What is going on here?

What is going on here?

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clean up your lebensraum bucko

jbp is a bitch

They're warning him.

Seems like the kikes are trying to cut their loses and scorch earth their attempts to sow their influence.

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You mean like a “watch where you step goy” kind of warning?

MSM desperately trying to destroy his reputation.

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It looks like they're pulling the plug on his whole project.

Yes. He's threading the dangerous game of partly waking up the goyim to lead them astray, revealing some truths to put down a more solid lie. It's like that scene in inception where they tell the dreamer that he's dreaming to be able to use his knowledge of the fact that something is wrong against him. They want to tell him not to push it too far.

He did that on his own

False opposition to make him look legit instead of an astroturfed psyop

>Part of why people on the far right like Peterson is because he is not afraid to talk about the Jews

>he attributed that alleged influence to Jewish intelligence —an old anti-Semitic dog whistle.

>Peterson’s willingness to answer questions about “Jewish success” and his interest in IQ literature is “suspicious” said Deborah Lipstadt, a professor of history at Emory University and author of “Denying the Holocaust,” who won a libel case in Britain against prominent Holocaust denier David Irving.


Juden Peterstein is going to get the Garrison treatment soon enough
He will learn

>Yes. He's threading the dangerous game of partly waking up the goyim
You ever read his book? There's a Jew on every single page. At one point he says "all poetry should be about Auschwitz." This isn't the guy who thought he was.

Peterson is playing the game tactically and properly. Attacking the Jewish elite directly inspires pity and compassion, they've been exploiting that for millennia.
The key is an organic generation of disgust. When the Jewish elites publicly defame a beloved man who has been nothing but reasonable and good, they undo themselves. They inspire disgust while JBP inspires compassion.
This is how you win, it's a public opinion wrestling match, an iterated game. Long-term winning requires tactics which aren't below the game.

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>jew hatred
>something negative
clean your room of jews and MSM

The greatest tool of the Jew is the brand of "anti-Semite".

Even if you're the biggest jew-loving Shabbos goy in the world (like Jordan Peterson), if you do ANYTHING that upsets (((them))) you are promptly branded as an "anti-Semite"


Seems like too many Petersteiners are converted to Jow Forumssters for the kikes liking. They wanted to contain them within the "wash your balls" and "clean your room" stage, but too many drifted further.

This is the author

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Don't misunderstand me, he's a total shabbos goy. Waking up the goyim partly in the sense of telling a half truth about some of the problems of the world, but not getting close to the the full extent of the truth or the cause of our predicament. His prescription is going back to sleep.

oy vey

>>he attributed that alleged influence to Jewish intelligence —an old anti-Semitic dog whistle.
That's the only meritocratic explanation for it, aside from cleverness in manipulating the goyim which is less flattering in WASP cultures.

Only thing right wing Jordy ever said was trannies are gay.
Jews are implicitly admitting tranny fags are Jews

Peterson is being evaluated as a sort of boundary of acceptable thought. IE a safety valve for whites who are starting to wake up. They will find something they identify with, but then hit his obviously arbitrary 'the way to battle the blatantly dangerous identity politics of the left is to dismantle identity politics on the right.'

So they are making it clear to peterson that he has to move a bit further left and he'll be ok.

If you read the talmud you wouldn't be calling jews nice people jordan.

>Says you can get "killed over the jq"
>Suddenly Alex Jones comes out against him

Makes me think

I'd take my hat off to him if that's his game, but I doubt it


Yet if you're a goddamn genius like Peterson, you can turn even that against them. Misattribution dulls the concept. Peterson doesn't attack the Jews, he attacks murderous ideologies. The flak he gets is incredibly revealing.
In a way, the article is correct. JBP does enable Jew hatred. But he does this by doing anything but attacking the Jews. In turn, (((they))) can't handle it and reveal themselves to be the stateless, deceitful, traitorous, baby-sucking, cowards that everyday people are terrified to acknowledge.
By simply being a reasonable and good man in public, an invitation for slander, he baits them into a hopeless fight where they will exhaust their public influence for no gain.

