Something fucked happens

>something fucked happens
>real happening defcon 5 type of happening
>before anyone even knows what's going on Jow Forums is spinning it into a conspiracy

i have always thought that this was russian trolls at work. we all have known about the russian troll factory since way before the election. i dont think they had much to do with the election but i do think they are almost always behind pushing US government conspiracies.

anyone else have the same suspicions?

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I have these suspicions of you op

Bruh, most of your problems can be solved by admitting the average world's IQ is 82, while the cut off for mental retardation is 85.

Also, world IQ is decreasing.

You have yet to realize, young one, that it's not russian trolls. It's just Tards tarding out. You once in a while have a dude with three brain cells leading the ones with tuesdays but chocolate milk tastes good.

>defcon 5
stupid child

that is not related at all
the reason world IQ is decreasing is because africa's population increases at much higher rates than the rest of the world
africans don't post on Jow Forums though

fucking idiot

i dont think the people coming up with the conspiracies are retards. the people falling for the conspiracies are tards though. fucking like clockwork though right in the middle of every happening a fully-formed conspiracy is rolled out.

C'mon toothpaste, i thought Europeans were smarter than that.

I ran the numbers before and posted them, but taking an average iq population (iq 100) and given the modern stresses/how people live, I found out that at any given moment you have approximately a 30-45% chance of talking with someone with a mental handicap.

I used America as an example, and added such factors as recovering from drinking (which takes about a day-two days to recover from 2-3+ drinks, of which 30% of americans suffer under) lack of sleep (average sleep of Americans is about 6.8 hours, with an IQ loss of 1 Iq per hour of sleep loss cumulative up to 15 points until you get a full 8 hours sleep), stress, etc. Europes numbers are a slight bit better, around 25-30% at best, but yes, odds are ~ 1 in 3 that you are talking to a retard.

But with lack of IQ comes with lack of critical thought.

And it is true that the US is involved in really shady stuff. Is it true that it is behind every shady thing? No. But i do know that if people knew that, on average, you have a pretty good shot of confusing/manipulating someone to get what you want and had loose morals, people would do it.

it's because intelligent women don't have kids and the lower the IQ the easier it is to manipulate someone hence the jews. Also why jews insist on racial purity and having lots of kids.

what's with these "before I say it" threads today