Would you kill your child if God told you to? You'd probably burn in hell if you didn't

Would you kill your child if God told you to? You'd probably burn in hell if you didn't.

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>cia decides to test it's microwave speaker on you
>all of a sudden an almighty voice is speaking directly into your head
>tonight at 9, man murders his son, says god told him to do it

care to show me a similar event anywhere?


Well that's pretty simple, guess I'd be in hell then, not really sure I'm not headed to hell in the first place but semantics.

I absolutely would.

If you don't have any faith that's your problem.

Doesn't that happen only to schizphrenic people, like Abraham?

They have a saying in Israel: If you talk to God, that's find. If God talks back, then you have a problem.

I don't believe God would ever ask me something like that.


No. I would have to conclude that whoever was speaking to me was not God. I'm sure he would not hold it against me.


Hello user this is God, kill your child, post pic of the corpse

That voice is actually satan. God doesn't tell you to go against his commandments.

People forget how rampant human sacrifice was back then. Almost everybody did it and God was trying to make a point to Abraham that human sacrifice was, in fact, a bad thing even if the intent behind it was good.

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So ungrateful to their God, wtf.


What if your kid is a little shit who's always hurting other people on purpose, almost as if he gets off on it? And this entity demonstrated some miraculous act that you were not the only one to bear witness to?

>5th commandment
>"You shall not kill"

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>Would you kill your child if God told you to?
no. God wouldn't ask me to kill my child so any entity that did would only be pretending to be God.

If god told me to do anything i'd go get mental help

>not Him

that's just modern leftist bs that says if you can hear God you're hallucinating. But through history we know many people heard God and it was real.

I wish God would ask me to kill myself.

After that He gave his own son to be sacrificed to show how He love all of us.

Thats where i split with the bible. Im still a christian but im not sacrificing my kid.

that person is an uneducated swine.

the whole abraham parable needs to be seen in context:
this tale was formed during a time when human sacrifice was still a thing.
when god finally decided that Abraham shouldn't kill his son, it was a proclamation that human sacrifices are not needed by God.

Christians went one step further:
Jesus Passion ended all kind of sacrifices for humans. He died for our sins.

I am an Atheist, I never believed in god, but it's important to try understanding religion.

and people like in OP's pic are dangerous, because they're not using their brains.

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>literally next chapter gives death penalty to witches
>unironically reading kjv
because "it's you shall not murder" i.e. don't kill unlawfully; it's obviously ok if ordained by god

yea it was totally real like everyone knows that

totally real

its not a sin if god tells you to do it

>That's right goy, kill your kid because (((God))) says so

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Why would god ever command you to kill when he already commanded you not too?

>A fucking leaf
If god told me to kill a leaf, i would kill thousands

I would proudly refuse and suffer the consequences

Im not christian i give no belief and faith to hebrews and a hebrew deity

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Nice feet Muhammad

Why would that in history be true?

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Came here to post this

>Would you kill your child if God told you to?
No, because God would never tell us to sin.

>You'd probably burn in hell if you didn't.
You're an idiot and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Show balls next. Or your no doubt hairy asshole.

God never intended for Abraham to kill his child. God always intended to stop him.