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>admitting to screaming into a pillow
why would you admit that

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so she was pretty much literally raped?

It was her turn in 2008, but she lost the primary to Obama. In 2016, it was the Republican party's turn to rule for 8 years.

It will be her turn again in 2024, but she'll have probably died of Parkinson's disease by then.

screaming into a pillow != biting the pillow

Fuck off

It is unfortunate someone didn't suffocate her with it when the opportunity presented itself

Kind of meme implying any candidate wouldve beaten Trump. If he didnt win America was dommed beyond repair and forever.

Bernie would have beaten Trump.

I just wanna see those debates.

Is that why she's dressed like Mike Lindell?

What you don't understand (maybe you're too autistic) is the spirit. If that's true, America is basically fucked, the last white utopia on the planet is doomed.

So stfu and pray this is not true.

Now kys faggot


Still would have been better than MUH VAGINA being the primary political stance.

was she screaming into the pillow or someone she was sacrificing?

It's just a fact that Trump was all time easiest opponent to beat.
Only Hillary could fuck it up, and she did.

biting the pillow has more respect in it.

To seem more human.

She seems completely incapable of taking any responsibility for her own clusterfuck of a campaign. Basically she proves pol right in that women do not understand consequence.

What are they trying to even prove with this video? That niggers are violent?

The missing link was Israel, who favored Trump.
That should tell you how much influence they have.

>loses race
>spends a solid months throwing tantrums, beating her husband, screaming into pillows, and generally just losing shit
Hillary is the fucking textbook definition of a sore loser.

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If this is the stuff that she admits to doing then I shudder to imagine what she actually did in her rage. Probably blended babies and puppies up into a slurry and drank it.


Vs reality

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I have yet to watch this, but I'm guessing it's pure unfiltered leftist BS since it's still in the top 3 spots of Youtube's trending

Slide thread guys please read:

I remember hearing she was drunk and smashing plates when she lost. Also I remember that Trump's victory party area was pretty barebones. Like he didn't expect to win. His end game party was like $100k, Hillary's was something like 100 million or some shit with fireworks on a barge.

It probably means she guzzled a bottle of wine and stabbed several of her interns to death.
also this

She's like a spoiled teenage girl

Even if that was true, it doesn't matter because he's not a DNC insider and thus will never get superdelegates.

Israel gave hillary tons of money. They were counting on her to start a war in Syria

Ben needs to get back to cartooning

> implying she didn't throw the biggest tantrum the world has ever seen
It must have been a majestic scene in her headquarters that night

Women have always hated Hillary and everyone was "shocked" that women voted against her.

When her husband ran for President the first time, she was forced to go to on a daytime talk show apology tour for talking too much shit. She managed to piss off every woman in America by bad mouthing working mothers, stay at home moms married women.

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Enlighten us Markku. Black voters wanted nothing to do with Bernie. We've never elected a jewish president and it won't happen soon.

Cruz have stomped Sanders into the ground. It was embarrassing. Sanders is a weakling and not once in the elections he debated with someone ideologically opposed to him.

No, he wouldn't. SJW's would keep pestering him, because he caved to them once, and he would keep sucking their dicks, and Americans would recoil in disgust.

>bad mouthing working mothers, stay at home moms married women.

Yup. The only thing Hillary likes about women is the taste of their pussies.

That pic the rape of Europa?


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A rapid fire quick rundown on the Q drama!!!
>changed tripcode
>corsi going nutty
>jones knew all along

Fishy smell

>this video is a compiling of David seaman and titus frost and lift the vale videos


Q is fishy!!

Normies hide

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not even, Hilary hated women and women hated her. She was the singular worst woman they could have run for President.
She even pissed off gays by talking so much shit, then fucking pretending to be pro-gay rights suddenly in 2016.

She pissed off everyone. Blacks hated her for the "super predator" "BRING THEM TO HEEL" shit. progressives hated her. Conservatives hated her. No one fucking liked her.

>be me
>live life as a loudmouth normie
>always feel suspicious of what I'm taught
>2016 comes
>Hear Bernie, see popular, me like
>Post Bernie memes
>Trump enter stage far-right
>Love memes, love image, feel emotions
>Vote for first time in life
>Stay up all night drinking and watching election
>It goes for so long
>He wins
>No words to describe feel
>One week later Jow Forums
>One month later DS
>Six Weeks later arguing in comment sections
>Three months passes, find TRS through DS

Things can change very quickly.

She's making a pretty poor case for being that person who should be taking that 3 am phone call in a time of crisis

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Brought to you by MediaMatters

Literally lost an election she had in the bag.
>1.2 billion in donations
She gave up campaigning early while Trump was doing 3 stops a day.
>spent all her campaign money on advertisements and “free” concerts(handouts to celebrities) for voters
>has Hollywood in her back pocket
>has dozens of shitty musicians and motherfucking Oprah shilling for her.
>has 90% of American and some foreign news organizations demonizing her opponent, comparing him to Hitler, full blown racism campaign
Monumental task it was to lose when the odds are that stacked in your favor.

