Jow Forums BTFO

Jow Forums BTFO

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Holy shit new-agers are so fucking stupid

How about neither?

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Are junkies really this delusional?

>implying most arguments presented here aren't on this tier or even lower
lol are you new?

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stoners actually believe this

Jesus christ I can feel the cancer going metastatic inside me the longer I look at this.

Truth is that the 'organic' spiritualist society would collapse. Society and race are built upon discrimination. A civilization of the Western level is unsustainable with everyone seeking to live out Kabbalistic fantasies. It would become a fragmented band of communes and tribes within a generation.

...the "personal equation" and the specific zone on which drugs, here including alcohol, act, lead the individual toward alienation and a passive opening to states that give him the illusion of a higher freedom, an intoxication and an unfamiliar intensity of sensation, but that in reality have a character of dissolution that by no means "takes him beyond." In order to expect a different result from these experiences, he would have to have at his command an exceptional degree of spiritual activity, and his attitude would be the opposite of those who seek and need drugs to escape from tensions, traumatic events, neuroses, and feelings of emptiness and absurdity.

I just flushed my grass. You can do it boys. No smokes, no grass, no alcohol.
Project purity 1000 years

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