Why do you hate Muslims and Islam so much? They're brave, aggressive, conquest the world and fulfill their needs just like Europeans used to in the era of conquests and colonisation, they're religious, conservative, they hate degeneracy, they hang homosexuals instead of letting them adopt and raise kids, they don't buy into feminist rhetoric and their women know their place. Islam brings everything you want, maybe except the fair skin, but would any of you not fuck a dark skinned Pakistani or Persian qt? Why do you try to fight them if they fight for the same cause you fight?
Why do you hate Muslims and Islam so much? They're brave, aggressive...
kikes sure do love using the pooland flag for this shit.
Hope to see you all dead soon so i can dump a nasty shit on your rotting carcasses
Islamofascism, amirite?
Because they're not us. This is dumb.
Who is "us"?
Because they stone faggots and most of the people on this board suck a bunch of dick
once they conquer warsaw you won't talk like that. kurwa
Because they shouldn't be in Europe.
Fuck off Muslim shill threads
Because Europeans are all the same, right? It's not like there's ever been a conflict between different groups of white people, right?
Because they are an inferior race and all they do is beat eachother
Neither should Russians
Ideology is more important than genetics/race.
Norway had a civil war in the 13th century. It didn't matter that they had the same color skin.
At the end of the day, white people actually share a common history and religion that any person can recognize immediately. Muslims and whites only have a history of conflict between each other and nothing else. Muslims(shitskins) are the other. They also are trying to invade and replace our people in our own Homeland which makes them our enemy. You are our enemy.
>Magic soil! We can be Europeans too!
Keep your dumb shit in your dumb country Ahmed, we've got our own shit
Yeah, Persians were just a bunch of savages raping women and decapitating people for no good reason. Arabs didn't preserve scientific and philosophical texts which proud white Christians tried to burn and didn't build their own advancements on the foundations of Greeks' works
Islam is not a race. Many Christians falsely believe the Jewish hate propaganda. Christians are our closest friends believe it or not. Us gentiles have been tricked into fighting one another. (We believe in Allah(God) and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.) Quran Surah 2:136
>people on Jow Forums think a white thug who mugs people and sells dope for living is somehow better than an Arab surgeon or mathematician just because of his skin tone
But Christianity is a Semitic faith, AND cucked anyway. Plus most white people are atheists or agnostic today. So what's the problem with Islam?
I mean even Hitler said that if whites had followed Islam instead of Christianity, then the white race would have been unstoppable. And it's true. The only thing preventing white people from dominating the world is our own cuckery and weak will. Islam would solve all of that.
Not only that, but it would solve a bunch of other issues too, like roasties.
Fuck off cancerous bitch
ITT: poles from /sg/ trying to export their shitskin love mental illness to the rest of the board
And people thought /ptg/ was worse
> white people actually share a common history and religion
White people's "common history" is one of conflict. As for religion are you referring to Catholicism, Protestantism, Paganism or any of the other religious groups in Europe which have a history of violence and persecution against each other?
>Muslims and whites only have a history of conflict between each other and nothing else.
All human beings, cultures and civilisations are in competition with each other. What's your point?
>They also are trying to invade and replace our people in our own Homeland which makes them our enemy.
Not replace, convert. You might like being a Muslim, it's better than being a degenerate kuffar.
Go away foreheadless streetshitter
Conquest didn't build anything you pleb, it was people who stayed at home in Europe and cared for their homes and families, not those good goys who died for god and Israel. Monarchy was big parasite, but it's all you know about, since others weren't allowed to learn how to read or write.
Maybe Americans have some common history, but it's also common with Blacks, Latinos, Indians and so on. Each end every European country has different history, different language, different customs, and their only common history is fighting each other.
>White people's "common history" is one of conflict.
So is Islam's history. Right after Islam's Prophet died, there was a civil war among his companions.
So you're saying Islamic brotherhood is a myth.
>Muslim, it's better than being a degenerate kuffar.
Muslims act exactly, if not in a more degenerate manner, than non-Muslims in the West.
I could apply the same logic of historical conflict to your people. You people are really living up to your reputation of being sand niggers if you are so stupid that you expect me to buy that hogwash about only converting europeans. If you suddenly inject millions of Muslims into Europe, a lot more than religious conversion is going to take place. You can already see it in cities like london where white people are a minority now. Why? They have no desire to live near Muslims. They are disgusting inbred savages. They are so stupid and incapable of controlling their own urges that they literally need to cover their women's heads so they do not rape them. Then if they do, they punis the woman buy spraying literally acid on their face. Then they come here and rape European women and they fucking get off with a slap on the wrist. There is not a single thing about your people that I find respectable if I could personally slay everyone of you I would.
