ITT prove your country has culture. Pic related for India

ITT prove your country has culture. Pic related for India.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So, like, cocksucking?

More colors, monkey movement, and religious-based clothing = culture?

So, more exotic third-worldness is culture by definition?


>Can't even greentext properly
>Doesn't even attempt to prove he has a culture
Honestly, just give up at this point. There's no hope for you.

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poo in the loo, apu


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The remix is better.

>drink cow urine
>eat shit cakes
>marry pajeetas to dogs
>burn cow shit and inhale the fumes
>rub shit on body for hinduism
>rapist capital of the world
>shit in streets
>eat off streets
>die of toxic pollution
>burried in toxic ganges

Such culture such tradition 100/100

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Read 'em and weep faggots

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Lyrics about flouride culture.

Your existence is a script
Life for you is a perfomance
Play out the leading role
Directing and premeditating every move
That creates the act of manipulation

Mastering the art of deception
That increases your sick addiction
It's an overactive imagination
That enslaves your empty shell

Existing in dimensions of addictive obsession

Your script will run short of ideas
The story will soon end itself
People to trust come short in number
Like a plague your lies spread
Fast across the world

Mastering the art of deception
That increases your sick addiction
It's an overactive imagination
That enslaves your empty shell

Please kys op

Calm down abdul.

pic related for india

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pic related for india

Attached: bitchlasagne (3).png (664x610, 256K)

>putting the shit in shitskin

You calm down poo in loo

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pic related for india - love and romance in vibrant indian culture

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pic related for india - courtship

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>american people unironically believe that they would be accepted in historic white european society

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This is now a india hate thread post material that really makes you think

>pic related

Every pajeet is rolled in dung at birth to prepare them for a lifetime membership of the exclusive shitskin club

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pic related for india - government

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pic related for india - fashion

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pic related for india - art

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pic related for india - film

Attached: bitchlasagne.jpg (571x701, 43K)

>ching chang chong talk
I can't understaaand you! Go back to your country! White power!

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pic related for india - travel

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Criminals, that's our culture...

Attached: Criminals-escape-from-police-van-in-KwaZulu-Natal.jpg (600x400, 47K)


Usa culture is Blacked .com

5 rupees have been sent in a letter to your home

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every country has cults called religions. So, why don't you go fuck yourselves ,niggers.
like you hypoos don't fuck your mama 4times a day.

What is this supposed to mean, is it like a poop map?

pic related for india - famous people

Attached: bitchlasagne (6).jpg (720x540, 28K)

That's my poop tour map yeah.

Attached: bard.jpg (480x360, 18K)

pic related , faking it is western hypocrisy . Liars


the correct way to refer to a polack is polack, you mong

I cri errithyme :(


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meme flag hiding indian. embrace your culture pajeet. india is butiful country show bert hole pls

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Yee haw pardner

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oh ,really am i hiding ? oh dear faggot. embrace yours first hypocrites and we'll do the same.

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or, how about this? nigger?

Attached: bitchlasagne (3).jpg (668x623, 84K)

Poo in loo

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That's not actually poo though is it

>eat shit cakes
none eat them
>marry pajeetas to dogs
only one case happened 15 year ago
>>burn cow shit and inhale the fumes lol
>rapist capital of the world

and show your flag you immigrant jamal

Regards from the neighbors

your photoshop skillz sukz , go to the pakistanis they are better photoshoppers than us. And about that pajeet thing i know it's only one guy spamming about this... so insecure . what is pajeet ? why do you watch only shit content in internet ? every country has shit content in internet. instead try watching kapil sharma show or tech guru kinda shows looser fag.

shut ur muoth u stupid sun of a basterd bich
india will be superpower in 2020
we will make america our bich you stupid basterd son of a hore i rape you

Attached: bitchlasagne (4).jpg (970x647, 113K)

then why are you masking your ip if you're an indian. Don't you understand that we know that you're a shill ?

you got zero answers. cocksucker. .lel you did that not us.

It is
>capital is literally eating human shit

Shut it poo
Don't talk to me shitskin manlet disgusting subhuman

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>your photoshop skillz sukz , go to the pakistanis they are better photoshoppers than us. And about that pajeet thing i know it's only one guy spamming about this... so insecure . what is pajeet ? why do you watch only shit content in internet ? every country has shit content in internet. instead try watching kapil sharma show or tech guru kinda shows looser fag.

