Based Donald

Based Donald

Attached: coincidence1.png (984x482, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That is quite the opposite of based
Helping the jews and being a goyim isn't based

Oh, shut up, you bad goy.

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Nah, the jews don't deserve a shit. They should get their own island somewhere off in the pacific so they can't communicate with the rest of the world

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goy i...

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He wanted to thank us for the massive support during elections this way.

>island jews
they would die off in a generation, parasites need a host.

>Polish-Americans is the same as Poles in Poland

Really tired of this fat orange kike.

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Trump is the best goy. What's new?

Imagine being a one issue voter? Seriously the guy is far from perfect but he was the lesser of all evils.

Trump is a kike puppet like every other president

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why are amerikeks so oblivious to this?
If Trump were an actual threat to the them he would've died long ago.

I stand with Poland against the Americans and their grabbing hands.

Then move to Russia or China or Syria, faggot.

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US and Israel already strongarmed Poland into shelving that law about 'polish death camps'

>Savior of Israel.

I think it's useful for Europe. Drumpf is pissing off all of Europe with his kike shit, the only danger was enflaming the Poles against Germany using Eternal Nazi memes. Now he is pissing them off, too. Thanks (((Drumpf)))

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/sg/ and /ptg/ need to be removed from Jow Forums, only then will it be good once more.

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Now call him Hitler, you leftist faggot.

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Move to Israel or Saudi Arabia then

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I always do the opposite of what the US wants me to do.

kike tool

Why would Trump serve Israel if he told he would Make America Great Again?
Trust The Plan™

Praise Kek Magapedes

Yea this sure isnt gonna backfire on jews

Take polish land while poles rage abuot in a sea of pissed off slavics and a slav government that will look the other way

They are the smart race how?

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>Drumpf does the will of the Neo-Trotzkist NeoCons
>y-y-you're the leftist

I wish he was hitler, but hes just a jew puppet

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Please don't go get fucked by a couple niggers and not get aids.

>but he is just a jewish puppet
so was hitler


dmowski predicted the future
Roman hated Jews and Germans because they owned a lot of things in Poland
He was afraid that with time, Jews will demand more and more from the Polish State

looks like he was right after all

this. I don't even care about him anymore. The fact is that kikes rule the US


Trump is a genius. He also turned Jews and their restitution demands towards Poles (semi-Jews), so now two nations of parasites are biting each other instead of destroying aryans of the USA and Europe.

Being an American myself, I don't think I have the right context to understand this. Does our country signing a law involving two foreign countries actually do anything? We're talking about a sovereign nation's property rights getting handed to a third sovereign nation. Is there any way to enforce this? What, if Poland tells everyone to fuck off (and they should), is the US gonna go to fucking war with them? Are we gonna sanction a member of the EU? I know that if China tried to do this to us, we'd laugh in their faces, but I realize that America is special when it comes to its position as a world superpower.

>Being an American myself, I don't think I have the right context to understand this.

Watch 8 minutes of lecture:

Appreciate the link. I've been hearing rumblings of how Germany's been trying to exploit Poland through Jow Forums, but I'll be watching this for the whole story. But my question was, are Poles actually shitting their pants over America signing a law, or is this just more bullshit virtue signaling that can't be enforced and won't change anything?

>are Poles actually shitting their pants over America signing a law, or is this just more bullshit virtue signaling that can't be enforced and won't change anything?
not many are aware of what's going on right now

most of us have a very naive view of USA
many still think that American dream is alive and well

> are Poles actually shitting their pants over America signing a law


> or is this just more bullshit virtue signaling that can't be enforced and won't change anything?

This law obliges Congress to make annual report about restitution of property, but there is nothing in this law about sanctions and stuff. It is smth like: "Poland must be good to Jews, so the USA could be good to Poland".

Our vice-PM was few days ago in the USA and he heard from the US administration, representatives of US Congress and prominent Jewish organisations like AJC that if Poland breaks teeth of our anti-defamation law and makes a property restitution to Jews, the USA will increase number of soldiers from brigade to division and builds here permanent military bases (because so far American presence here is rotational).

You can google-translate:

>Anything for my jewish masters ;))))


Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-12 16.43.28.png (742x539, 404K)

Thanks. The media here never talks about Poland unless it's to remind us how (((intolerant))) you all are to those poor refugees, so if it weren't for Jow Forums I'd have no idea what was going on there.

>bow down to the Jews or we'll occupy your country
Holy shit America really is the Great Satan

No. It goes like this: "bow down to the jews and we will occupy you as a reward so you wouldn't be occupied by other players".

you know what
fuck it

Can we ask Russia to let us be a part of them
Because I am so fucking tired of this sheit
I am tired of both jews and Americans
I am tired of Germany, I am tired of EU

Seems more like it's an offering of increased defense spending on poland in exchange for jew gibs.
Remember that most of Europe is so cucked by their decadent socialist fairyland that they unironically need us to protect them.

Could you possible be any more of a normie piece of shit? Seriously most overrated piece of garbage right up there with warhammer shit.

That's an ancient ass meme like from Bush's second term.

Media in Poland usually never talks about America unless it is something related to Poland/Poles/Polish-Americans.

For example lately we had some news about Katyn statue in Jersey City.

"First i was like":


... "and then i was like":


.... that's because we launched hard pressure campaign towards him, launched 3 lawsuits against him and organized public protests to protect the statue, so he gave up.

