>natural psychedelics inspired religion
>banned everywhere
Why is it that the last thing that religion wants is for believers to have actual religious experiences?
>natural psychedelics inspired religion
>banned everywhere
Why is it that the last thing that religion wants is for believers to have actual religious experiences?
Other urls found in this thread:
religion = means to bind
that should help clear things up for you
pic related
on a side-note, psychedelic mushroom season is in full swing in Tasmania, the recent floods may have damaged some growing fields but areas left above water have some prime produce. I would not recommend any specific place because I don't want you fucks stealin all me goodies.
Victoria too.
Look up Santo-Daime.
A mix of Christianity and use of Ayahuasca.
They even have a church in the USA now.
You mean pastures where cows graze?
My last trip south I found at least 1kg of shrooms.
theres a positive connetatiuon to it which is that you are bound to God.
Instead of being bound from forward progress you are bound to the destination, which is Gods grace through manifested behavior
Don't be a cunt and tap the caps to make sure they regrow and only pick the big ones. There used to be entire fields of shrooms an hour from my home but fucking retarded beaners ruined the area by digging them from the ground.
>natural psychedelics inspired religion
Do your research, it's true.
The mushroom is the fruiting body, by taking the entire mushroom, even without tapping the cap, you do not hurt the mycelium which is the actual organism that produces said magic fruit.
If the fruit is open, the spores have been released
If you exclusively pick the psilocybin shrooms by digging them out you will see a decrease in population next season. No doubt there's still mycelium underneath the ground but it won't necessarily grow a fruiting body since the myclium with the genetic quality to actually develop gets incorrectly harvested.
Only a fucking idiot would dig up a mushroom, you just pluck it from the ground.
I have been growing medicinal mushrooms for years on my property, I pluck them from the ground, never have had a decrease in production once the mycelium has taken. If you dig up around a patch of mushrooms you kill your hardiest mycelium.
faggots have no clue
The natives of the Amazon basin have been using ayahuasca ritualistically for more than 15,000 years.
The business model of religious organizations is to always stay between your self and the Self you desire to access. Priests, rabbis, shamans, gurus of all types... they can be helpful, but be wary of the ones that want to keep stringing you along. Learn what you can, but be like the Buddha and move past them once they teach you all they have.
Because once you realize you have the potential to connect with "god" on your own, the business model of the church crumbles
try 300 thousand years... and the knowledge of electricity cultivation is billions of years old and 400k years old on earth
I did ayahuasca with these maniacs in Brasil. Kind of ruined the experience with their constantly bringing up jesus. Now, I like jesus as much as the next guy. But not while I'm vomiting and diarrheaing listening to plants talk
sure but (((scientifically accepted))) I mean.
That aspect also turned me off but at least it opened my eyes to the possibilities.
Now I do it with a group of natives that only use music and nature as a conduit to the experience, much better
getting high isn't a religious experience
Then you've clearly not ever extensively researched or experienced a DMT breakthrough experience.
>you've clearly not ever extensively researched
I have. I was looking for answers for an actual spiritual experience.
And what I read made me doubt them as legitimate spiritual experiences.
It's just a drug.
What state mermão? How do I find them?
>what is mycelium
I don't have to do shit, they dug them up so they could grow them closer to their own homes. you could have done the same.
being nice only enables tourism, which hurts my hermit kingdom.
Anyone who says that shit is a retard
Theres over 5 different vines and a bunch of different leaves.. in Brazil you get harsher shit
>natural psychedelics inspired religion
They are pretty much around the Amazon basin, small groups of natives.
I found them through a Brazilbro here on pol, you can contact aiabra at protonmail. They can give you more info or put you into contact with English speaking members of these groups. They are very nice people, they spread knowledge of ayahuasca as a traditional medicine
I have had an ayahuasca brew made up of 20+ plants...crazy shit indeed.
king tuts weed stash in the crypt
look up ritualistic use of ayahuasca by the peoples of the amazon basin. 15,000+ years of use in a religious context
Lol at all the psychedlic brainlets in this thread wew lad
There's more connotations to it than binding.
Having a family binds you, too. Retard.
there are many paths in life, to each his own.
Am I right, Xir land of the free?
Because they hate themselves for beleiving such stupid stories.
gonna start a religion based on dreaming also?
fucking drug addicts fuck off
This spic is correct, amazing.
I completely agree with you. Brahman is like an ocean and Atman is like a wave on that ocean - the wave is inseparable from the ocean. We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.
What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power. (end of part 1)
That's not what bondage is. Retard. Jew. Dyke. Faggot.
(start of part 2) We are all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL save the white race from extinction and prevent the end of Western Civilisation. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. I am another you and you are another me. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger. (end)
Of course a Mexican knows about drug manufacturing.
There are plenty of addictive molecules out there, but entheogens are very self-regulating. I've never heard of someone who became reliant on a substituted tryptamine.
You made a great post and I'm going to do a disservice by just replying to one little tidbit: Religion really is the McDonald's of spirituality. I mean, they are like little franchises that set up locally, but get their menu, so to speak, from the central sources of dogma. I grew up with a Catholic mother (Dad was agnostic best I could tell), and went to Catholic mass. I always though it was funny that we would be hearing the same reading as every other RC church any given week, because that was what was on the menu that week.
Neither is religion, retard tranny faggot cocksucker dipshit.
>You made a great post
Thanks for the kind words, other me.
>and I'm going to do a disservice by just replying to one little tidbit:
No, it's fine.
You are bound to an enslavement ideology, a binding of one's spirit to an obfuscation of the truth, but your cognitive dissonance will kick in if I told you it.
you're too stupid to post here, go back to whatever game you came from and stay there
What do you use as food? Agar or wood resin? I want to grow them in my yard but the climate just isn't adecuate.
This coming from a mudslime in the junkiest country in jewrope.
Isn't it obvious? They seek to control knowledge, and if you control knowledge of God itself, then you can perhaps control any form of knowledge.
those are boletes, a euro mushroom that I got to grow in an equatorial region.
Wood chips and leaf litter.
Started from spore prints that I moved into a wood medium then transplanted in the ground