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they are children who shit in the kiddie pool so no other kids can have fun

Reclaim Warhammer, don't buy anything that has any diversity in it, if you're contributing make sure to portray the Imperium of Man as the xenophobic space-Fascists they are.

Don't let them turn our fascist dreamworld into a steaming pile of cuck-tier SJW trash.

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Leftist Regressives can't create so they subvert male spaces to change or destroy them.

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We told you. They won't leave ANYTHING alone

Nobody fucking paints black women into their armies hahahahah

I hate that AOS exists, but don't all the Sigmarines wear masks anyway?

I started taking an interest in warhammer just a couple of years ago because it was male orientated and broadly speaking PoC free, now it's being pozzed. Is there anything fun that's white and male left?

Fantasy is dead, who cares

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They're never going to give up until they're stopped, and the only thing that can stop them are the walls of an oven.

>Is there anything fun that's white and male left?
Hunting and fishing.

why does he look like Nicholas Cruz

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lmfao the starfire.

what's that from?

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anything that is coordinated through the internet is infected. only hobbies that are air gapped are safe

We aren't allowed anything white and male oriented. Look what happened to the scouts.

The Picture is from Jow Forums and Starfire is from the new Teen Titans Movies that they are shooting right now.

Check a doodle do.
Most of the classics of literature are worth your time and not pozzed, plus some 20th century sci-fi. Also as other user said hunt and fish.
Personally, I think I'm going to get into ham radio because there can't possibly be blacks in that hobby, plus it will be useful in the coming apocalypse.
I won't be going back to 40k tho.

This so much. Not even Trump is safe.

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>Is there anything that's white and male left?
Suicide, apparently. :(

...I can hardly wait for the time to start shooting the people responsible for forcing things to the current state.

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you mean shooting jews, better to save the bullets and use fire imo.

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Fucking this. It is unironically what happened to an all-men's rowing club we had at the lake I live on. It had been around since the 1940s and was a way for the young teenagers in the community to get together and put on a show for the other people that lived on the lake, all the dads had done it when they were teens and coached. Then just a few years ago some cunts started complaining that it was all-male. Instead of starting a female rowing club, the club owners caved and allowed them in. Of course the races fucking blow now so nobody watches them, most of the teens don't bother participating anymore because they give out participation trophies for everything (it used to be that the winning team would get a really cool trophy and got to be paraded around the lake in a victory lap in this dude's old 1943 Chris Craft runabout, it was awesome).

So yeah, cunts totally ruined it. Within 3 years they had destroyed a local men's club that had taught fraternity, responsibility, work ethic, and the value of exercise to young men for over 70 years. I fucking hate women.

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hobbies keep you complacent and lazy. fuck you hobbies fix the world you dumb nigger

Heh, we could shut down the Federal Reserve, go back to the Gold standard, and watch as they crap themselves.

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Mass shootings

Hobbies literally do the exact opposite of what you just said. What the fuck have you ever done to fix the world besides shitpost on a Tibetan finger painting emporium?

if you kill all the jews (every last man woman and child) you can keep the Fed but without the corruption. no need to go back to the gold standard just kill every last jew.

Ironically the only thing that is left thats fun and white and male is exacting revenge upon a recalcitrant society hell bent on undoing the legacy of your ancestors.. but no one wants to do that.

You're assuming that corruption isn't common to all men, it is.

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You're probably right, i'm in a city so it's hard, I need to work something out. I've become an indoors person to avoid the horror of my neighborhood.
Not a bad alternative tbqhfam

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it really is like a fucking disease. they want to stick their noses into fucking everything. the only thing even remotely safe is japanese works and even those will fall one day.

Fucking Felix and Gotrek is such a good series.

no corruption is a jewish trait, get rid of jews, get rid of corruption.

i mean in a civilized country, not africa lol.

Hobbies related to vehicles. Mostly trains, but not only.
-modeling. I met a few people from train model clubs. All white males. Average age of the clubs were >50.
-saving old rolling stock as a part of small associations

There are so many reasons ops pic doesn't work.
Time to lock up my imperial guard army.

