Is it ethical to breed If you don't have top 5% genetics?

Is it ethical to breed If you don't have top 5% genetics?

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Was it ethical to do a crit poison dagger double dipping blade vortex assassin build in poe?

What male role-model will there be for these kids? I'm not looking after someone else's kids.
Even state enforcement can only go so far.
W*men are terrible at raising children to adults.

So you're outnumbered in raw terms and quality.

If you enjoy life then so will your kids. Given that you're still here, you must enjoy it well enough. Besides, it's not like the bottom 50% are going to slow down. If you're above that, any kids you have will improve the future.



is it ethical to breed if you don't have top 2% genetics?
is it ethical to breed if you don't have top 0.5% genetics?

in this kind of reasonings, drawing a line is not going to work as much as a relative approach.

>dat pic

Attached: oIJplWl.jpg (317x379, 18K)

All those players will breed Asian women

Is this a WoW rogue reference? Rogues are niggers, user.