and Moon Jae-in is happy to help. Kim knows that Trump can't offer USFK withdrawal publicly as a sweetener in return for (nominal) denuclearization, so he won't force Trump to concede that he is, in fact, offering it.
What will happen is that in a year or so, Moon Jeong-in will open his mouth and make loud noises about how the USFK presence is no longer necessary since Korea is at peace, and the US presence will... quietly... start being wound down. Most Americans will barely notice Korea now being yesterdays' news.
What will come after that is obviously highly speculative, but I don't expect South Korean policy towards the North to suddenly harden noticeably.
The introduction of the McDouble to North Korea would be a boon for their country. North Korea could be a vassal state of the McEmpire, with spacious and relatively pristine land for grazing cattle.
>North Korea will receive US economic pressure if it doesn't gives up nuclear weapons, his lord sez.
Lol my country is unoccupied and had your nukes moved elsewhere decades ago like Germany, so they can deal with your untermensch ass instead of us.
How's it feel to be the best goyim of the world, obeying Massa Bibi's orders?
LOL, da'fuck is d'hat
Kim's a westerner in all but name and Rodman was a huge name in Basketball when fat boy was a kid. Rodman treats Kim like a normal person and they seem to have a genuine friendship. If Rodman turns out to have helped here, I don't care that he looks like Phoenix from Demolition Man.
>Kim's a westerner in all but name and Rodman was a huge name in Basketball when fat boy was a kid.
Fair enough, good point.
I forgot that Kim was schooled in Switzerland I think.
Because we will actually ensure that NK is living up to their end of the bargain
>Because we will actually ensure that NK is living up to their end of the bargain
But the problem is that the greedy degenerate US never keeps their end of the bargains.
They are fucking liars and massive cheaters.
History is full of proofs of that.
Chinks > sand niggers
They also need a
>good old Rothschilds bank
>underwater mahjong
top kek
Who could've thought he would be like that? His campaign was pure nationalism and not globalism like he does now
>majority of "American" accomplishments are really German
They're actually Jewish, then British.
>sitting commander-in-chief is of German ancestry
And he has British ancestry. The difference practically all Presidents have had a pure British ancestry on a parent's side.
Obama didn't give money to Iran.
Usa had Iran's own assets taken (frozen)which it gave back
>Ukraine was promised to have protection for giving their nukes
There were no such obligations, the Budapest memorandum wasn't ratified.
Do not mistake indifference to powerlessness.
>How is this any different to Obama bribing Iran?
The contract will be better, the stipulations will be well considered and effective.
Iran never got any US aid you big dummy
N.K. gets to trade with the rest of the world and
>No Rothschild owned central bank
>Free trade so no more China pulling a leash on a scapegoat for nuclear aggression
I bet you think the marshall plan was a bad idea too.
>Do not mistake indifference to powerlessness.
>the country of Rotherham, London, Bradford, Leicester and quite every other town where mudshits rape young english girls
>the country of bongs going to prison for nazi tweets
>North korea gives up nukes
>suddenly armed "peaceful uprisings"
>Jewmerica reimposes sanctions
>North Korea turned into rubble
because NK strategically benefits us as a partner, the Iran thing is only for the sake of Israel
>trust me this is unrelated to jews this time we wont do the exact opposite of what we promise the second you give up your weapons :^)