>Seize the means of production

nippineese shit is incredibly degenerate idk what youre talking about they have sex change and pedophilia and everything is gay shit. if its not jewish it may as well be.

enlist in the american military and die for israel. its the only thing the jews depict without niggers as heroes

>sit in your room
>playing with dolls
>or playing video games
>fixing the world

>what have you done
Enough that I am not going to violate my opsec to tell your faggoty ass about it.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

just hunt the most dangerous game

>female sigmarine
>nigger sigmarine
can chaos and the skaven destroy the world again please

what if we make something that is explicitly white and male and promote it on the internet?
as in, from it's inception it is exclusive to only white men?
we could make a game, have it's foundations rooted in exclusivity, and coordinate it from the internet.
The rules:
1) if you aren't a white male, you automatically lose.
2) rules 1 and 2 can never be changed
3+) ???

>Ironically the only thing that is left thats fun and white and male is exacting revenge upon a recalcitrant society hell bent on undoing the legacy of your ancestors.. but no one wants to do that.

I do.
I would love to see our Treasonous politicians hang for their treason. I'd love to see LM, Boeing, Raytheon et al destroyed because of their corruption... and I want to see the invaders driven out, or if they will not go, destroyed.

I unironically tried to run for US Senator this year because I wanted to get in there and help Drain the Swamp but (a) nobody was willing to actually help me, and (b) the county screwed me out of having ANY valid nominating petitions.

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what is rowing?
also, all of that reminds me of what's happening to the boy scouts

I take it back, I'm gonna make a new imperial guard army, but it's gonna be death korps of krieg re-painted as German WW1 troops.

or iron resolve
>why don't you let girls in your club?
>because their girls and this is a boys club.
>but, that's not fair!
>life's not fair. start your own club and make your own rules.


Remar, como en barquitas y esas cosas

>enlist in the american military and die for israel. its the only thing the jews depict without niggers as heroes
You forgot this pic.

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>age of smegma
>stronk black version of totally-not-a-space-marine
where's the issue here?

trash begets trash

In warhammer 40k the space marines are all homogeneous in their chapters.
The blacks have their own chapter hilariously called the salamanders. Vulkan was the only dark skinned primarch

And it's not nigger either. It's jet black skin with Caucasian features.


it may be degenerate but it's degenerate in its own way

it's generally free of SJW garbage. you'll never see them trying to force a nigger woman as a character in something for the sake of inclusiveness or whatever. yeah there's the trap shit but that's less about transgender garbage and more because Japan has a fetish for making everything as cute as possible, even boys

>man recommends silence for tactical reasons
>woman makes the most noise possible

"Here's why that's a good thing"


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Boat-racing. minus engines or sails.
If you manage to tether a group of fresh-water dolphins to your boat, I guess you can use them

Why would you post a reddit screencap of a repost of a classic Jow Forums post? Go back to the site you got it from and stay there, you don't belong here

For sure but they were created so people could have a black army just like the sisters of battle were created to appease faggots who want to be girls. Hilariously they are smaller and weaker than space marines and are fanatics who have fucked up the imperium with their religious craziness


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>Tfw they are fighting the smurfs, and they have the entire unit locked in with long range railgun fire now

red-pill me on Boeing. I live literally in like the backyard of one of their factories. we make fun of it for being super shady but I don't know why those jokes exist

Yeah but them sisters repentance though

I don't mind the salamanders. They make sense in context.
I have no fucking idea what was in ops pic.

Imperial guard is still objectively the best if you know how to play them. They can defeat anything as long as you use armored vehicles, artillery, and support units with them.

>even in fictional fiction niggers can only be portrayed as loud and disrespectful

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>age of shitmar

It's all about money, people saw how much women liked the big bang theory and thought they could get women into nerdy things. The one positive to this is it's taking away the escapism and forcing men to take action.

Looking back, I think that's the point I stopped watching Dr Who

I stopped at the time lord triumphant. Glad I did.