I will continue to practice in the traditions of my anscestors or die defending them.
literally just because its contrarian
the zeptosecond the left starts criticising islam is when muslims become /our guys/ as they stand against the jews and degeneracy and progressives
We can blame the Mongols for that. They burned and drowned (redundant, I know) Demascus' library, which contained most or Islam's literature and knowledge.
>there was a civil war among his companions.
Not among his companions. All of his companions, Mecca, Taif, and Medina vs. the Arabian peninsula. Didn't help that most of them were spurred on by false prophets who thought they could capitalize on the 'trend'.
>exactly, if not in a more degenerate manner
Citation (non-anecdotal) needed.
Non muslims
I don't. I just want them to stay to their regions, and to be militarily prepared to dominate them at any time should they challenge us.
In that case, you should hate non-Americans just as much, right?
>citation needed
Only someone ignorant or deveptive would ask for citation on muslim degeneracy. Im sure this is b8 so just go back to fucking those little boys you faggots keep as love slaves.
So you are willing to put that history with other europeans on the same level as Pakistan or Syria? You are kidding yourself dude.
Syrian history is vast and greater than most European nations.
Your flag's upside down.
That is a weak argument. You didn't provide citation as asked, and you continued to make false assumptions, as well as generalize the depravity of some members of the Afghan culture to the whole Islamic society.
Do you wish for citations on American depravity? I only need to google "gay pride parade" and I'll get all I need, though I'd rather not scald my eyes.
My God man, it's not the same as European nation's. They are a completely different people is what I mean.
Allah have mercy on you. (Do not argue with the People of the Book except in the best manner— except for those wicked amongst them, and say: “We acknowledge what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you; Our God and your God is the same.) 29:46
You should read some Greek or Roman history. If you think you can isolate European history from near Eastern completely you go against thousands of years of literature on this subject.
Look I don't mind their culture but I don't want it here. I like my culture and want to keep it. Muslims can go be Muslims in Muslim countries just stay the fuck out of mine and I'll stay the fuck out of yours.
The ancient people of persia, syria, or Egypt are absolutely not the same people that inhabit those places today. Once you could say that these people were close Aryan cousins of the Europeans. However, Muslim conquest and imbreeding has nearly erased all that to the point where they are unrecognizable compared to what they were. What is relevant is the situation today where the line between a Syrian and a Greek is for more distinct than the line between a Greek and a norweigen.
europeans came with armies
they come on their knees like the dogs they are appealing to our humanity then backstap us once their here full scale extermination is the only answer to these honorless fucking animals
Yes they are, except for Egypt with it's Afro-Arab admixture. The Greeks described the Persians as darker than themselves(who in turn described themselves as darker than northern barbarians). This is long before any type of Arab conquest of Persia.
I stick to observable history, so I'm not gonna comment on Aryan theory. It seems like a forced term if we look at the descriptions of ancient people, nor is it supported by modern anthropology and genetics.
They are the enemy. Their entire religion is about killing and enslaving us.
Though indeed, christianity could stand to be a bit more isisy
Are you literally blind? Or just not willing to draw lines anywhere at all? Even regardless or obvious racial distinctions, they will gladly distinguish themselves by way or religion. The Muslim faith in it's modern incarnation is incompatible with A Christian or secular Europe. The Values are different, the languages are different on a fundamental level, and most importantly the races are different. We are different and we are better off living separately in our own countries.
^learn how to use this
>europeans came with armies
you have no armies that are defending your countries anyway, retard, you left the door open and we walked in, what's the point of coming with armies when you don't need them to invade your enemy's land? lol
pic related is what your armies defend now
no one is coming on their knees, except maybe that minority of syrian refugees.
and don't talk about honour when your governments are kowtowing to mentally-ill gays and trannies.
conquering europe will be your downfall, islam will end up just as degenerated as christianity
pic related what the average muslim """""man""""" will look like
>they are brave
Only the brainwashed prole, ruling class and imams are fat and get rich from.retarded mooslims.
Thats like saying the pope is a brave warrior or the vatican.
Or that Trump.is brave because he has retarded 70iq people getting killed somewhere 11,000km away from any coastal area in us
Obvious photoshop is of abominable quality
Show me a single rich Muslim doing anything that Muslims are known for, fighting in war etc..
foolishness isn't to make mistakes, it's to make them repeatedly and not learn. so if we are stupid enough to not learn from your mistakes, then we truly deserve it. I don't think we are that stupid however.
All that is keeping such degenerates alive is that we are consolidating our position here while staying within the law. The moment that changes, well, let's just say there are plenty of nice rooftop views in Britain.
