why is it that whites and Europeans don't know how to cook or season their food? They've had thousands of years to practice cooking and yet the pinnacle of white/European cuisine is pic. related.
White/European cuisine
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Whites can't even eat properly
Aw, shucks
we feast on blood of lesser races
Really strange having a culture where you food isn't always so rotten that you need to lather it in nonsense to mask the decay.
Why cant niggers fight?
blacks cook like indians, you don't overseason to give it taste but to hide it
what's the matter? can't handle a little spice?
what did you say nuiiigha?
Why is it that niggers let Europeans cuck them for 500 years?
People spend millennia learning ways to use spices to mask the taste and smell of rotting meat. Modern technology produces meat that is fresh and doesn’t need flavoring to mask the odor or taste of rot. Niggers are too dumb to cook meat that has it’s own great flavor and continue to bury true flavors in unnecessary seasoning. Pro tip: the best steak house in the US puts NOTHING on steaks before they are cooked.
>judging the quality of a restaurant on reviews given by a bunch of old white men
what the hell?!
>why eat meat that tastes like meat
i wonder why
stay mad white boy, your demographics will never be the same
Imagine having so little cultural achievements as a group that you have to desperately cling on to a couple of dishes as the pillars of your identity
Shitskin triggered by french cuisine which is counted an an world wonder
>replying seriously
what a stupid fucking idiot
>all top chefs in the world are white europeans
>damn wypipo cant cook
Try another tack, nigger, until you have a few Marco Pierre Whites and Heston Blumenthals. Laquisha who cakes everything she cooks in herbs and spices doesn't have world class restaurants desu but whitey does... Makes u think
Stay mad nigger
love pics like that. nigger pussy has been the white mans personal property for centuries.
the cuisine dies a long with our babushkas
>Buy good Meat
>Salt and Pepper
>Good Sauce
The white way of doing it.
>Buy cheap shit
>put 20 Seasons on it to make it taste less like rubber
>5 Hot Sauces because Tiretaste sucks
The Negro way of doing it.
stay mad nigger
>french cuisine
All of your dishes come from African roots
Ruins the flavor of the meat
Crumbed is decent, though
>world-renowned "African caviar"
French cuisine viewed as the most sophisticated in the world for centuries with no close second. To be fair most non European nations were on diets of subsistence. Protestant nations like Britain in turn viewed elaborate food preparation as self indulgent and ummanly, a waste of time when important work was needed.
The funny thing is that part of the reason European colonialists raped half the planet was spices.
Poor colored inferiors, whites took your spices, whipped your sons and fucked your daughters, while you stood there and watched impotently.
All you Africans got rooted
ye im sry, i sperged out, got the first result on Google Images, i fuckin hate niggers saying "uh sweetie, Whites cant season their Food", it Triggers me hardcore. fucking niggers, they dont have a SINGLE Michelin star Restaurant in entire africa.
ITT: mad nigger op
We do, that’s why we have the best chefs in the world and are highly respected for it. Why don’t pakis or niggers know how to cook? Why is it that you have no respected chefs
Is it just me or does that look like Andrew Jackson?
gb2 pooland nigger pajeet
OP tries to bait. gets BTFO
Your stupid shit doesn't belong on Jow Forums
>Getting triggered by niggers
lmao just punch their heads
>salt & pepper
>bouquet garni
>good quality meat that doesn't need to be masked with tons of spices
To name a few WYPIPO flavourings.
the only seasoning you need is salt
>ruining the flavour of the meat with spicy crap
what a faggot...
Not so fast nigger. Jews said the same thing in Germany. After hubris cometh the fall
Good joke , show some example ratatouille is African ? Blanquette is African ?
Think again, sweaty toes?
gotta get calcium for strong bones senpai :/
pizza is origninally from uk
Take that, wipipo.
>Being such an inferior nigger that you attack your gracious hosts
>being such an inferior nigger that you think that’s how Michelin stars work
~60% of whites making barely the majority of births is nothing to be proud of buddy
Should have stayed in Poland and learn.
Are those the mosquito burger ?
>s-s-stay mad whiteboi, we’ll always have a low IQ and rely on you for handouts
The one good thing about this island becoming infested with shitskins is that your quality of life will eventually go back to that which your “people” are capable of
You got a lot of heart kid.
>why can whites create stable food sources while niggers starve?
Good point op
Yeah, we're all horrible cooks. Better leave the country with all these horrible people in it. What's That? Oh, you're immigrating in massive numbers despite hating us and wanting to turn our countries into shitholes like you ran from? Huh...
To be fair, a lot of Dutch people can't handle spicy food. As someone who wholeheartedly embraces our colonial heritage, it can be disappointing.
I can smell cooking threads on Jow Forums from a distance.
Lel I eat like a Nigerian. Can't stand leaving meat on the bones, end up eating most of the bones.... It's good...
white girls can't get enough of big black cock and based mediteranians
White people literally conquered that stupid nigger's country for some nutmeg or some shit. All of the top Michelin starred restaurants in the world are white (or Japanese). Nigger cuisine in the US is literally just white Southern cuisine that they claim to have invented. God I fucking hate porch monkeys so much
Salt + Pepper + Butter
Remember kids drink Non-homogenezed milk + skim "milk"water is for weak
I want to tastethe chicken when i eat chicken
Dead meme friend
>What is marinating meat
Fucking niggers cant comprehend how time works
If you plan ahead you can add any taste to meat with this space age process
also this
fucking niggers, they would eat cardboard in seasoning
>french cuisine
>spanish cuisine
>italian cuisine
hurr white people can't cook food lmao
That’s a great response to the fact that niggers are subhuman animals and they only people who think otherwise are retarded liberal cucks who got told what to think by their teachers
Atleast we have something to call cuisine
Empty plates and dirt doesn't count Jamal
Stay mad nigger
Translation: white women are far more attractive than female niggers
Under your flag, there is no chicken.
To be fair we do that shit too. Krauts and Frogs especially love eating that steak tartare shit
You're wrong. They don't even have plates.
Seasoning is mostly needed because american (and most other western countries save france and italy) eat cheap heavily processed gmo heavily farmed meats that give cancer and taste like shit.
If the meat is of high quality the only seasonning you ahould add is a pinch of salt (french real salt not american chem salt)
>Europeans don't know how to cook or season their food
dude, speak for yourself an your shitty island
mediterranean cuisine is the best in the world
Seasoning is there to mask the taste of rotten meat.
Fair point
You don't even deserve a (you).
Yeah sometimes eat the bone too, my gf leaves the joints so I eat em ;)
Stop fucking replying to these slide threads. Sage and move along, if you comment without saging then you are only bumping the threads.
Too bad seasoning doesn't create prosper, safe self-sustainable societies.