Revolutionary War: Britain BTFO and humiliated

>Revolutionary War: Britain BTFO and humiliated.

>War of 1812: Britain BTFO, again...

>Spanish American War: Spain BTFO (in both hemispheres).

>WW1: Germany BTFO (gets butthurt and set themselves up for another major embarresment).

>WW2: Le pure Aryan supermen BTFO. Italians throw down their weapons in fear.

>Cold War: Gommunism BTFO. America offers Europeans billions to rebuild their countries, they come flocking like a group of hungy pups to suck off our generious teats. We even offer aid to the commies for their sacrifices (stubborn starving commies refuse). We set up our own defenses in Europe to deter the Soviets; US thus saves Western Europe from being Russia's bitch.

>Post Cold War: US bitch slaps ethnic cleansers in Serbia, Serbs back down (European NATO members display their incompetence).

>21st Century: Sadam Hussien BTFO (one less faggot to threaten the peace and engage in ethnic cleasing. Many Europeans butthurt and engage in irrelevent screeching). Islamic militants BTFO across the middle east. Edgy dictators world wide fear US global military capabilities.

Why are us mutts so successful? Will Eurofags ever get over their inferiority complex?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>1 post by this ID

Kys shill

>"1 post by this ID"
How new are you?

>be mutt
>be proud of the fact that you created isis
>sell weapons to terrorists
>help muzzie terrorists in Kosovo/Albania
>create degeneracy and destroy white race
Hehee we bettter than yall n shit

Attached: we white.jpg (1332x638, 158K)

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>what were the Paris peace accords
We saved south Vietnam’s ass and then democrats in congress cut our arms deal with them, allowing north Vietnam to stomp across the border and end it. We didn’t lose anything, a few asshats in the government threw away everything that we did win in that war.


>>Britain BTFO
>the queen still owns Canada
burger education

You just shared a whole bunch of garbage propaganda history. Not sure if this is supposed to be bait

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>a few asshats in the government threw away everything that we did win in that war
Who are these "you"
Last time i checked wars were fought between countries. And morale and fighting spirit is as important for victory as well-supplied and trained army.
You did not have necessary morale and lost.

>the best he can do is another ameriumutt meme


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Great argument, you really showed me

Last time I checked wars were measured by objectives accomplished, and as of the Paris accords, the US had achieved the objective of securing south Vietnam. That’s not a defeat. The war was lost after we’d already won, or at the least brought it to a draw.
Also, I think our soldiers did pretty ok on the field, considering the KD ratio

please never make a shitty uninformed post like this ever again, it's embarassing

>war of 1812
Well considering a handful of British soldiers held you off (a large amount of them were in Europe fighting Napoleon) and you were the agressor that got kicked out successfuly from the two colonies tou tried invading you kind of got your ass kicked

>sadam Hussein
Yeah so great that he was replaced by terrorists

It's not bate. Please explain what is garbage propaganda.

the kikel does what pleases him, why do you argue, fucking cattle?
>pick bus, picked
leuchter report, irving zundel cole - search words for your amusement

Vietnam meme basically boils down to the US BTFO out of the North Vietnamese then walking away from the fight right before it could cast the final blow.

If this is the best 'insult' the world could throw at American supremacy speaks volume of how sublime American history as actually been.

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Oh yeah and also stopping the Serbs from getting rid of Muslims in Europe once and for all sure turned out to be a good thing in the long run

Seriously burgers almost deserved 9/11 for being such muzzle loving retards. Even George bush was talking about muh religion of peace

>>Revolutionary War: Britain BTFO and humiliated.

jews didnt want to pay transatlantic taxes to the crown who set them up here so they agitated the plebs to riot over luxury goods with money from french jews who wanted to weaken england's grip on the americas.

