Why are Americans so dumb and disgusting?
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Imagine being so buttblasted about Sweden Yes that you feel the to perpetuate the mutt meme
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>when you're an Amerimutt cunt and a nigger shoots you on your way to McDonalds
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>Amerimutt cunt and a nigger shoots you
>Be Svensson and get cucked by Jamal.
A fate worse than death.
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Mutation, cirsumission, no education, fast food.
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We can't all drink ourselves retarded.
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Why are Swedes intentionally genociding themselves and letting their women be raped by invading hordes of sand niggers?
It's almost like we have a common enemy and we're being pit against each other... hmm
cuckhold genes
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>This has nothing to do with politics
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i dont want europe to be sweden in the first place
> Inb4
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How are merchant threads okay, but talking about the merchant's cock-sucking mutt apprentice not acceptable? What has this board come to?
We're whiter than europooristan countries though.
America is our bitch.
Know your place, Amerimutt goyim.
Jesus was a son of a whore.
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Enjoy Achmed's and Brussels cock up your ass Sven
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>be america
>56% white
>uncucks itself anyways
>be sweden
>90% white
>cuck capital of the world
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You sound kinda intolerant, Captain Sweden.
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>Jesus was the son of a whore
Mary, Joseph and his wife's son.
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Haha. I know I'm 8 before I even roll
> Be amerimut
> Have 10% of true white population
> we are white, I am white!
You are not better than Mexicans, Hues and the others Latinos lands
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Don't get the pic, weren't they used to their presidents being puppets?
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He is butthurt from another thread where a tourist burger in sweden says its blacked.
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Because the socialists are always telling us to be more like Sweden.
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ahh a native swede in it's natural state, fucking a goat.
Jesus was a piece of dumb disgusting shit. He didn't even exist.