Somali roastie btfo by based al-Shabab

Somali woman 'with 11 husbands' stoned to death by al-Shabab

>A woman has been stoned to death in Somalia after a court run by al-Shabab convicted her of having several husbands, the militant group says.

>Shukri Abdullahi Warsame was accused of marrying 11 times, without divorcing her previous husbands.

>She was buried neck-deep and pelted to death with stones by al-Shabab fighters, say residents of the southern Sablale town.

>Al-Shabab practises a strict interpretation of Sharia law.

>The militant group controls large swathes of Somalia and often conducts raids and attacks in its attempt to overthrow the central government based in the capital, Mogadishu.

White Sharia when?

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Other urls found in this thread:'Ndrangheta

based but girl in pic related needs to get colonized

Some horn of africa girls are pretty aesthethic desu.

>d neck-deep and pelted to death with stones by al-Shabab fighters, say residents of the southern Sablale town.
>>Al-Shabab practises a strict interpretation of Sharia law.

Where is the feminism outrage?

Oh yeah...

>attracted to nigger pussy
Flag checks out.


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implying there is anything wrong with that facial symmetry. If they didn't marry their cousins all the time they would probably be a semi attractive people.



this desu, somalis have the same features as swedes at times

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