>>War of 1812: Britain BTFO, again...

greedy french jews encouraged america to attack british canada in a FAILED attempt at annexation which turned out as nothing more than a distraction during the european napoleanic wars

>>Spanish American War: Spain BTFO (in both hemispheres).

greedy jews encouraged america to destabilize cuba to steal it from spain but we failed again, leaving poor cuba to fall to communist scumbaggery.

>>WW1: Germany BTFO (gets butthurt and set themselves up for another major embarresment).

british and french jews begged american jews to trick america into fighting their losing war against germany for them, resulting in the effiminization and gayification of all europe due to the mass deaths of millions of european males in jewish banker wars.

>>WW2: Le pure Aryan supermen BTFO. Italians throw down their weapons in fear.

jews jewed the germans too hard after ww1 leaving the germans with the only, inevitable, option to defend themselves from jewery. european jews tricked america into fighting their war for them again. this time, culminating in a zionist occupied world government.

>That black
>That expression

Kek is it just me or is it the literal physical embodiment of

If Britain and France hadnt fought Russia in the Crimean war then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Nations fight for their interests, and that’s that.

The USA was BTFO in the War of 1812. We were simultaneously fighting Napoleon and yet we found time to set your capital on fire. At least we only lose wars to the British settlers which we trained and not to illiterate rice farmers.

>Gets an entire continent handed on a silver platter while europe fights over the tiniest of scraps
Money wins wars.
Oh, and also
>War of 1812: Britain BTFO
This is your brain on american education.

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>>Cold War: Gommunism BTFO. America offers Europeans billions to rebuild their countries, they come flocking like a group of hungy pups to suck off our generious teats. We even offer aid to the commies for their sacrifices (stubborn starving commies refuse). We set up our own defenses in Europe to deter the Soviets; US thus saves Western Europe from being Russia's bitch.

vulture capitalistic kleptocratic european jews got angry at disgusting communist kleptocratic russian jews stealing their eastern european slave labor states. in response, jews create a 'world bank' and give out usurious loans to dumb goyim nations to siphon all the world's wealth. russian commie jews became mega butthurt.

>>Post Cold War: US bitch slaps ethnic cleansers in Serbia, Serbs back down (European NATO members display their incompetence).

beginning of the endless middle eastern banker wars for oil

st Century: Sadam Hussien BTFO (one less faggot to threaten the peace and engage in ethnic cleasing. Many Europeans butthurt and engage in irrelevent screeching). Islamic militants BTFO across the middle east. Edgy dictators world wide fear US global military capabilities.

jews tricked americans into destabilizing the middle east further to initiate the greater israel plan.

every single one of those wars (and all wars) were fought out of greed, not righteousness.

u r a dumbfuck/troll to think otherwise.

Well yeah that was stupid too fighting for a bunch of filthy Turks against their fellow whites

But how was it in America's interests to stop the Serbians from getting rid of the muzzle rats? Helll it would have made America's job easier

You are brainwashed beyond believe. Main stream media is a huge part of mind control. US doesn’t help any country without making it it’s own bitch. Read the book “Confession of economic hit man” if you can read. You probably too lazy any way.

>America offers Europeans billions to rebuild their countries
america just gave money that was supposed to be repaid, nothing was free, how do you think usa got so wealthy? all boomers used it up pretty fastn tho, so enjoy the husk of whats left

You’re acting like us subjucating other countries isn’t a good thing or is somehow evil.
We’re an empire, it’s what we do. America should do whatever it needs to do for its own interests, to hell with what Canadians or Europeans think

War of 1812 is one of the most important geopolitical victory in American history, allowing the US to annihilate British allied Natives thus allowing the US expand westward. It also emphasizes a point to the British monarchy the naval and trade cost of such a war in the Americas. It also solidified US's land claims in the Louisianan purchase.

>Kraut edmucacation

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>Lists individual battles won by US
>Ignores 90% drop in trade caused by RN blockade

This is like boasting about British awesomeness in the American Revolutionary War by listing all the battles we Brits won.

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The vast majority of our armed forces were fucking over Frenchy McShorty and you're crowing over some battles with less than ten wounded.
Perhaps your White House should be repainted in a nice shade of 56% brown.

