Brit/pol/ /poilbhreat/ /gwleidbryd/ - Celtic Alliance Edition

Prìomh Sgeulachdan/Prif Straeon:

Mosque ùr air fosgladh

Eilean Ulbha air a cheannach dhan choimhearsanchd

Dau wedi eu hanafu mewn damwain awyren

Cwis: Beth yw'r gair am lot o bethau?

Cornwall family distraught after puppy is shot dead in garden

Attached: celtalliance.png (500x283, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread: 1

Boy what the fuck

me on acid

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failte! Stàitean Aonaichte.


Attached: neanderthal.jpg (480x640, 46K)

He was literally as mental as marx in his complete disregard for the practicality of his ideas

Delete celts


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Fucking foreign edition. That's me off.

Attached: Awesome! A True Local.png (578x768, 350K)


Attached: DcmThe2XUAAGtgl.jpg (960x1200, 129K)

Who /eurovision/ here?

Which is better?

Attached: Anders Breivik cell.jpg (700x428, 48K)

>ivory coast flag

Or this?

Attached: unabomber cabin.jpg (1000x1339, 544K)

Just a reminder fellow lads that when the revote happens be sure we tick 'remain'.

does munroe still have her willy?

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good timing


so you admit that he was right?

Attached: LOCAL Galactic Empire.png (1500x1500, 1.23M)

Who here /propertydevelopment/

one has freedom, the other doesn't, so the cabin.

dont you mean,
ciamar a tha thu?
>kee mara ha ooh?
or are you in NI?

everyone is right on paper

Plebvision stream?

Attached: Robert_Walpole_1742_by_Arthur_Pond.jpg (602x767, 80K)

lmao i saw a scots gaelic video like 6 months ago

BBC one lads

oi m8 got a licence for that bikewheel

you should never compromise on your ideals, user.

I do have a jawline actually senpai

Attached: 88F2EA41-6235-4DE0-8F88-9C7189963935.png (640x1136, 1.25M)

oh, you meant,
co as a tha sibh?
>ko as a tha shiv
I'm from Inbhir Nis

pat your licence desu 1

havent got any
not really

co as a tha sibh, fhein?



Really need 10k lads

Attached: 19162778-8837-4C7E-8493-8A9DAC2920A0.jpg (468x340, 43K)

posting /celtic/ content

Attached: boudica-queen-of-britain-first-century-bc.jpg (600x600, 34K)

Attached: celts.jpg (822x1136, 166K)

Attached: celtic gold.jpg (1200x1532, 553K)

The absolute state of these flags. How can they even compete?

Attached: UK1.png (922x512, 20K)

dumb frogposter

Hello cum quaffers and turd touchers, how's it going?

>need 10k
that's very specific

how can we celts have self respect

cucked by vikings, normans, romans, anglo-saxons et al

Boudicca isn't for lewds please

*blocks your sassanach path*

Attached: 16th cen iirish dress.jpg (683x1024, 570K)

how do we free cornwall and wales lads ? i dont want them to suffer the same fate as england

wales is literally more white than england.

pretty good so far
austria have black man sing for them
where do they even find black people in austria?

*blocks your christkike path*

Attached: druidess.jpg (500x726, 104K)

Attached: anthropomorphic sword.jpg (302x721, 48K)

I'm sure they're getting """""enriched""""" too

anyone have any knowledge of the history of the celts they can share?

>which is better, a prison or freedom?

Brainlet virgin.

the dutch have sent a pimp

hello fellow oirishman

Attached: kern.jpg (909x1183, 168K)

I studied their relationship with the Romans in college. So I know a bit about British celts

the real answer is keeping it local

Enough to have decent savings and investment money. I only have 1.5k saved atm.

were they little bitches
or were they sound?

>asking pol
go out and buy some books on the subject. Older the better (except when about race/genetics) and ABSOLUTELY NO YANK AUTHORS.

>i need 10k
>so i can put it savings
don't we all sweetheart

Depends on the tribe. People like Calgacus rebelled against Rome, others were allied with them.

>long arms
why is graham such a bully?

>invented washing with soap
>advanced metallurgy, better than rome's until about 1st c. B.C.
>invented chainmail, romans copied it
>used to live absolutely everywhere in europe, especially the south of germany, which is still largely celtic genetically
>those 'white' northern italians are not germanic rape babies as the memes say, but italicised alpine gauls

....Ok ?

Yea but I’m 20 and I’m saving for a house. I’m going to save £5-£6k per year

Attached: BoudiccaPEPE.png (500x500, 53K)

>One has an PC, shower, comfy bed, 2 chairs, guitar, electricity.

>The other has a stove and a stool

I'm glad you posted this

does anyone with anyone with any knowledge of history give any credence to this mans outrageous claims?

based wilsonposter

Attached: thieving celt.jpg (640x425, 69K)

lads we need to organise some Celtic militias to go and protect English girls

Attached: countryside.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

rob a bank?
sell drugs?
idk something like that

i don't know about the biblical stuff or any of that. the comet story is plausible.

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But both are now in prison. Who do you think is more /comfy/?

Attached: anders_Brevik1.jpg (285x214, 12K)

didnt scottish dawn do this and get banned and arrested?

>Dream team

Evening lads.

>preferring a gilded cage to freedom
shame on you.


That's right

dumb frogposter

>one had that by choice and could visit nature whenever he wanted and did whatever he wanted
>the other is all Brevik will get for the rest of his life because he's a childkiller

Probably Ted since he actually got his manifesto published and Brevik is known for literally nothing other than killing some children.

where is the evidence?

tá gach rud ceart go leor
an dtuigeann tú

So why is Ted also in prison?

Attached: Anders_brevik3.jpg (1536x1069, 276K)

Attached: 5.jpg (865x526, 55K)

build a huge fucking wall

is this eddie's twitter?


what are his claims?
there was some pretty fucky comet activity in the mid 6th century.

cuid, mo charaid. tha mi ag ionnsachadh ''ceart go leor''. Ann an gaidhlig tha e ''ceart gu leor''.
Some, my friend. I understand ''ceart go leor''. In scottish it is ''ceart gu leor''.

Who's killings actually shaped the future in their beliefs? Norway has the strictest immigration policy in Europe

Attached: Anders_brevik2.jpg (1058x1200, 82K)

see ted always wins.

but i don't know the words

>wifi speed slower than mobile data
How does this happen in the current year

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Cancerous american "culture" hits Slovenia

britons were never colonised by the romans
the britons carried the holy grail and buried it in wales
the britons were only colonised by the anglo saxons after a comet hit and destroyed most of the country in the late 6th century
one of his pals owns Charlemagnes sword
the precursor to welsh (coelbren) is found all over the ancient world