Aquafresh, explain yourself

Attached: Eurovision Song Contest 2018 - Second Semi-Final - Live Stream (1).webm (1280x720, 1.5M)

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Also emuland

Attached: Eurovision Song Contest 2018 - Second Semi-Final - Live Stream (1)_1.webm (1280x720, 2.14M)

those are his slaves

Europe is multiracial so its normal for other races to be present.

One of the reasons why I want the Eu to be abolished.
This shit isn't about trade and unity anymore.

>Women happy
Lol cuckland

Not a single Abo. Disgusting.

You're misunderstanding something here, toothpaste

Europe isn't like roma-naia, mr. radu gyponescu



Attached: 'slaves'.png (1268x2046, 2.76M)

That's just makeup, we call those zwarte piet (black pete)

Attached: t3_7e61gz.jpg (1552x873, 256K)

Actually Europe is far worse than Romania mister Hanibal Lecter.

What kind of freak won it? The Fatty Yid? We thought sending a cripple would fly in a freak circus.

Who even watches this

Attached: dolan-comics-pooh-bear.jpg (660x660, 44K)

we own afro-caribbean colonies

Even whites look awful in black.

There are gypsies in central europe, but west eu have all types of niggers.

In the eu, only the hungarian goverment is pro-russia, the others won't vote for you even if you send a retard.

Millions of european cucks

Attached: Brünhilder.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

loving this haha, you guys need to keep this alive.

Attached: 1524941278428.jpg (300x253, 26K)

Attached: (((Eurovision))).webm (1920x1080, 1.41M)

Post-wall white women.
Has there ever been a worse side-effect of our nations?

Israel, Trannys, Mutts... kek, it doesn't get better than this clip... fucking degenerate state of European media...

Attached: gsoros emperor europe.jpg (364x374, 30K)

Just for the record, Soros is jewish not hungarian.

it never was

nigga jessica malboy is like 56%abo

bad link

Why do niggers have to chimp out nonstop?

Attached: 1525716767152.webm (640x360, 2.84M)

Attached: 1525727533623.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

What is this shit

the absolute state of the mongolians, meanwhile in Great Britain

Attached: 916009.jpg (750x445, 51K)

whats happening!?

Attached: 1469222278966.png (360x340, 109K)


Attached: 1523082565908.gif (531x354, 3.6M)


And they will likely win this year with this:

(I'm not your toy)
You stupid boy
I'll take you down now, I'll make you watch me
Dancing with my dolls on the motha-bucka beat
(I'm not your toy) Look at me, I'm a beautiful creature
(You stupid boy) I don't care about your "modern time preachers"
(I'm not your toy) Not your toy, not your toy, not your toy, toy
I'm not your toy, not your toy, not your toy, toy

shalom brother

Attached: 902b85f1cea341de7feaad297b601a2c.jpg (748x730, 64K)


Is this UF?

Anons. Stop being so negative. Praise the ones taking european culture seriously. And let them have the focus. Stop digging for dirt.

Remove the shadows with light.


And many more
Every year

Attached: elina_4.jpg (400x520, 51K)

state television is boycotting the dutch singer.
now i know why .

>(I'm not your toy)
>You stupid Goy
>I'll take you down now, I'll make you watch me
>Dancing with my dolls on the motha-bucka beat
>(I'm not your Goy) Look at me, I'm a beautiful creature
>(You stupid Goy) I don't care about your "modern time preachers"
>(I'm not your Goy) Not your Goy, not your Goy, not your Goy, Goy

Ok, lad.

Because he isn't a muslim?

nice, i bet it's the original hewber lyrics