Why does this guy never get any love from the fascist idiots in this board opposed to Hitler?
Why does this guy never get any love from the fascist idiots in this board opposed to Hitler?
Other urls found in this thread:
because Italians aren't white
Mussolini was less of a populist, more of a real politician.
Because he was kind of a meathead. Watch a documentary on him or something.
Germans are subhumans.
He literally considered himself an artis politician and the populous his clay, he was the probably the least "political" political figure of the century.
because he was controlled opposition by the anglos
Because meme-word for socialist on Jow Forums is Fascist (-idiots). National-socialist but nevertheless socialist.
Maybe if we place Fascio sign as diversity meme ppl will try to think differently about Fascism. Nowdays there is no anti-nazi, everyone is anti-fa. National socialism is to close to modern socialism so they cannot be agains themselfs. All victories in WW2 are celebrated as victores agains fascism, so ppl forget that main enemy was not fascist state but socialist state.
Same goes for Francisco Franco, no love for him either.
>People is the force of the country
>Government is a necessary evil
>I am the force of the country
>Government above all
Hitler opposed Mussolinis attack on Ethiopia and didn't have many agreements with him
Oh I know about him and I fucking despise him because he tried to appropriate the Church into his quite frankly satanic political cult, but I just wonder why the father of fascism always get ignored while his retarded aryan cousin gets all the credit? The universality of "fuck the jews" is all I can think of.
You've never entered a /fsg/ thread, have you mutt?
Mussolini was intellectual God compare to fucking Hitler.
>be shitler
>know italy needs until 1943 to prepare for the war
>start anyway
>complain when they fail as a result
Germs were so butthurt they even sank italy's flagship since they're sore losers.
>le stupid greek invasion
Actually factual.
he was an FBI honeypot
Spain, Italy, Germany
Hitler could have had a fascist European alliance if he hadn't started a war with the whole world.
This, Hitler realised he couldn't sustain Germany as an autarky and was forced into a war before other nations could rearm and might actually put up a fight. Fucker signed the Pact of Steel months before he planned to invade Poland despite saying to Italy that he did not intend to begin a war for a few years.
Everything germans did was focused around the idea of blitzkrieging their way across europe and ruining the continent as quickly as possible.
>it's Hitler's fault the Italians were pathetic and not prepared for war against literal niggers
there is nobody fascist on this board, just a bunch of degenerates who call themselves things they have no idea about because it gets them attention.
t. incel
wtf is wrong with meatheads anyway
Italians named and discovered your country, amerifilth.
>sperg out and blitz your way across an unsuspecting Europe
>get mad when your allies weren't prepared
>declare war on two countries with the greatest resources on Earth
>winter causes a campaign to last more than a year
kraut.exe has stopped working
>have to fight a defensive war
It was the Jews
Interesting statement not at all related to what I said, care to address my actual post memeflag pussy?
Italians are not pathetic fighters. The ones that fought under german generals in north africa did as good as any wehrmact soldier, and even Rommel admitted this.
If you weren't so historically illiterate you'd know that.
pls tyrone, tell me more about your militar "competence"
The biggest blunder hitler made wasn't starting a war with russia. That was his best shot at taking them out, and everyone knows it.
His beggest blunder was declaring war on the US when the only thing the US population cared about was fucking up japan. Sure, FDR and his cronies hated Germany, so did the banks, but it would have been an impossible sell for congress to declare war on Germany first.
People keep thinking it was a war between fascism and the world. It was a three way war between a loose alliance of republican countries owned by banks, fascism, and communists.
>fighting countries that declared war against you specifically over global financial interest and with the intent to suppress your potential power
Germans btfo!
Ethiopia took time to conquer
Because we love Evola over here
Because his incompetence cost the Axis the war
You say that like cuckmany ever had a chance to begin with.
It was the final nail in the coffin when they decided to fight america.
>Mussolini was a meathead
>Hitler wasn't
Being italian makes it biologically impossible to not be a chad.
best italian
Now look at this B A S E D mix-raced man!
Because he was an idiot and a complete failure.
Hitler was intellegent and we'll planned. Mussolini was a brute and a low iq politician larping as a populist.
the one thing that musso was good at was only being a good politician.
True, it was only a matter of time since America entered the war
But if Italy was even half as competent as Germany they would have been to handle Greece alone without pulling away German troops and delaying Barbarossa
I am Italian, I'm not calling individual Italian soldiers pathetic. But the leadership was pathetic and comparing Mussolini to Hitler is a complete joke.
>I am Italian
hitler chose italy as an ally,musso didn't like hitler.
hitler knew that we were shit
You have to go back
his acting was too over the top
But it costed a lot of prestige to decline the call to arms from Japan
fuck off
America is named after an italian you anglo kike.
i like this gif
kys nordshit.
I'll make sure to upgrade your otherwise hopeless gene pool with superior med seed.
btw both hitler and musso were controlled opposition so it doesn't matter at all
G*rmans btfo
Wow, I was proven wrong. Even though America was colonized and developed by Britain, France, and Spain and populated with English, Irish, and Germans it is rightfully Shitalian because of the namesake! So pretty much you named the landmass after a Shitalian who was able to figure out it wasn't India even though Shitaly did nothing to develop or populate it.
Because Meds aren't white.
Meds aren't people
He was certain France and UK would back down since the Molotov-Ribbentropp pact.
He was Italian
I agree on that.
Being Italian truly is a horrific disablity
t.constipated virgin
Don't be too harsh on them, they can be useful sometimes.
Where are his eyebrows?
Are you retarded? This is how Italians communicate.
is this you?
Oh look another idiot that doesn't know what fascism is.
The it**oid fear this
Should I play HOI 4, kraut-user?
yikes, what the fuck made you so mad?
some Scandinavian stole your girl or what?
Mussolini was generally a failure compared to Hitler.
>what are neo-nazi's
lol kys
Mussolini betrayed Hitler during WW2
Italy betrayed Germany twice (WW1, WW2)
>snowniggers think women are attracted to them
>literally we wuz romans
No, but I got the image from that post. Show flag.
Didn't Italy switch sides after they jailed and killed Mussolini?
We were.
Fucking barbarian.
mate, I'm asking a legit question and you keep on acting autistic as fuck?
What made you so mad?
>We were
Then why the fuck did Mussolini have to invent a new political ideology/cult just to convince the Italians of that fact?
>germanic calling anyone else autistic
No-one reply until shows flag
The very ideology that Jow Forumsluters corrupt and shame with their "gas the kikes" shit was invented by italians.
No you lolbertarian brainlet.The Italian king betrayed Mussolini
Show flag. Aren't you proud of your country? Don't you want us to see your beautiful banner? Last reply from me unless you show flag.
>it's the same
the dumbest post I've seen in at least a week. Good job Croatia.
ok but can you answer the question now?
I mean obviously, why do you think antifa is targeting them so heavily?
I don't waste my effort on 60 IQ race-mixed mutts. You retards mistake italy's flag for the mexican one anyway and think italians look the way they do today because arabs occupied a small part of southern italy.
You retards are incredibly easy to run rings around even without another rhetorical device.
Than let me see it then. Let me mistake your flag for Mexico, go ahead, bub.