By the way:

Fulop (Fülöp) was born to a Jewish family in Edison, New Jersey, the son of immigrants from Romania. (...)

(...) Upon graduating from college, Fulop joined Goldman Sachs (...)

(...) After his service in Iraq, Fulop returned to Goldman Sachs. (...)

(...) Fulop has been a strong supporter of LGBT rights, officiating at a historic midnight wedding ceremony the night it was officially legalized in New Jersey. Jersey City, which has one of the largest LGBT populations in the state, has received a perfect score of 100 from the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index during every year of Fulop’s administration, up from 83 in 2012 and better than anywhere else in New Jersey. In September 2015 Jersey City became the first city in the state to expand healthcare coverage to transgender municipal employees. (...)

Didn't Poland roll out the red carpet to make Trump happy? Guess you shouldn't have let him in your nation and sucked his dick only for him to back stab you.

I am well aware, doesn't make it any less fucking retarded.

good lord
that lass is a real treasure
she btfo'd that lying kike

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>Didn't Poland roll out the red carpet to make Trump happy? Guess you shouldn't have let him in your nation and sucked his dick only for him to back stab you.

As if Hillary would be any better...

Slavs won't do shit lol

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slavs are slaves

>bow down to the Jews or we leave you even more open to Putin's ambitions

Only subhuman poles believe this. Shouldn't have murdered danzig inhabitants you faggots

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>implying that's a bad thing

Fuck Germans. They were even worse than Jews. The truth is that there is no "good" and "bad" in geopolitics. The only rule is who is stronger and who is a winner. Poland was always weak, that's why it was getting fucked. The same happens today. Everything is a fault of our politicians who for some reason never even tried to make Poland really independent by developing nukes f.e. We must obey to survive. Sad but true.

>Shouldn't have murdered danzig inhabitants you faggots
>Somebody actually believes this

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why can't people ever leave poland alone? it's like a curse

>it's like a curse

It happens for centuries and always with the same nations around: Germans, Russians and Jews. This configuration is probably eternal.

my statement still stands. If you didn't want to get invaded by Germany, maybe don't murder civilians in German clay

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Steadfast Polish brethren!
Just keep doing what you're doing... inspiring large swaths of men all over the western world.

Anyone who doesn't report to link provided is a closet kike Zionist!

You know meaning of such term as "false flag"? Countries that really want war create provocations to blame for alleged aggression countries that they want to attack. You had a typical example of false flag a day or two ago when Israelis launched 20 missiles against themselves to blame Iran for it.

Not an argument meme flagging subhuman

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Provide evidence that
>Muh Danzig genocide
Protip: You can't

Please see
>meme flagging subhuman
Better a meme flag than a Sven

54D chess

eh would you kindly just stop responding to him?
pretty please?

why are you wasting your time
it is so tiresome, you can see through him

Well you guys are used with sucking kosher dick so most likely you will keep doing it now also.

I'm wasting my time because I have too much of it, and need to burn it off somehow.

I don’t regret voting for him but the surge of philosemitism has to be stopped. We need to start killing jews. If you see a jew, kill him. Just fucking kill random jews. Carve up a jewish community like the fogel family. Attend a synagogue and “have a blast”. If you haven’t killed a jew today, you have wasted that day.

In all serious though supposedly there aren’t very many jews on the planet. It wouldn’t be difficult to kill them all. A viable jewish extermination plan is all that is required followed by carrying it out. They can shout never again all they want, it never happened to begin with. But let’s make it happen. Death to all jews and death to those who defend jews

>This configuration is probably eternal.
beksinski truly expresses the polish predicament

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Trump is a chump.

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Last time Russians, Jews and Germans were killing each other like wild animal. It was a beautiful thing for humanity, unfortunately most of this massacre was happening on our territory which resulted in massive human and material destructions of our nation.

I wish these three nations were killing each other far away from Poland. It would be great. But is it even possible?

Lovecraft is pretty fucking based you retard. Just because cthulu is over used by normalfags doesn't mean lovecraft isn't good shit. He got a lot of flak for his racist beliefs and had a black cat that he named nigger.

Sweden? Wtf...


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Everyone in this thread is a shill, awoo!

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Ask yourselves...why is DJT kissing jewish ass so much?

Jews are known to blackmail people to keep them in check.
What do the Jews have on DJT that the world doesn't know about?

The TRUMP FAMILY are obviously pedos/rapists/creeps who will suck Jewish ass to keep their secrets from being exposed like every other presidential family (BUSHS, CLINTONS, OBAMAS, REAGANS, etc.) who are all known to be kiddle fiddlers.

Trump is the goodest of goy. This shit is all over Israel. Pic related.

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>kikes vs kites

Based drumpf

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>meme text
I swear to god, you tards have no self-awareness

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>an ally can turn

jesus they even inlcuded the Golan Heights (Syrian territory) and Palestinian territories in their map on that poster. with a big "we love you trump hurrr"
They are brown nosing the shit outa trump to help secure greater Israel. And DJT is brown nosing them back to maintain his power.
Fucking sickening.

Are they summoning Satan?

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Trump and his family have a large history of pedophilia. He was even friends with Epstein at one point. He’s not Hillary levels of fucked up, but he has likely fucked underage children.

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Does America own Poland now?
