California user here. We need some serious help, Jow Forums. If Gavin Newsom becomes our new governor, our state will get worse than it already is. Some of us don’t have the ability to move to another state.
California user here. We need some serious help, Jow Forums. If Gavin Newsom becomes our new governor...
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why can't you move to another state? are you an illegal protected by Cali?
No. I am a US citizen. I don’t have enough money to move. Plus all my family is here... they’re getting old and need my help, I have to stay and take care of them.
If you want to help, work with your university CCR chapter, step one is getting Travis Allen to #2 in the primary
I’m definitely voting for him. What else could I do? What’s a CCR chapter?
California College Republicans. Currently Jow Forums incarnate with sex appeal, constitutionalists. Hella diverse, to the point that a March for our Lives event was derailed by the fact that a strong womyn egyptian copt immigrant was shitting on the protestors.
Gavin stood up to the NRA. While I may not agree with some of his policies, I respect that he has enough INTEGRITY to not be bought by lobbies.
How can you trust Gavin with the governership if you can’t trust him with your beet friend’s wife?
Not to worry. California will be under water after the Hilina Slump falls off of Hawaii in a week
shut the fuck up
newsom has exactly what it takes
most politicians are fucking pussies who dont actually do shit but expect others to deal with conditions they themselves cannot handle. typical criminal mentality of the rich
newsom is one of those few people who can handle their fucking addiction and have at least been through some torment.
if anything, people like him should be manditory
sure he is an ultra liberal faggot, but who cares.. you want a fucking old mexican gangbanger running for gov?
Don Jr. is getting Gavin Newsom's sloppy seconds
oops wrong pic
Found the shills
Go away Shareblue. No one wants you Soros-lackeys here.
Just going to leave this here...
fuck off Cambridge Analytica. Your shilling is so obvious
You too, I can smell your Soros money from here
u retards cut taxes for Soros u dumb shit
Muh Donald Trump!
The state of democrats.
Lol unlike you no one pays me to post here. I just want my state to stop being overrun by homelessness and crime. Democrats have absolutely ruined my state.
>fifth largest economy in the world
and you call me a shill?
Savage. Travis Allen definitely has my vote. I feel like he has a better shot than Cox. But if Cox gets the nomination I’ll definitely vote for him. I’m just terrified of Gavin Newsom winning. Things are bad enough under Moonbeam... if Gavin wins we’re completely screwed.
5th largest economy, but yet it’s so expensive to live there that people are leaving the state or becoming homeless.
selling overpriced homes to eachother, back and forth, in addition to Hollywood, and massive agricultural subsidies, make up quite a bit of “muh economy”.
you also have the highest poverty, most homelessness, worst education, and the lowest purchasing power in the country.
Have you been here lately? Regular people like me can’t afford to buy a house or have any savings or assets to pass on to our children. Crime is so bad that I can’t take my kid out alone because people get mugged all the time out here. In one city alone rape went up 42% in the last YEAR. We have more homelessness than any other state. The democrat oligarchs may be seeing some of that money but everyone else most certainly isn’t...
This. In any other state we’d make enough to buy a house but here we’re stuck renting because there’s no way to save enough for a down payment.
I did a write in for Pablo Escobar on my ballot. I doubt that fool will get elected.
That was so baller, I loved that he went there.
SoCal user here (Irvine). It's not as bad as you make it out to be. There already is a brushfire revolt against sanctuary state law happening down here.
please, be more retarded.
>Gavin Newsom is alleged to be a bisexual predator that went after Saint Ignatius (the Catholic high school he went to) swim team (both boys and girls)
>Allegedly his ex-wife Kimberly Garfoyle (now at Fox News) caught him in bed with boys and immediately went for an annulment of her marriage and moved to New York to get away from him.
>Gavin Newsom fucked his best friends wife (he was also his campaign manager). Think about that. This is someone you grew up with, went to grammar school and high school and college with. This was like a brother. You FUCKED his wife and got her a job.
>There is a ton of other things about him allegedly fucking peoples daughters and liking twinks.
If he will do that with people he knows what will he do with those he doesn't have close ties to?
Travis isn’t going to win. Also I’m not sure you’d want him to anyways; he’s kind of a windbag and not that smart.
>Source: I know him personally.
The good news is that even if Newsom gets the governorship, he’ll likely to nowhere in terms of national politics. He’s not close enough to center to get traction as a presidential candidate.
Fun times in California. Flying up to the capital building tomorrow morning to visit with some of these assholes.
t. lobbyist.
>fuck your best friend's wife
>your best friend gets a job out of it
sounds like either his wife is a prostitute or his friend is a cuck. actually, it's both.
Does Cox have a chance?
Wtf Im voting for Gavin now
Bs travis will make to top 2 and then win shit larp
>5th largest economy meme
>Not a shill
Forgot your meme flag
>some of us don’t have the ability to move to another state
I wish all of you couldn’t. You made you bed, now lie in it
California is dead. Too many yellow mexicans and yellow niggers.
Have babies white men to save the white race.
Fuck you.
Fuck all you faggots moving to other states anyway. Goddamn cowards retreating instead of fighting. You have some of the best land on earth and you pussies are too pusillanimous to get off your mestizo asses.
If you are trapped there, just get ready for the cali apocalipse, then libshits are all going to die from disease, hunger and violence when the monetary crisis hits.
Come on you can't analize gdp only.
Gdp per capita would be a better indicator and even that is flawed due to differences in cost of living + inequality.
>Muh GDPfags seriously think the proles share in the wealth
lmao, autistic screeching like this is why the left is conquering
>the left is conquering
That's news to me. More like these rats are fleeing their paradise and aren't willing to say that their flawed ideals are why the state is such a shitshow. We can only hope they're just concealing their newly elevated power level and won't vote like they did back in California.