can a geo fag explain how and when a pyroclastic flow occurs and the odds of it happening with this eruption? or a full on pompeii level happening
Noah Jackson
you think the wave would travel over cali all the way to new york? over the land?
Juan Robinson
Look how worried the USGS geologist is She’s freaked, daily update video coming soon, it will be interesting to compare her body language and see if she is even more freaked
Connor Davis
Not likely at all, barely even possible The type of magma is too runny for a build up of gas to cause an explosive eruption
Logan Morales
First, you’re dumb, no Secondly you have another island to worry about
James Long
Not a geo fag, but I've been reading up on whats being expected out of Kilauea. Sometime tomorrow the lava lake in the main caldera will drop below the islands's water table. After that, the tube will collapse, build pressure, and explode.
Logan Bennett
Just the way this thing is shaped makes me think its going in the water >tsunami pepe abides
You're half right, Hawaii is primarily basaltic magma which has a low viscosity and is not very runny, it's like the consistency of peanut butter. You were correct that this type of magma generally doesn't have much gasses associated with it though. Pyroclastic flow is unlikely
John Gray
I'm just here to confirm the megatsunami with these digits.
We'll know it's really happening if she's fucking her brother in the next video
Nathaniel Thompson
99% chance nothing happens.
Michael Russell
>tfw live in pos maryland >tfw literally everyone is liberal, unless you go to the more rural areas >tfw doesnt matter if every farmer votes red, the state is still blue af thx to nigs and gibmedats
this is why im moving south to one of the areas without nignogs
Not likely to get a pyroclastic flow at Kilauea. Those occur when a column of hot ash "collapses," and the steam eruptions they're talking about will be explosive but not sustained enough to build the kind of towering gas/ash column that collapses into a pyroclastic flow. The other way you get them is a slope blowout, and the structure of the volcano just isn't likely to produce one...too many ways for pressure to escape before enough builds up to blow out the side of the cone.
>checked Yeah these things are opening up across basically a big suburb
Brayden Smith
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Cooper Green
'Cause I'm praying for rain I'm praying for tidal waves I want to see the ground give way I want to watch it all go down Mom, please flush it all away I want to see it go right down I want to watch it go right in Watch you flush it all away
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Henry Lopez
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Brayden Murphy
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Anthony Butler
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Hudson Carter
What do you consider HAPPENING nigger?
The fucking ground in hawaii is splitting apart and fires pouring out. Stick your head back in the sand you colossal faggot
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Samuel Morris
Indonesian lava stream are all flying over my house, heading to Iran. Its happening guys.
Isaiah Rogers
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Nicholas Wright
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Luis James
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
>Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. >Have you ever been right? Yes, we have.
Brody Cooper
youd have to be a legit retarded person to think that was a model of anything outside of a bathtub.
Cameron Miller
Day of the wave.
Dominic Cruz
love this pasta.
Asher Sullivan
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Nathaniel Bailey
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Matthew Davis
Its not like this is some unprecedented thing. A small scale event hit Hilo in 1975. If the entire slump goes, hawaii is FUCKED
I swear to god if I see one more thread full of FUCKING RETARDED AUTISTS Screaming “HURRRR IDS HABBENING” I and going to fucking lose. my. shit.
Every fucking day 24/7 for literally years you faggots say it’s happening. Have you ever been right? No. You’ve been wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Do you enjoy doing activities that make you look retarded? Do you enjoy never being right? What could possibly inspire a person to spend their life misanalyzing LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and screaming that something is going to happen? Why do you enjoy this? How fucking retarded/autistic/sociopathic and generally fucking WEIRD do you have to be??
Literally unironically you’d do the entire species a considerable favor if you offed yourselves. I fucking beg you.
Before i get too comfy tell me pol: is this some Yellowstone supervolcano shit wiping out the planet or am I fine in the heart of Europe?
Luke Foster
You'll be safe.
Hunter Nguyen
More than fine. But if the highly unlikely worst case scenario happens then the fallout politically will be huge. America will have to deal with reconstruction and loss on such a giant scale that we won’t be involved in the world much at that point.
Kevin Baker
Depends. Theres been tremors recorded at Mt. Rainier, Mt. Cleveland, and St. Helens in the last week, along with the big geyser at Yellowstone waking up.
AFAIK theres something happening under the Pacific plate and somethings gonna hit soon, who knows if its gonna be an eruption or a fuck-huge earthquake
Aiden Jones
Merapi is the most active volcano in the world you stupid faggot. It's always erupting.
Ian Cooper
Thanks anons and good luck rebuilding your country