Is it true they let you pay (((0%))) tax? What is the catch?
What's from stopping me working remotely and tax dodging there?
Is it true they let you pay (((0%))) tax? What is the catch?
What's from stopping me working remotely and tax dodging there?
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>What's from stopping me working remotely and tax dodging there?
You have to be smart enough to get hired by a foreign company there. Only smartest euro and asians work there.
Inb4 abdul beheads you and drives away in his mercedes
>Each emirate has its own laws on corporate taxes for companies operating within the emirate, but in reality taxes are imposed only on the following entities:
>Foreign gas or oil producing companies dealing in oil or hydrocarbon production within the UAE. Although the tax rates are generally 55% of the company’s operating profits, they vary based on individual agreements between the company and the emirate in which it is operating. These agreements are usually confidential and rates may range from between 55% to 85%.
>Branches of foreign banks operating within each emirate are subject to corporate tax, although not all emirates enforce this law. In Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Fujairah, foreign banks are subject to tax rates of 20% on their taxable income. There may be sligh variations in the rate from emirate to emirate.
Zero tax my ass.
I work remotely for 6 figures
Will they let me immigrate there and keep 100% income?
Or you transfer over internally.
Most of the Brit expats there usually worked in the City or Canary wharf (the equivalent of wall street I guess, but not just banks) for a major bank/consultancy/law firm and are transferred over after doing 5-10 years in London.
I know for a fact that New York and Dubai are hotly sought after though, so you have to be really good at your job to be sent. As a rule of thumb any Euro expat that works in a big company in Dubai/NY/HK/Singapore are usually smarter than the average worker.
They usually bring their entitled wives along too hence the term 'Jumeirah Jane' and by all accounts is a sweet lifestyle helped by the 0 tax.
>All the smartest people
Not really, more like where the relevant industries are. In scotland, everyone and their dog from aberdeen has worked in Dubai on some scale because of the north sea oil.
Ive been thinking about this as well
My country simply wastes my tax money for cuck-cages and neckscarfs
t. Banker kike/Goldstein CEO
If you can, it's a sweet lifestyle - I did it myself in another Asian country.
The distance from London alone means everyone behaves that little bit more badly and it's not as uptight. You can drink a lot more, party a lot more and say a lot more without being looked down on, even at 40/50 years old. Whereas, in London, you'd be seen as having a serious problem or be dragged to HR lol.