>Revolutionary War: Britain BTFO and humiliated.
>War of 1812: Britain BTFO, again...
>Spanish American War: Spain BTFO (in both hemispheres).
>WW1: Germany BTFO (gets butthurt and set themselves up for another major embarresment).
>WW2: Le pure Aryan supermen BTFO. Italians throw down their weapons in fear.
>Cold War: Gommunism BTFO. America offers Europeans billions to rebuild their countries, they come flocking like a group of hungy pups to suck off our generious teats. We even offer aid to the commies for their sacrifices (stubborn starving commies refuse). We set up our own defenses in Europe to deter the Soviets; US thus saves Western Europe from being Russia's bitch.
>Post Cold War: US bitch slaps ethnic cleansers in Serbia, Serbs back down (European NATO members display their incompetence).
>21st Century: Sadam Hussien BTFO (one less faggot to threaten the peace and engage in ethnic cleasing. Many Europeans butthurt and engage in irrelevent screeching). Islamic militants BTFO across the middle east. Edgy dictators world wide fear US global military capabilities.
Why are us mutts so successful? Will Eurofags ever get over their inferiority complex?