>Didn't met the end goal in Vietnam, lost to chinks with bamboo weapons
>Pointless war in Afghanistan
>Destabilized Iraq, too many casualties, end goal didn't met
>Destabilize lybia, end goal didn't met

Why are us mutts so successful?

>Revolutionary War: the French annoyed the Brits for you

>War of 1812: the French kept the Brits busy for you... again

>Spanish American War: Spain fights against an entire rebelling continent and does not win with ease, who would have thought

>WW1: the French and the Russians tank it for the team while you pay Germany license payments for the luxury of shooting them with a gun based on their design

>WW2: the Soviets tank it against the Germans and the Japs aren't even paying attention, seeing as they have their hands full with British Indians and Chinese Communists

>Cold War: Americans make fun of the rest of the world while shamelessly living off of WW2 debt payments chiefly from the Brits and the Soviets, get thrown out of their country by the French, and generally are a pain in the ass for everyone including allies. Fund even actual medieval regimes solely because they aren't communists

>Post Cold War: as Russia struggles to recover from suiciding its economy by military industrial complex, bomb with impunity anyone not sucking your dick or the dick of your vassal in a region

>21st century: get BTFO by the Chinese on the global scale without even knowing it, nations tinier than California are stuck with mopping up the mess you made

Why do mutts take credit for everything even though they live off of Euro culture, research and labor?

The clear difference is the US won both wars and the US won many of the naval engagements in 1812.

The significant drop in trade went both ways, what's interesting though is that the US managed to respond in in kind with just a handful of super frigates and a number of privateers.

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Don't be such a sore looser, friend.

>The significant drop in trade went both ways

Lolwut. The Royal Navy managed to cut down trade by like 90% - which, given that the US had God-awful roads & relied on coastal trade, really hurt. The New Englanders got it easy though, because they were the most anti-war, so the RN went easy on them.

>The clear difference is the US won both wars

US objectives in 1812:

1. Take Canada
2. Trade with Napoleon

US objectives achieved: 0

>US objectives achieved: 0
>US war status: victory
The Amerimutt is a mentally-deficient creature by our standards

>Take Canada
Is this what you guys are taught?

There was an attempt by a literally band of raiders coming out of the former colonies, but the actual objective and instigator of the war was halting impressment of american sailors.

At any rate, the US in the end got better than what Canada and trade with Napoleon could have offered, with a nice bonus that Americans were no longer impressed.

Funnily enough came out of the war also literally no longer impressed by the Royal Navy seeing how such a small navy could do so much against the Royal Navy. I guess It's no accident that the US is sole naval super power today

>War of 1812: Britain BTFO, again...

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>War of 1812
It was a minor theatre of a much larger war where you attacked first then we successfully invaded and burned down your fucking capital lol. It was an American embarassment.

>Is this what you guys are taught?

Oh it wasn't the cause, but it was an American goal. Thousands of US soldiers were sent up in the end, not that it did any good.

>but the actual objective and instigator of the war was halting impressment of american sailors

Well, there were Americans and the "Americans" who were basically anyone who could afford to pay a chronically underfunded US embassy the money required for US papers, which didn't exactly help.

>At any rate, the US in the end got better than what Canada and trade with Napoleon could have offered, with a nice bonus that Americans were no longer impressed.

The fact that the post-war situation was good for you doesn't mean the war was good for you.

>Funnily enough came out of the war also literally no longer impressed by the Royal Navy seeing how such a small navy could do so much against the Royal Navy.

We needed the big ships to deal with real threats, like France. Also, see our very effective blockade.

>I guess It's no accident that the US is sole naval super power today

See, this is how we can all tell you went to a state school...

Because all the hungry crackers came to the Americas on a dream! They made this land what it is and the world!

True Story.
"The U.S. has 19 aircraft carriers, compared to the rest of the world's 12 aircraft carriers combined. The U.S. carriers are also larger and more technically advanced than any others."

