>Tasks Create memes & spread memes on social media Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion Get fit & stay well hydrated Spread flyers and stickers in your city
reminder: this is about a good v. evil foundation myth, virtue signalling galore you effortlessly obtain a percieved position of superiority, take the side of the good, by strawmanning and projecting a great evil into place basic d&c shit
>Sie alle kämpfen gegen die offene Gesellschaft. Eine Deutschlandkarte >Die AfD sitzt als größte Oppositionsfraktion im Bundestag, in Dresden und Cottbus gehen Tausende gegen Zuwanderung auf die Straße (...) Literally fake news! Open societiy yes but not by abandoning our national values and traditions. "gegen Zuwanderung" is also a fucking joke. "Zuwanderung" is different than this mass-invasion.
Also get rid of your memeflags, anons. You don't need it here.
blease elaborate! I'm great connoisseur of wurst and I would like to get the best of any wurst!
Brody Garcia
none of your business. why would that matter anyway. if you stopped infant sperging for a minute, you might well have noticed that this channel has 700k subs and up to 300k views. this is an order of magnitude greater then the usual channes covering this, besides the vid is well done. stop being a bloody beginner
Jacob Walker
Ehrenmann for being neutral on this on to be honest.
First of all you need to be 18 or older to post here. KuchenTV aims for kids and teens. It might help the greater cause but we don't need it here right now. But while I write this, I notice that I exagerated a bit. Tho I'm allergic to memeflags...
William Lee
what if he's allergic to namefags?
Josiah Gonzalez
Brody Perry
The difference is that I have nothing to hide, I even wrote several times I'm from Frankfurt. You on the other hand behave like an antifant covering up your face.
Gavin Allen
>antifant wtf is that? >covering up your face no, I'm not. principles, that's all. me flag is right there, but not showing right when geoflag is chosen. btw, just teasing ya, no offence intended!
are ya suggesting I'm a fucking antifa lowlife???? gas yourself kike!
Ethan Harris
You're only covering your flag.
Luis Smith
never wathced, never will! degenerate as fuck, rigged, politico shit as well, balkan circle jerk included. all in all - complete shit and waste of time. EVEN when my country's bitch is more successful than usual shit that comes out of our "national selection"
Dominic Thompson
>KuchenTV aims for kids and teens. irrelevant video is well done, hopefully still trending in germ yt and contains some dynamite. it is all that matters, orders of magnitude. i have no idea who you mean with we and you don't either. it is strictly not about your ego, tripfag. > Tho I'm allergic to memeflags... stop falling for shariablues d&c shit from one year ago
Ayden Reed
no. I do not subscribe to the flag that my country is currently flying as the main national flag. the flag that I posted is official Lithuanian flag, it is however relegated to "historical" flag status only. you know nothing Hesseanon!
I am not smart, i may be clever, but i know my way around these kinds of subjects and i am also not a Hesse.
Gabriel Scott
so and a german antifa faggot couldn't possibly post under a german flag?! JUST besides, look at last thread, 50 posts by some boomer fetishist under german flag. that really went well, didn't it?
Evan Price
>irrelevant It's not, image related shows his audience. Their attention span is even shorter than the average antifaggot. Not that helpful if you ask me.
Anyway, you can enjoy the chamber until you reveal.
>171362218 oh Lord!... not him again... OK, I'll go to bed to sleep my wine off... it was a mistake to come to kraut/pol/ again
Gavin Ward
Are you dumb? Someone like KuchenTV might seem like super low and light in the way he is, but has a following in younger people. Even if he isn't outing him as a right winger, if he hurts the left by unveiling their lies, it is great work.
>*kicks some lefty down a ravine* uhm... I thought it was some turd... not even noticed. now I have to srcrape it off
Jace Long
Good to hear you are making progress, what's it gonna be this time? Week was ok, some progress in the lab, visiting parents just now and been to the sauna. Lunch soon so should maybe take a shower ... oh and cheers! ;)
thanks, Kamerad! Ye Gods, I could use some fine Alpine view with my wine drunkness! (real life, not pic) but, I'm destined to live it off as a flatlander :D raised my first fachwerk this week. ground work done, so work should proceed faster next week. garden to tend too though so it sucks not to have all time devoted to things that irks me most. glad to hear that those cells a growing! fuck shower! let that musk smell spread! :D
If I do that my mother might chase me through the garden with a kitchen knife ;)
Btw know that, you are fascinated with something but then have to do everyday stuff. Annoying. Btw if you ever have the chance to visit Austria I would recommend Wolfgangsee area ... off to limch now, see ya guys
you still to see muh face... I don't want to disturb your sleep, so I'll refrain
Joshua Nguyen
> raised my first fachwerk this week
Nice. The closest I've ever come is Schlitz und Zapfen with the occasional Kopfband/Fussband for furniture. I may have to mess with Fachwerk at some stage (currently looking into buying a barn which is Fachwerk behind the scenes). As far as I can tell it's sound though (one Kopfband is lose, but even I can pound that peg back in there).
Carson Watson
It's a desperate try to construct a connection of Identitarian and New Right metapolitical movements -- who are in grassroots support of AfD, just like us -- to AfD in order to press BfV to "observe" AfD and thus taint the party for the mainstream. Current issue of Junge Freiheit casts a spotlight on these movements as well, but in a much more objective way.
Isaiah Stewart
>"You still to see muh face." Have you been drinking Floor Wax again?
I honestly believe that it is the other way around but ((they)) have to keep it low key. Picturing SPD below AfD would be a disaster for them.
Levi Wilson
3x Finanzier :/
Charles Garcia
you go, man! always do something new, as our Leutnant used to say - Immer weiter! Immer weiter! floor wax is for pussies like you. I drink only liquefied depleted uranium go marry someone!
Good news, Krautfaces. I just found a man to wed and to give children. It took a couple of serious months to find one just from online, and I hope and pray you all find a spouse very soon and quickly.
I would send you links to our media calling it bs, but you dont speak german. If you want to jack off to something like that then goahead be a nigger somewhere else
Kayden Torres
Topshelf kek?
Nathaniel Cook
> you go, man! always do something new, as our Leutnant used to say - Immer weiter! Immer weiter!
I shall do that. I'm pondering replacing the Fachwerk by brick though, since the barn is brick on 3 sides anyway, with just the front being Fachwerk + wooden slats.
Need to work out how to pull that off while keeping the Dachstuhl on there, though (I don't really want to rebuild the barn completely, just make it less draughty...).
> floor wax is for pussies like you. I drink only liquefied depleted uranium
In the spirit of "Immer weiter!" you need to graduate to U235.
Jacob Johnson
>I would send you links to our media calling it bs, but you dont speak german.
You are taking it at face value. Abortion is murder, for example, and every year it is not counted as "crimes against humanity" on the crime stats. Therefore, crime is at an all time high, more than it's ever been.
Logan Wood
Rapes (StraftatengegendiesexuelleSelbstbestimmung) went up by quite a bit though, which seems concerning as especially rapes by non-germans went up, from 8,698 to 11,439
>despite fears raised by the influx of more than a million asylum seekers. The fear of an increase in rapes was confirmed though, this is just lying by omission.
Carefully ignoring official reports from our government admitting that Terrorism and Car crashes arent in the Report Really makes you think
Elijah Powell
sounds like quite a project there! replacing an entire wall... uff - makes my skin crawl. I know from experience that renovating old stuff is way way more difficult than just building new stuff >graduate to U235. lül wilco
Caleb Cox
Not just sexual assault is counted, but all crime.