Why isn't minimum wage livable?

Why isn't minimum wage livable?

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Because not all jobs are worth minimum wage.

>signle wage eaner should be able to support a family
Gee, I wonder how we got to the state of society where this seems outlandish.
It's almost like the number of people in workforce doubled for some weird reason.

And just to add to that, it also reduces the amount of available jobs. Nobody is going to hire someone to do a small job, such as sweeping or cleaning bathrooms, when they are forced to pay them as much as they pay their sales staff or the like.

Instead, they don't hire a kid for part time work, one less job, and force their sales staff to do it, making their jobs more work/ more stressful.

You have to be pretty entitled to think that your time spent as a cashier at a Walmart should be enough to raise a family and buy a house.

Well certainly there has to be a "wait" limit of some sort. Owning a home is a fucking huge responsibility that a smaller portion of people don't realize. These are the people who will most likely never own a home in the first place. Its a catch 22, really.

It depends. I'm in college and I can afford rent, food, car insurance and phone bills on min wage. But I dont live in new York or San Francisco so.

Because not all minimum wage earners are of age or solely responsible for their own support.

the claim that minimum wage so every single person could own their own home and support a whole family is a lie.

minimum wage was introduced to keep immigrant workers and their corporate overlords from undercutting the native work force.

Fine, raise minimum wage but get rid of UC, welfare, WIC, and all other supplemental income.

Because the skill of flexing your arm to flip a burger is not marketable. Even niggers can do that. The average wage is $22+.per hour for a reason.

You could always go into a trade, I went from washing cars for minimum wage and wanting to off myself to putting in water softeners. Made enough to get my pilots licence and buy a plane.

How the fuck can you work at a fast food place your whole life

has nothing to do immigration that’s for sure

who would complain about it? they're not alive

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it's supposed to be, but don't expect to have your own apartment in a nice area though

Because there is a lot of unskilled unemployed workers. That's why unqualified workers have to sell their work for dirt cheap.

No one 'deserves' a home or a family.

Minimum wage is livable if you include all the free gibs people get like tax credits, food, health care, and housing. It's funny how cucks who preach it ain't livable always leave that part out.

The workforce would double again if women stayed home and had twice as many kids.

Or keep minimum wage the same so we don't have price inflation but build a lot more section 8 housing and have more programs. We have to manipulate the economy just right or prices go up.

Because labor isn't valued at how hard you feel the work is (marxist theory of labor) it is valued at what the end result is (reality). If I am only producing $10 worth of goods per hour, you cannot pay me $15 an hour.
Additionally, your boss is not responsible for your life choices. If you are living off of a KFC salary with s kids, your boss shouldn't raise your wage you should stop having kids
>But we can't live off of min wage
The average time spent at a min wage job is 6 months, after which most people find a better job or get a raise.
Expenses and luxuries have risen a lot as well, the fact is you do not NEED internet, most people just want it. Same with a lot of lifestyle choices. You choose to not have more room mates or move to a more affordable area. Notice the "Muh $15 an hour" people are all city folks living in major cities like seattle, NYC, SF or Austin. The fact is you can live on $7.50 an hour and support 2 people in rural mississippi. It is when it is a family of 4 that things become an issue.
Wait to have kids (if possible), finish high school, live inexpensively.

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>No one 'deserves' a home or a family.

That's the crux of their argument too. They believe that needs=rights. This is why in 2011, sociologists removed sex from Maslow's hierarchy of needs. They didn't want people believing they had a right to sex.

it would be neutral since the girl babies stay home

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It is very livable. I supported my BF and myself in a small apartment making 8$ an hour.

Its not hard, just don't be wasteful and learn to budget. Learn to thrift, and eat off brand and home cooked food.

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minimum wage jobs are not breadwinner jobs, they're jobs for youth who live at home.

>jewish propaganda
>based entirely on a lie
Wait, wait, wait... when has that ever happened before in all of recorded history?

>get born as a woman
>live stupid because you never got an education since your only use is to get children

>You have to be pretty entitled to think that your time spent as a cashier at a Walmart should be enough to raise a family and buy a house.
unironically, what should you have to do to be able to start a family and manage a home?