Oh those euro insecurities.

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A truer word has never been spoken on this shitstain of a board

>the absolute state of American history knowledge

>Revolutionary War
French and Spaniards helped you lads, and we ended with the wealth of India.

Germany's Downfall was the British Blockade, which caused German Citizens and Soldiers to starve.

80% of German Causalities were on the Eastern Front.

>Why are us mutts so successful? Will Eurofags ever get over their inferiority complex?

I forgot the war of 1812.
>a military stalemate is a win for US Military.

>War of 1812: Britain BTFO, again...

I distinctly that your little president ran away like a little coward when our brave boys marched into Washington burning the disgusting site of your republican architecture.

>Won due to french support

>Lost, Stalemate at most

>Won against a crippled empire

>Mostly done by the French/British alone

>Soviets did most of the job

>Only correct one

>Defeated a worthless, incompetent military
force and destabilized the Middle East
Good job

>Well, there were Americans and the "Americans" who were basically anyone who could afford to pay a chronically underfunded US embassy the money required for US papers, which didn't exactly help.

A literal non-argument, Britain had no rights what so ever to do what they did and they were made to stop.

>The fact that the post-war situation was good for you doesn't mean the war was good for you.

Thus the war was good for the US, I don't really know the state of reality is across the pond, but logic dictates that the war was indeed very good for US geopolitics.

>We needed the big ships to deal with real threats, like France. Also, see our very effective blockade.

Indeed, that's what made the war possible as Britain was in a state of constant warfare with France since 10th century, Britain's crappy geopolitical situation was early America's boone.

Britain got this message as well and a somewhat amiable relations was to be had with the States from henceforth, which is also another geopolitical victory for the US.

>See, this is how we can all tell you went to a state school...

A more damning evidence of Britain's education system than America's when one believes one can evaluate such a thing by simply someone stating a fact than one does not like.

Home schooled actually fyi.

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>british and french jews begged american jews to trick america into fighting their losing war against germany for them, resulting in the effiminization and gayification of all europe due to the mass deaths of millions of european males in jewish banker wars.

All true, except Germany was losing and being pushed back in 1917. In fact, Americans did hardly anything impressive in that war, except give loans.

>>a history of jewish economic subversion via useful idiots and willing cuckolds in the anglosphere, reframed as heroism

>Taking credit for WW1 and 2
Unironically off yourself, mutt

>"War of 1812: Britain BTFO, again..."

Can't tell if trolling or legitimately retarded, assuming it's the latter I must burst your bubble and inform you that US army got its' shit pushed in badly by the eternal-Anglo in that war. The burger army was decisively defeated by a much smaller bong force and after whooping the 'mericans ass (badly) the bongs then proceeded to invade Washington and burned down the White House and they only pulled out due to extreme weather or else Washington would be part of Canada today. The burgers won a naval battle after the war had ended though.

Pro-tip: USA lost in Vietnam too.

>Revolutionary War: Britain BTFO and humiliated.

The two largest empires on the planet, France and Spain, did all the fighting for you. The largest battle of the war was the Siege of Gibraltar. Gibraltar is not in America.

>War of 1812: Britain BTFO, again...

Actually, it was the abject humiliation of the USA and the attempted secession of New England (google Convention of Hartford).

>Spanish American War: Spain BTFO (in both hemispheres).

You could beat Spain with a pack of boy scouts armed with a moderately accurate slingshot.

>WW1: Germany BTFO (gets butthurt and set themselves up for another major embarresment).

You arrived when the war was over, provided some minor help in clearing up, proclaimed that you had singlehandedly won the war and then fucked off.

>WW2: Le pure Aryan supermen BTFO.

By the Russians.

>Italians throw down their weapons in fear.

The Italians were beaten by the British, not by the Americans.

>Cold War: Gommunism BTFO.

Communism lost because Communism is inherently flawed.