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So do those dildo flutes make her shoot out diarrhea in circles?

just making fun of you raj
oh no niggers rape other niggers like fucking crazy in the US i feel so bad

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hahaha, taken 20 years ago .period

so , are you faggot ? you really store these? get life bitch. K

So, i saw a video where whitewasher raped nigger tho. unlike you ,i'm not a loser. i don't store 'em so i can use 'em later to hate .post KEK

>newfag poo in loo

Kill yourself streetshitter.

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again , pic taken 20 years ago. xD
Kill yourself you degenerate scum .

you're bullshit eater ,so shut up!

why don't you eat shit and kill yourself .lelellll

Why dont you show more newer pictures then, I mean it wouldnt be hard right?

I genuinely hope Chris Hemsworth is disgusted by this.

>superpooper by 2030

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~A man cleans garbage along the banks of the river Ganges in Kolkata, India, April 9, 2017.

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>baby poo's first day on Jow Forums

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where is poop you fag? by your logic milk is cum and wine is piss because of color . just fuck off.

well i don't store pic.s to show bs superiority like these lifeless loosers

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Don't patronize the poo

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The problem with these images are that they are upper caste while the ones posted by the other guy are lower one.

Why are some Indians really smart and well-adjusted while other Indians are fucking nigger-tier? I have never seen such disparity within a racial group as I do with Indians.

>poo comprehension

I think cow urine went straight to your head as a kid. Should have replaced your piss feed bottle with acid fucking pajeet

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double K

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Don’t tell me that’s a white woman...

We'll outlast le anglos and Trudeau never dared to say that we were a post national country in french

We don't "hate" India. We just find them repulsive and not even worth our arguing time.

Imagine Jow Forums is a big family in a gathering.
America is the fat, dumb brother who is always on facebook.
UK is the weak, fragile uncle who is single in his 50's who complains about everything and keeps bitching about he used to be a great car salesman in his 20's.
Canada is the ugly, disgusting, trashy aunt who hits on everyone and who believes in her sick and old mind that she is still attractive.
Poland is the grandpa who collects guns.
Brazil is the family monkey who jumps around the house, shitting in corners and just grabbing food and running away.
Peru is like the little autistic brother who is in a corner playing minecraft on a tablet and all he can talk about is Dota even though he is 1k
And India...
India is like the retarded cousin you never want to meet and who embarrasses you always. India shits on the dinner table, India is loud and can barely speak your language, India keeps saying memes from 2001, India smells like shit but he can't smell it because he is used to it. India has $22 in his pocket and he calls you poor. Thats India. We don't hate our retarded cousin. We are just ashamed of him and killing it or punching it would make us look like monsters even though we all know it would be for the best of everyone.

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faggot, nobody eats street food anymore , we have good restaurant, you het these news from fagnews ? xD acting like you don't have lower class in your own cuntry. .lel i mean economically. p

>every bit of food in the restaurant is contaminated with feces
>indians scoop food out of the buffet with their hands
>walk out of restaurant, sit on feces covered sidewalk, plop curry on the sidewalk and eat

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lol its Bangladeshi illegal immigrant living in dump garbage . they take our garbage like bottles,injection and sell them too plastic industry to recycle

We hate commies. Video related a local cop getting tired of leftist protestors and going full postal

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pic related, America

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Well fuck you , We never said we;re so perfect, why don't you accept , one way or another we have our dark sides = no arguments left ,nigger.

pic related, Canada

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>pajeet coming to terms with being a shiteating monkey

You are worse than niggers. Nobody thinks anything positive of pajeets. You are a failed state full of piss shit and garbage. Dip yourself in ganges and dont come out.

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>indian culture looks awfully american
>not posting original kino

Also can you give me sauce on the gif of what OP posted I want to see the video.

Indians are so fucked up in their Hindu heads they are actually proud of their culture of piss and shit.

> wrong. we have fssai too, they raid 'em time to time , so stop lying . only problem we have is remaining streetfoods , most of us left street food , so you can stop right now.


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>gypsy pajeet wants to indulge in pajeet media

Color me surprised

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