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Why is it okay to force companies at gunpoint to pay a minimum wage when a job may be worth much less than that?

You're not meant to make a living on minimum wage. Minimum wage jobs have a huge turnover rate and are more just proving grounds to show you are dependable enough to show up when scheduled. You're supposed to move up from there and eventually make enough to live on (aka move out and live on your own and start a family).

min wage shouldn't exist
negotiating your salary is your problem and your problem alone

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This. Not to mention that free (or very affordable) positions in higher-education or training for a trade are practically thrown at you if you're "disadvantaged".

While it is absolutely correct that any profession should in theory allow one to live a somewhat decent life, minimum wage is the 50 IQ solution to this.
Its like saying that everyone is paid 1 Million bucks, because that would make us all millionaires, which would solve our problems. In most cases it does not take anything into account from an economical standpoint, the increase in taxes, the increase in prices, the loss of jobs, the removal of the first 8,5 steps of the job ladder, the fact that people who made slightly more than what is now the minimum wage are completely fucked and much much more.
There are so many problems with this concept, but criticizing it somehow means that I don't think everyone deserves to live decently, when in reality its an abhorrently flawed concept, the typical liberal easy solution for a complex problem, as to be expected from people who bitch about a "Wage gap" when their calculation for said gap doesn't even take the number of males and females in the work force into account.

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Confusing "Entry Level Jobs" with "living wages"

Entry level jobs are historically held by teens and semi-retirees. These jobs are remedial, short order cooks, McDonalds, Clerks, News paper delivery, coffee shops.. etc..

Enter the globalists, who sell out America for international conglomerates, who buy up all the little stores/businesses. Then they buy the pols on both left/right to change laws and sell off public property.

Then NAFTA, 70,000 factories leave America for slave labor and no regulations in Mexico and China. America exports misery and pollution to other nations.

Now we are back to McDonalds and Wendy's and Wallmart jobs as all that is left. You can't raise a family on a Wendy's job WAKE UP

So the dems then change the script and say raise the min wage. So then the international conglomerates who own these businesses invest in robots faster..

The dems then move to "universal pay". Just give people a welfare check that the nation can't afford.

Democrats systematically are workign to remove your guns, take your jobs and give you a welfare check. Then you will be poor and stripped of all power. The last step is replace you with illgal aliens who will vote for anyone that lets them in.

Conservatives never win another election and democrat mainstream Wizard of Oz rules the day as the people make maps of where human shit is and used needles.

Welcome to USA, where every state is like California and Democrats politicians have $100M, live in a mansion with walls and armed guards.. screaming about diversity and the "NAZI" fighting against their progress.

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The basis of it being for a single person to sustain a family was when it was the norm for a single person to do that while the other stayed home and cared for the home.
Now the norm is both people are in the work force.

It is livable if you live in a shithole and have 0 girl friends vices or hobbies

What's the better solution? national projects? Restoring the currency? Autobahn vroom vroom?

>live stupid
you mean like how modern (((educated))) women are unable to cook, mend clothing, etc.?

>a fulltime job, any job should be able to allow you to own a home and a support a family
>earning more than that and affording a better lifestyle is completely unacceptable and you should contribute 99% of your income to give to people so they can earn minimum wage

Everyone is equal, extremely poor, but equal.
Every commie or socialist (or anything even slightly left of center) should unironically kill themselves immediately.

>a bloo bloo cashiers deserve houses!

No one deserves anything you fucking faggot

This all goes back to what everyone said in the 80s. If we ship all the living wage white working class jobs to China and Indonesia to take advantage of their slave labor, what happens to all the stupid people in America that can't learn a skill or get a degree?

We now have that answer. They are all bitter, aggrieved Trump supporters who want to burn it all down.

Great job. Not.

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There are so many traps that keep you poor it's insane once you realize it. Literally track everything you spend for a week and you can easily spot where you can save money. Realize you're spending premium on convenience for something that you could easily prepare far cheaper at home for just a few more minutes of work.