>Post Cold War: US bitch slaps ethnic cleansers in Serbia,

Yeah, you helped Muslim in Bosnia and more Muslims in Albania. You are good goyim.

>21st Century: Sadam Hussien BTFO (one less faggot to threaten the peace and engage in ethnic cleasing.

You got your shit kicked in by the Iraqis and you are still getting your shit kicked in by the Afghans. Just like you got your shit kicked in by the Vietnamese.

Face facts: Americans are blowhard chickenshits who have won exactly two wars on their own - one against Mexico and one against Spain. You even lost repeatedly to the fucking Seminoles who were armed with stone spears.

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That's a pretty fair, if snarky, summary of how US history is taught locally, and presented globally. In classrooms across the USofA students are taught that the Germans got bitch slapped by America and that they are lucky we didn't nuke their ass.

Let's take a look at America's wars over the years.

*French and Indian Wars - Americans piss their pants because the French are going to own them. The Brits save America's ass by booting the French out of North America. Americans also rely on the Brits to keep the pesky Injuns in line and do all the actual fighting.
*War of Independence - most of the real fighting done by the French, Spanish and Dutch. The final "American" victory at Yorktown is won by the French Navy and a French Army under le Comte de Rochambeau. Americans started the war because Britain asked them to to stop stealing Indian land west of the Appalachians and to contribute a small sum to defray the huge cost of defending them. Lying and ignorant Americunts say they fought this war for liberty (despite independence being opposed by 70% of Colonists). "Liberty-lovin' Americans" (i.e. self-righteous hypocrites and liars) see no problem in allying with Spain and France, the most oppressive autocratic monarchies in Europe, both of whom previously tried to conquer America and were only stopped by the British. Any American who didn't support independence is expelled from the country and has all his property stolen. Liberty, fuck yeah!

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*War of 1812 - US gets its ass kicked by a bunch of Canuck farmers armed with pitchforks and hunting pieces. American soldiers murder Canadian civilians and burn down Toronto without provocation. In retaliation Brits burn down the American capital city. US Navy is annihilated and the whole country bankrupted. The Brits do this while fighting against Napoleon's Empire in Spain. The New England states are so shit-scared of the Brits that they almost secede and try to negotiate a separate peace treaty with Britain. American says this is a Flawless Victory. Go, USA! America's only success in this war comes with a treacherous surprise attack on the neutral Spanish fort at Pensacola - thus betraying a country that helped create the USA. Brits, meanwhile, free 3,000 slaves captured from the Americans and give them new homes in New Brunswick.
*Seminole Wars 1-3 - US tries to steal land from Seminole Indians despite guaranteeing in the Jay Treaty that they would respect Indian land rights in Florida. Americans get their shit ruined by featherheads who live in swamps and are armed with pointy sticks - and not just once. Three times.
*Mexican-American War - US picks a fight for no particular reason and wins. Against Mexico. Big fuckin' whoop. America steals more than half of Mexico's territory. Americans now bitch about Mexican "immigrants" entering areas where Mexicans have lived for centuries before the USA even existed.
*American Civil War - America fights America. Humanity wins the war because 600,000 Americans commit suicide - all to set a bunch of niggers free. Had the US remained part of the British Empire, the slaves would have been freed thirty years earlier without a fight and the US would have turned in Canada (i.e. a civilised country) instead of the toilet it currently is.

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>Britain rules waves
Do Brits listen to this ironically or do they actually believe it?