It's nowhere near as bad as i thought it would be.
The song sucks, but the video is just a bunch of violent shit happening while the rapper dances around.

hi George, i hope you die soon

Bernie is a champagne socialist.
However, many frustrated white person etc. would have chosen Bernie over Trump , given the chance.

The failure Hillary is, still got more votes in total than Trump.

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you'd have to be a retard to vote for Bernie fucking sanders. I agree with you that He's a champagne socialist, championed as the un-corrupted man of the people.......from his lakeside home he bought after accepting a very big monetary gift. Just another rich jew.

>The failure Hillary is, still got more votes in total than Trump.
Trump never called any state a "flyover state". He didn't disrespect whole swaths of the American electorate. Hillary didn't play the "number's" game, somehow, insanely, ignoring the Electoral college. The electoral college is THE game. She didn't even play. Who gives a fuck about the popular vote? Recent memory tells us with Al Gore, the popular vote is worth dick.

In the end, it looked like Trump was playing chess while Hilary was playing checkers. She was a shocking failure. Completely terrible. Absolutely incompetent.

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I hear you.

Btw if Audi R8 is the commiewagon, what is Hillary's wheels like?

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>she lost the primary to Obama

HRC had more total votes and regular delegates than Obama. She lost because the super delegates broke his way deeming race (even though he's only half black) more important than sex.

No, only the communists and socialists would have voted for Bernie. Trump would have won in a landslide against him. The Dems already played their pied piper candidate with BHO who turned into a nightmare.

whoa. what a loser...

The day that happens America is truly doomed

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man that was a laugh
liberal focus on women is replaced by a focus on race right as hillary is trying to best someone darker than her

Why would someone hack a psyop unless it was one of us to expose it? If that is the case we would have all of the information.

Get back in your hole, you fucking shill.

The back brace in Australia

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>Blacks hated her for the "super predator" "BRING THEM TO HEEL" shit.

Blacks still voted overwhelming for HRC. When Bill was governor, black prisoners served as slaves in the gov's mansion. I would say that's far worse than calling violent gang members "super predators." HRC specifically used this term for gangs not the entire black race. Bigots and the brainwashed changed the historical reference. It's fun watching people unable to understand historical context.

>that pic
too fucking soon
over the line

Nah, Trump is a cresting wave on a political realignment. Its easy to imagine a theoretical candidate that would beat him, but it was impossible for that candidate to actually run in 2015. See rand paul, jim web, both with more reasonable opinions than trump and easier to swallow, but they simply didnt have the force to push their agenda into the front stage. Now that the political realignment is happening (republicans have got it mostly figured out, just AB test "i like that trump talks about X" "i like that trump talks about Y" and see what resonates, democrats are still reeling due to a centralized power structure that no longer has a head or a consistant message, but theres no way they havent figured things out by 2020), theres going to be a lot of candidates with more refined points. But much like Lincoln, Jackson, or T Roosevelt, you need a force of raw personality to win a US election on a nonstandard platform.

hildawg is tyler1 holy shit
it just hit me boys.

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>but theres no way they havent figured things out by 2020
Wrong. It's already too late for them. The 2020 election cycle has begun and who do they have? Bernie and Hillary? Again? Kamala Harris? LOL.

I don't know why this is funny.

You cheated a brilliant, capable woman out of a lifelong dream.

You literally robbed America of a decent fucking President and set us back thirty years.

You helped trolls and bots convince ordinary voters that a criminal, narcissistic, grossly unqualified tangerine fartbag is fit for the most powerful position on earth.


Your side did win, after all.

Hope you're ready to pay the price in November. The Big Blue Wave WILL annihilate Trumpists, skinheads, and other sick deplorables.

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Just like her husbands victims lol

She lost to a reality TV star and steak salesman with no political experience

She was one of the worst Secretary of States the US ever had.

>I don't know why this is funny.
because it is, faggot

>grossly unqualified
That would be Hillary you are describing. If you got your news from somewhere besides the NTY and Washington Post, you would know Hillary committed multiple felonies when she routed all her email/comms through a completely independent system, that only she had access to. The Federal Records Act is an actual law, not some fucking suggestion.

It's funny because she wore a prison-orange jumpsuit to a press conference and made jokes about 'Wiping her server, what like with a cloth??' lel

It's beyond funny. There was this guy, Bernie, pulling in tens of thousands of enthusiastic youth and packing out stadiums...Did the DNC really think no one would notice when they screwed Bernie out of the nomination and replaced him with a tottering drunk grandma? Drunk grandma who struggled to get a thousand people to show up for her 'rallies'?

Stop being so sexist

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