Pfffffff. You serious?!
You should've posted that image then.
We all have our disgraceful members, that's a fact
>lead the world in pedophilia
>lead the world in bestiality
>lead the world in incest
Yes, that's whom I want to emulate.
she has already married two muslim women to non muslim men :^)
>loads of phlegm speak
>backwards beliefs
>full of crybabies
>constantly over-compensating
>the most retarded version of the desert texts
Why the fuck would anyone like Muslims or Islam?
>posting the opinions of randoms from quora
scraping that barrel aren't you
>damage control
doesn't it cause even slight cognitive dissonance to you that I could find literally thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of similar posts by european and american "men"
>Muslims and whites only have a history of conflict
>This is what Mutts actually believe
it's the existence of milo and tommy robinson and douglas murray types that made me realise the entire alt-right is 100% controlled opp.
my point is that the west degenerates anything pure, islam is not safe from this
I know we aren't, and that's why I said we would hang the degenerates when the day comes. I think we have better immunity to the marxist cancer than others, though still vulnerable like anyone else.
The core tenets of the religion can't be rode roughshod over like they were with Christianity. There is a lot of room for interpretation in the things the Quran says, but there are also very clear guidelines on the limits of acceptable behaviour.
>Takes the word of "an open Muslim"
There is no such thing as cuckoldry in Islam.
Adultery is punished with stoning (provided you have 4 upstanding witnesses)
Again, adultery is punished by stoning.
Is that what you call what you're doing?
إنك لا تهدي من أحببت
You forgot the Saudis who allied with the Brits.
You posted examples of people who degenerated. Did you calculate the sample? Against the whole body of Muslims who go to the west?
There are just as many stories of people who head to the west already degenerates, meet the Muslims there, and come back purer than the purest we have here.
>There is a lot of room for interpretation in the things the Quran says
Careful brother, do not stray too much, lest you fall into their trap.
>Careful brother, do not stray too much, lest you fall into their trap.
Fuck you "bro". Are you denying the Quran now? 3:7 you dumb lying cocksucker.
Don't be in doubt for 1 second. When the day comes, you ISIS fuckers are going to have your throats slit and your bodies will be fed to pigs. You have killed enough of our own, you have perverted our teachings enough, you have destroyed enough families, you have led enough of our youth astray. I will shoot you worthless cockroaches before I shoot the kuffar. You don't know just how much the Ummah is thirsting for your blood, do you?
Pakistan Zindabad...
>Tough talk for a virgin
I'm already a father with more on the way, s@ykuk. Our Ummah will persist while your women destroy their wombs with birth control "medicine", Allah wills it.
Hail Hezbollah, Hail Pakistan.
Death to America, death to Israel.
>It is He who has revealed to you O Muhammad; the Quran with revelations that are precise and exactly defined. These constitute the essential part and the fundamental or groundwork of Allah’s system of faith and worship and unequivocal understanding and obedience from every intellectual being. Other revelations are allegorical. They describe a subject under the guise of some other comparable subject. Those with malignant and perverse hearts choose to follow only the allegories to interpret them as they please. Motivated by malice, they present the interpretation that causes dissension and includes discord when no one knows the exact interpretation but Allah. But those with well – founded knowledge, acquainted with the facts, declare their firm belief in the Quran and express their thoughts in words: "It is all disclosed by Providence." But none reflect except those with sound minds.
It does not say that you can interpret it as you like, it says people with knowledge are the ones that can attempt to interpret it.
>Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
>The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "A true believer does not taunt or curse or abuse or talk indecently."
Those insults was uncalled for, regardless of whom you thought I was.
We are all Muslims. Do not fall for their lies.
Pic related
Not bait.
They're cowards who use deception and overwhelming numbers to fight their foes. If they can't backstab or fight you 10v1, they will run away like bitches. I lived in Brussels, the jihad-capital of the West, for 5 years. I know all about their 'bravery'.
>Look at me I can cherry pick some totally based muds so they are totally fine replacing us in our own country.
This is what krauts actually believe.
expansionism and forced conversion. i dont mind that muzzies exist, but what i do mind is when come into my country and try to change the culture, institute sharia law and all that shit. this has been a consistent issue with islam as a whole for the past couple of thousand years, the only difference between the 14th century and today is that we have a different name for (((invasion))) now.
if you faggots love sharia law so much, go back to the countries you came from, the ones with sharia law already in effect. dont come into my country and get all pissy when i dont want to pay your fucking jizya or prostrate myself before the god who fucked goats and tells me that fucking children is alright because some bum fuck prophet with a penchant for pedophilia said "god told me it wuz gud nigga". keep that shit out of my country and we are good.