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*Plains Wars - General Custer and the US Cavalry get pwn3d by a bunch of featherheads with bows and arrows. Americans get their own back with the great victory of Wounded Knee when they use machine guns on unarmed Indian dancers. US gives approx. 5,000 Congressional Medals of Honor for bravery to the soldiers who did the murdering. Fuck yeah! Wounded Knee is also famous for the US Army losing 23 men to gunshot wounds even though the Indians didn't have guns - the first instance of friendly fire by incompetent American "soldiers" but definitely not the last!
*Spanish-American War - Americans blow up their own ship through poor engineering, blame the Spaniards and invade Cuba. America claims victory and annexes Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. America ignores the contribution of Filipino and Cuban Nationalists, who had worn the Spaniards down before the Americans ever showed up. Americans promptly begin murdering millions of Filipinos and imposing colonialism. Americans continues to colonise Guam and Puerto Rico to this day denying them the basic right to self-determination. America is truly the land of liberty.
*First World War - Britain and France defend democracy and the sovereignty of small nations against the forces of autocracy. America joins a year before the war is over (after toying with the idea of helping Germany, a proto-fascist absolute monarchy bent on world conquest), does zero fighting and claims victory. America becomes the only combatant to have made a profit out of the war, largely because they sold weapons to both sides.

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>"securing south Vietnam. That’s not a defeat. The war was lost after we’d already won"

LMAO! You're on a proxy mocking burgers aren't you?

*Second World War - US is attacked by Japan two years *after* Britain and France once again stepped up to defend democracy and the sovereignty of small nations against Fascism, does a very small amount of the fighting (on D-Day 53% of soldiers and well over half of all air and sea resources were British; a majority of forces in Italy and Africa were British) and claims victory. Ever since then Americans won't shut the fuck up about how we dun saved ur ass in dubya-dubya 2. America is the only combatant to have made a profit out of this war too, largely by employing usury against her "allies" but also by selling the Nazis the IBM computers they used to organise the Holocaust.
*Korean War - America picks a fight with the Chinks to show they're tough guys but get their asses royally kicked. America is saved by the UN who bring matters to a draw. American history books ignore the fact that Chinks kicked America's ass up and down the Korean peninsula and that the Europeans and Commonwealth saved America's ass. (Kidding. Americans don't have books because they can't read.)
*Vietnam War - LOLOLOLOLOL. Tell me again how you *actually* won that war, Americunts. "We didn't lose nothin'! It was the media and them dirty fuckin' hippies!"
*Lebanon - One raghead with a truck full of explosives blows up 250+ Marines. Americans run away like the cowards they are. No American ever mentions this, partly because it embarrasses them and partly because they're so stupid most of them don't know it happened and couldn't find Lebanon on a map. Of Lebanon.

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*Grenada - To make up for the shame of Lebanon and for being overshadowed by the epic British victory in the Falklands War the previous year, Americans invade Grenada. They win. But Grenada had no army. The Americans "fought" against unarmed Cuban civilian contractors who were there to help expand an airport as part of a plan to boost tourism. The number of bravery medals awarded for this "war" exceeds the number of military personnel deployed meaning literally every soldier got a medal for bravery and most got more than one. Four members of the Grenadan govt. are still illegally imprisoned by the American to this day. America claims this crime against humanity was necessary to stop Communists taking over Miami.
*Panama - US invades Panama to arrest an ex-CIA agent called Manuel Noriega on charges of drug-running...despite the fact that Noriega had been running and dealing drugs on behalf of the CIA. America wins thus making the world safe for hypocrites. Big fuckin' whoop.
*Gulf War 1 - The entire fucking world (minus Jordan and Iran) beats the shit out of Iraq. America claims this as an exclusively American victory. Most allied casualties (inc. 90% of all British and Saudi casualties) are the result of "friendly fire" by poorly-trained, uneducated, undisciplined, cowardly, drugged-up American "soldiers" who don't know how to work their equipment and who react hysterically when in combat.

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*Kosovo - Americans join the land invasion one day after the other NATO countries because they were scared of taking any casualties. All the hard work is done by the Brits and the French but the Americans won't shut up about how they done whupped that thar Serbia's ass. The war is famous for three events: first, when the American commander Wesley Clark tried to order British forces to attack Russian troops at Pristina airport which led to Sir Mike Jackson, the British commander, laughing in Clark's face (quote: "Fuck off. I'm not starting World War Three for you"); second, America's murderous criminal attack on the Chinese embassy; third, the Serbians shooting down an "invisible" American stealth bomber. The wreck was later sold to China which produced a more advanced stealth fighter.
*Gulf War 2 - Americans defeat Saddam's Iraq - a task that could have been accomplished by a troop of Boy Scouts with a moderately accurate slingshot. Even then, the Americans need to have their hands held by the Brits and the other Coalition forces.

