Do this if you want to win

If you don't do it you don't deserve to exist, neither the white race. Those that don't want to fight don't deserve to live.

>Optional mission: fool the system into ban bread and circuses, aka video games and sports teams. Both hinder men from engaging in reality and meaningful group identity. We can gain the favor from the plebs giving back their fun after we won.

>Main mission 1, can be done individually: if you want to have a kid ensure that is a male. A skewed sex ratio is favorable to us. We don't need more white women, who are to be and want to be conquered, they are born cultural marxists, and they go around racemixing and having causal sex without having white babies, instead, we need more men, who are conquerors and right wing. Convince as many people as you can to have only boys no girls.

Main mission 2, psy-op during the race war:
>Don't kill any non-white civilians or LGBT
>Don't execute non-white combatants or LGBT
>Keep them well feed and comfy in camps until they're deported after the war
>Make white traitors(communists, antifa, cucks, etc) see these things while they're being executed, so they lose their motivation to fight since they are solely motivated by their emotions to protect non-whites
>White traitors will stop fighting and dying for socialism when Capitalism is so comfy, hell they won't even fight for their lives or protect themselves, they don't even care about their real kids, they're just into brown privilege.
>We won, deport non-whites and apply eugenics to prevent more people with traitor/cuck psychological traits from being born.

Attached: whatdoyouwant.png (267x189, 8K)


This would trouble the system. A skewed sex ratio would make men angrier

>and that is a bad thing

What men need more than anything else is to reawaken their warrior spirit. Modern "men" are borderline neutered

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Will Jow Forums dare to follow this guideline?

And don't waste time trying to win over the elites, even if they agree wholeheartedly with our message they are too cowardly to associate themselves with anything remotely non-pc (because gods forbid they loosing some face while the world burns around them)

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>Jow Forums isn't being retarded in this thread

final fuckingly, no more jews or lefties or outright retards going "KILL DA BLACKS WHITE PEOPLE FOREVER" something that'll actually work

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I doubt it, for all our talk of race war and day of the rope most guys here are as useless as the basedboys they mock

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You can be a nationalist but not a warrior
Man the elites are openly against us. We have to replace them with our elites
Yes, I hope more people get in a see this

>Try to start a white preservation movement
>Only responses are from spics


Retards are here again

This is why we can't have nice things

Hi Ms. Haspel! How's Langley this time of the year?

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You can, but you won't achieve a damn thing

>Jow Forums let this die so they can talk about a pornstar rapping and fall for weak baits on veganism, photoshoped black eyes, time travel and female supremacy

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Last bump

I felt for some of these kek

I'm pretty sure antifa will stop fighting once their brown pets are safe

Jow Forums isn't the future of the white race, is clear after this

A sex skewed ratio would bring many virgins like that. Non-whites fucking white sluts and angry whites all over. Only can end well

Going to copy this and post more times. You should do the same. Until every poltard is aware

>video games and sports teams. Both hinder men from engaging in reality and meaningful group identity
Fucking this. Spr*tcucks are pathetic, spending their money into raising the attractiveness of males other than themselves.

He just thinks he's smart and funny

Yes, this deserves a second opportunity