NOBODY DESERVES ANYTHING. We are all a bunch of bags of meat on a floating rock in fucking space. Let that sink in. You don't deserve a house, a family, or anything. Jesus fucking Christ, if you are over the age of 25 and work in a minimum wage job you should just fucking shoot yourself, you are quite literally a waste of space. They complain also when a company shuts down and put people out of work, if the job is outdated and not in demand anymore then why complain?! Seriously, what do you want to do, force companies to keep on workers that aren't needed by society anymore?

It never was. Those jobs are for entry-level people. You can live just fine if you get a room mate and don't try to live like an entitled, pretentious trust-fund baby.

>You have to be pretty entitled to think that your time spent as a cashier at a Walmart should be enough to raise a family and buy a house.
That's a bad example, Wmart is $11 an hour now.

>Why isn't minimum wage livable?
everyone making minimum wage is alive. try again

whats the alternative?
those jobs are not coming back in this race to the bottom globalized world.
even if they could, they would be automated before as that is the prudent capital investment.
there does not seem to be much options to reverse the dwindling value of labor.

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hey genius, did you know people pay money to work? Going to school is work, yet it costs 10-100k a year. think about that.

Never forget the first and most important tenet of Communism, comrade:

I exist, therefore I deserve.

It's important to always remember that your meres existence entitles you to things such as a house, infinite food, healthcare, education, and much, much more. Any time you aren't getting any of these things handed to your for free, your NATURAL, human RIGHTS are being violated.

there was a time you could literally walk in and go to work immediately and got paid at the end of the day. not anymore. now there is a huge parasite called HR between you and the owner and they create artificial scarcity with their shenanigans. I will never be an employee again as long as i live i work for myself now when and where i want and simply do without elstwise, i don't need half the shit everyone claims you need a phone is not a god damn need. ammo and whiskey are needs.

By this mentality, then theft and murder is perfectly acceptable despite the society imposed moral issues.

>We need law and order in society!!!1

Conservitards keep eating that shit that crapitalism feeds them.

>I exist, therefore I deserve.
it's actually more subtle

it's the toddler's code: you have it therefore I want it.

If everybody is equally miserable the commie is satisfied

It hasn't kept up with increasing costs of living.

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>Why isn't minimum wage livable?
Because if it was then it would be easier to determine who works and who doesn’t. Things like Medicaid, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing, and Cash Assistance (TANF) would be stigmatized. Those programs in turn would lose widespread support and the industries that they prop up (Medical Industrial Complex, etc) would be very damaged in their current form if not fundamentally changed.

>t. Boomer

>minimum wage should be as high as single wager who is able supporting a home with family and kids
Well, then like 80% of people need "minimum wage", because the standard is that both people in the relationship have to work in order to survive.

The first minimum wage laws were written during the depression because black workers were undercutting white workers. It was intended to punish employers for hiring blacks, not to provide a decent standard of living.

minimum wage was introduced to keep black people from getting jobs since they weren't worth the minimum wage at the time...

because the heads of these businesses want to keep all the money. their budgets for employee wages are tight. if they were to raise the wages of their employees a little then the poor CEO would only make 50million a year and get 30million in bonuses. employees just need to work harder and pull themselves up by their bootstraps to make the ceo more money.

joking aside, i think this is a serious problem a lack of concern for their neighbors and no loyalty to their land. willing to fuck over their neighbors so they can bring home an ungodly sum of money which they will hide in a tax shelter and pay basically nothing for. while they lobby politics to tax the livingshit out of the middle class and remove safety nets to make up for the taxes the rich are avoiding. it gives a lot of communists and socialists Ammo for their arguments and might gain strength when the solutions are painfully simple.

tl:dr: rich people dont know any better, their ignorance produces degenerate systems, which in turn produces degenerate people which bring everything down, then the rich blame the people with no money and no power for the problems they caused and had the power to prevent.

What we've done up to this point is give the people that had those jobs low-wage retail jobs with government assistance.

But even that is going away as Amazon shuts down brick and mortar stores.

It will all just keep getting worse. Until the mob comes to burn it all down.

But don't worry. That won't happen tomorrow. Or the next day. Or even the next decade.

But it WILL happen.