America has soooo much to be proud of, you manly heroes, you. You've beaten Panama, Grenada *and* Mexico. You must be so proud when you look at your record of military success. Chickenshit blowhards.

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We stopped impressing sailors in the middle of the war. Your temper tantrum didn't stop impressment; Napoleon's war stopped impressment.

Also, the only good thing Americans got as a result of the Treaty of Gent was fishing rights in some Canadian lake, and not have an Indian border state between us. There was nothing we really wanted other than that border state, but in the end there was no point to a border state because we managed to stabilise peaceful relations.

If you're referring, at all, to the period of good feels then that's really just an example of American desperation - turning a loss into something grander than it is. I mean, the period of good wills was literally 'we lost the war, but we lost together; also, let's not try and lose again'.
I mean, we hardly did jack shit in the Treaty of Ghent other than make it clear we would support you, which was basically us reiterating the Jay treaty, signed 20 years before that war, because you'd seem to have forgotten about it.

>the actual objective and instigator of the war was halting impressment of american sailors.

Oh dear. This old lie again. The British were impressing British-born sailors from US ships. This is because the US allowed non-natives to become US citizens simply by showing up and saying they wanted to be American. But there was no denaturalisation process in the UK.

Just because a deserter jumped ships and declared himself American, it didn't mean he wasn't still subject to British law. So under British law these "American" (actually British) sailors were subject to the same laws as any other British sailors and were therefore subject to impressment.

Not that it matters, because by 1810 the UK and US had agreed that the British would stop impressing "American" sailors while the Americans would stop harbouring British deserters. Impressment was not a cause of the War of 1812 and no-one who has ever read a book on the subject would believe it was.

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>being this butthurt

Sadly we rule you and for the most part you faggots actually like it.

I actually genuinely wish Europeans had backbones.

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>War of 1812
>Britain BTFO

The Joooooos. Nothing else can EVER be a factor.

Not an argument.

But apparently to the crown all Americans were deserters anyways.

>1810 the UK and US had agreed that the British would stop impressing "American" sailors

They were made to stop impressing American citizens in the conclusion of the war of 1812, including British deserters who claimed American citizenship.

Even if one's claims of deserters was true and it probably was true (being a British sailor was not fantastic) it was for the most part impressing innocent American sailors for its war with France whether or not they were once British sailors never really mattered.

>Oh dear. This old lie again.

I find this very ironic seeing as how you are reciting a literal logical fallacy.

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And you know why we stopped impressing your sailors? Because we won the war with France.

You're the second post, there was zero opportunity for OP to make another post without being a total faggot.

Pic related, it's you.

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You lost your capital and your president fled in fear. Then we generously agreed not to annex half of new England as we didn't want you to be too butthurt

WE hate you with love, and never asked you for your ridiculous roach like company, you do it for bankers whom aren't even muritards, you slimy rat face charm weasel...

Of course Americans are much different and civil.

I'm actually genuinely shock at how poor of a grasp Europeans have of geopolitics and objective history.

I've been for the most part blatantly trolling, but a second look at this thread resulted in me being quite actually genuinely shocked.

Say NO to any form of governmental education.

>War of 1812 is one of the most important geopolitical victory in American history, allowing the US to annihilate British allied Natives thus allowing the US expand westward. It also emphasizes a point to the British monarchy the naval and trade cost of such a war in the Americas. It also solidified US's land claims in the Louisianan purchase.

Without the war of 1812 America would not be the sole superpower of today and continental US would have probably been split into many different counties with French, Spanish and British origins.

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