It's already been going on for years and I saw it even before I got "redpilled". All the previously unwritten about legions keep turning out to be chinks and space natives and nigs. Just wait there will be a taco legion and no I don't mean the tyrannids.

Dph is something I will never do again.

Jesus. How do you think the fandom will take it?

Superheroes were subversive right from the start, though. They've just entered the next phase. If there was ever a genre aimed at keeping its audience infantile, it was superheroes.

>Redditflag Redditposter posting a stolen Jow Forums meme
>responded to by a Reddit 'this!' poster

Goddamn it you faggots spread like AIDS.

Poorly. But they will called racist, dead and told they don't matter.

Cheers m8

Don't worry, Serious Sam 4 will save this years E3. A strong, handsome, WHITE, MALE hero in a serious video game will show everyone what a true protagonist should be like.

absolutely heretical

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It better. 3 wasn't as good as 1 and 2.
Also the new doom was tight enough that I actually played it.

I don't get it, is this official in any way?

Lord of the Rings. Aside from Eowyn's one cringe line, it's all white males saving the world. PoC exist in the universe but are practically non-existent in the story.

If you read the novels, The Silmarillion is even better since it focuses on elves. Elves, of course, representing the pinnacle of huwhiteness. It's even more white-oriented when you consider that elves are from germanic mythology, which later spread to scandinavia and the british isles. They're a wholly white construct.

>People getting mad because they think GW is bowing to SJW, when instead it's pretty clear they are trying to get a new customer base
Evola and Marx were both right in that Capitalism is literally a cancer

>fuck you hobbies fix the world you dumb nigger
That would just make fixing the world your hobby, dumbfuck.

Christ, the state of the Britain. Jesus was semetic. No-one ever denied this. Thing is, semetic isn't the same as fucking black, now is it? But I guess this is part of declaring all whites perpetrators while lumping everyone non-white in the same category of victimhood.

And can we all just stop for a moment and appreciate the irony of a top level, state funded media production decrying the fucking media for being racist?

I like how happy she is to Wade into battle.
Even space Marines don't like to fight some of the shit thats in that universe.
>Walks into fucking necrons or genestealers

ah yes, my favorite character trope
a strong, independent, sassy black woman
might I say, it's a breath of fresh air in the industry

Everything about this comic is the opposite of what Warhammer is about.

>purposeless universe
Praising God and living up to his ideals is all the purpose a man needs.
Fuck these atheist communists

pls no

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IMO samuel motherfucker jackson played his role good, the kingpin being a nigger? Pathetic!

... then your club gets shut down, and likely all members evicted from the campus, or public spaceyou meet in, as Social Jewstice and an internet campaign of hate starts targeting the administrators and owners with an online mob until they break and destroy you. They've done it many, many times. They will not stop simply because you say 'no' politely.

Only women and niggers are allowed to have clubs for them alone. Not you, white boi.

it's on a site that's got the GW trademark plastered all over it so I imagine so


scroll down about 75% of the way and you'll find the comic

I had an unbeatable Inquisition army for low point games.

A minimum sized infrantry squad of inquisitorial storm troopers with 1 plasma rifle and dropship capability.

Minimum squad size maximum number of squads, a sisters of battle winged jump jet infantry. And a heavy weapon filled HQ.

HQ would start the battle way back with the jump jet Calvary. When each infantry squad was up for drop, they would dop on top of any high value units. Essentially being an 80 point Lance strike, where a miss turned into a volley of hellgun and plasma rifle fire.

Against swarm armies the squares would be far enough apart to keep punping fire into the enemy as each of my squards does in close combat, while the Calvary jumped around picking of choice targets the drop ships didn't kill.

In armies with a large tank or two I had multiple attempts to crush them with a drop pod.

It was glorious.


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No wait, it's totally cannon. We are just watching a bunch of fresh recruits about to experience the horrors of the 41st millennium.
All those pocs just haven't see combat yet.
Almost all of them are about to die.