Because there's no such thing as minimum wage.
Only wage cartelism exists.

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History repeats, it will for sure happen

Immigration inflates the supply of the labor pool, meaning the value of labor goes down as the demand did not change.

Because we added women to the workforce thus keeping wages due to the increase in workforce.

Wtf? Wait.... so by this logic.
when all the people with college educations can't find a job in an oversaturated job market utilizing the education they are now in debt over
Only to become socialists making minumum wage then get massively butt hurt for losing to trump and then go on to cry scream and have a complete meltdown hysterically wanting to burn it all down just to feel morally justified?

I get paid more then sales staff and I clean washrooms. I get paid 21,50 an hour and I'm due for a raise to 22.75

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Develop skills that produce profit for your employer

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not to mention the cost of living for everyone increases as the demand for everything we need to live (most notably housing) increases as more and more people flood into the country and (obviously) need somewhere to live

It's a two-pronged attack, but of course it's laid at the feet of FUCKING CAPITALISM

Yeah, those are easy but necessary tasks, now imagine your live only revolving around stuff that requires a sub 85 IQ. If I was born a woman and the only thing I had going in my life was tending to the household I rather kill myself, what an empty existence. Zero prestige.

instead of a minimum wage, how about we just get rid of gibs

>The Black Thirty Hour Work Week Bill

>72d Congress, 2d Session: S.5267, passed 53-30 by US Senate April 6, 1933
>the fall of 1932, the American Federation of Labor (AFL)] drafted a bill that limited hours per week to 30.
>Moreover, most labor leaders opposed minimum-wage provisions, reasoning that a minimum wage could easily become a maximum wage.

minimum wage btfo in the 30s

Minimum wage is meant for teenagers and the mentally handicapped. If you're an adult and you're making minimum wage, you've failed at life and should kill yourself.

Why stop at minimum wage guarantee for a home and supporting a family? Why not make the minimum wage high enough for everyone to be rich? Then there wouls be no poor people and everybody would be happy and wonderful

>Pic somewhat unrelated
Overpopulation and gigantic public debt as a result of duplicitous banking practices.


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Minimum wage is excuse for inflation, to drive the price of stocks. It has never been a tool for equality.

Which is made all the more difficult every time the minimum wage is raised. Fewer and fewer positions pay you in training. As this problem exacerbates the only entry level job opportunities with training and on-resume experience will be offered by Unions and colleges, which are becoming more corrupt by the day.
The individual has less freedom to negotiate benefits like training where they can invest in their own future.

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It's also a Unions vs. Scabs fight. Companies used to have options and leeway in staffing. They could either pay premiums for a few
trained and experience personnel or pay dramatically less for a larger supply of inexperienced hands, profiting through training.
Unions, naturally, hate the prospect of entry-level jobs. The more available those jobs are, the less powerful the union will be. They want to control the supply of skilled labor, and minimum wage laws are the most effective tool at their disposal to take control of the job market.

>what an empty existence
this is funny, because this is how career women feel after they realize that they've neglected to raise a family, arguably one of the most important jobs any human can possibly have

The key for a full experience is both.
>arguably one of the most important jobs any human can possibly have
Nope, everybody can do it, there is no educational requirement.

>everybody can do it
top zozzle

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There's this thing called the social contract.
If that breaks down, people will just take whatever they want and live like animals. We're fast approaching that point. Neo-feudalism I guess, wee.

>everybody can do it
single moms, who literally raise society's problems from birth, would disagree

>social contract
is this The Source of All Gibs??

>is this The Source of All Gibs??
no; that would be the white american taxpayer

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Oi mate nice blog post.
If the feds didn't print our dollar into oblivion, minimum wage would actually be worth something. Why does everyone assume more money is the answer? Why not lower the cost of living vs raising wages. It's a scam anyway they go up hand in hand with COL always growing a little bit more.

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Why is it even a thing?
You don't get "hired" you sell your labor to the highest bidder.

No. It's the concept by which you follow the laws, pay your dues, in exchange for the privilege of not living like a slave. The scales are getting pretty lopsided if you ask me.

>was that a single wage earner should be able to own a home

Not everyone should own a home. This line of thinking led to the government encouraging banks to give loans to risky borrowers, causing the housing bubble to burst.

My dad a boomer walked out of school at 17 and into fulltime employment without qualifications. He was able to start a family and get married at age 19. He then bought his first house at 24 years old after saving for a couple of years. Can people do that today? No fucking way.

I don't think minimum wage was ever at a level for one person to live comfortably. Most jobs paying this today never paid enough to support an entire family.

One major problem is the fed gov manipulates the real inflation rate. So, incomes haven't risen to keep up with the rising costs of everything else. The prices in certain areas like electronics have stayed the same or even dropped. Other areas that are far more important to the average person (e.g. housing, food, education, medical care, etc) have greatly outstripped income rises.

Another major problem is the abusive tax rates on the wealthy was eliminated under Reagan. When that was in place, the top-tier folks were nowhere near as greedy as now. They basically want slave labor and to own everything.

The third major problem, which was fueled by the second one, was all the outsourcing to cheap-labor foreigners and mass immigration. A man working a regular job (electrician, plumber, teacher, office worker, mechanic, engineer, etc.) earned enough in his one income only to afford a middle class lifestyle for a large family without gov assistance. That broke down with the fake inflation numbers and over supply of labor.

The rock gets paid 10 million big macs to stand in front of a green screen and punch things, then he buys a house big enough to house 10000 people, but somebody servicing society who wants 2 big macs an hour instead of 1 big mac an hour so they have a few hundred dollars saved to make life somewhat worth living and maybe *GASP* try to escape poverty is destroying the economy because you are a monster and that's how math works in your world.

Good one. Pretty sure this ended with us killing a bunch of slave owning faggots last time too. Apparently we missed a few.

Society - a bunch of people working together

Narcissist - "Hey look, a society, I'm gonna go in there, fuck everything up, and nobody is ever going to do anything about this."

Society - "Wow, you ruined society you greedy narcissistc parasite. You serve no fucking purpose. We are going to fix this problem. We are going to make life fair again.

Narcissist - "Omg by not purposely ruining society for your own selfish gain you just didn't try as hard as me. You are weak. Societies job is to help the weak but I am your leader now and I say that we just destroy everybody! That way society is destroyed and goes nowhere! Consent to this you dumb fucks!"

Ok so let me guess this straight, you are the best, everyone weaker than you deserves to die, and that is why everybody should let you be the leader, because you are going to give them an awful world where they die. That makes so much sense wow how didn't I think this up before Chumpstein?

Permanently mark every person who exploits living things for their retarded goals and cut them off. Never forgive anyone for fucking you over. The scam ends the moment you aren't enabling retards. Poverty has nothing to do with laziness, the world is a greedy shithole and because of that GASP the same fucking problems happen over and over again. Kill yourselves prep school faggots.

All the poorfags of the past used to just slowly die in a revolving holocaust that never ends. That is where all of those people went.

Now the poorest don't really die or anything. They can get by one way or another. Things won't be this easy for much longer, as it's clear humanity gets soft when we remove the poorfag slaying.

>The rock gets paid 10 million big macs to stand in front of a green screen and punch things, then he buys a house big enough to house 10000 people, but somebody servicing society who wants 2 big macs an hour instead of 1 big mac an hour so they have a few hundred dollars saved to make life somewhat worth living and maybe *GASP* try to escape poverty is destroying the economy because you are a monster and that's how math works in your world.
the rock wouldn't get paid 10 million if his presence in the movie wasn't worth more than 10 million. the niggers aren't worth 2 an hour because they don't produce enough value.

try listening to this, since you seem to not have even the slightest understanding of economics

Because it's a minimum wage not a livable wage.

Why not? Is everyone supposed to become doctors or engineers to live?

Your bf is a deadbeat loser fyi

Doctors and engineers require a lot of training. Actually being able to start off in a company while still being profitable to hire (aka starting at minimum wage) would allow someone to break into the industry rather than require a college degree with years of internship (starting with debt).

no but not everyone has a right to move into the big cities either, just fuck off to a cheaper part