I want to scalp his curly niggerish jew hair and cut him into pieces. Marinate them in a malt vinegar-sesame oil-onions sauce-Worcestershire sauce marinade, barbecue them with bacon fat, and give them to the homeless. Turn the hair into a mop for by garage

His prescription is slavery to "the higher power" (cough, cough, jews).

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I didnt need peterson for that

They are afraid of him

The fucking hilarious thing to me about Peterson and his blind fanboys is that he can simultaneously argue that antisemites are stupid and evil but then EVERY SINGLE AUTHOR he recommends is a hardcore antisemite. Were they all retarded? Were


ALL STUPID? No, they were brilliant. Intelligence is recognizing the Jew.

It's all there in the psychology of rats and iterated play, just extrapolated onto society and Western Culture.. youtube.com/watch?v=FqTZCU_ViHg
I honestly and wholeheartedly believe it's part of the plan. Either the Jews play by the rules of the game and finally join Western Culture in good faith, or they waste themselves by using tactics which disgust honest and formidable people. The idea isn't to crush the Jews with force, it's to create of yourself the Ubermenchen you could be and let context speak for itself. He's willing to die on that hill as am I.

If you want to win this fight, yes you do.

That is not their primary point, and it's no accident.

Peterson is a objectively a philosemite. Have you ever had a girlfriend that you really wanted to make happy, but she sees your desire to make her happy, and uses this to extort whatever she wants out of you? This is what jews are doing here. Evantually they’re going to demand him to whine about the six gorillion and the evil of Europeans every lecture he gives, or they’ll blacklist him.

This is why this guy avoids this topic at all cost. You can argue he's an actual jew shill but the realility is that the media is just drooling for a legit reason to label any of these people kike haters, normal fags still love kikes

>Jordan Peterson isn't already blacklisted
>let's attack him for having a formidable patreon account which is effectively an anti-blacklist

If a goy draws attention to jews no matter the context unless it is to apologize that is antisemitism

Trying to shine a favorable light on him to the "alt right"
>look he hates Jews too!!
>Excellent the right believes he's with them. Excellent. *rubs hands together*

JP is kiked as fuck

but he's still not kiked enough to make the jews happy.

CLEan ur room. Dumb ass lobsters!

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>be Jordan Peterson
>attack the far-right for their theories about Jews
>get called an antisemite by Jews

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That's the plan and it's working wonders. Jewish columnists defame him daily without the influence to make it stick.

He has an honest face, we have no reason to doubt him.

i'm a worse person than you can ever put into words calling me names is totally ineffectual, there are few of me left in this world, straight shooters that is, people who tell you straight up the truth don't spare your feelings and double dog fucking dare you to say something about because i will flat drop your ass and forget it before i hit the mag release.

hey i'm a racist you're a jew nobodys perfect next question nigger

Jordan Peterson capitilising on Jewish suffering to sell rugs.

Sick fuck.

Care to write an article for the Daily Mail on the subject? The media cannot do any meaningful damage against a man whose purpose is to tell the truth.

The hysterics surrounding this guy are fascinating. How does anyone come to this conclusion after he had a circle jerk with Ben Shapiro like he did

Tell the truth?

His hatred for the Jews is clear for all to see.

He might slip past our secular comrades but not the Kohanim

Missed me with that bull shit

You, I like you. You get it.

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kikes are just as paranoid as Jow Forums apparently

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>How does anyone come to this conclusion after he had a circle jerk with Ben Shapiro like he did
Ben Shapiro is an Alt-Right Neo-Nazi. Checked.

Maybe he refused to give penance to Lord Rothschild, who knows

Ok so quick glance.

>In an April blog post, he attributed that alleged influence to Jewish intelligence —an old anti-Semitic dog whistle.

>If Peterson were to be more forthcoming about the importance of Antisemitism in the Holocaust, it “might allow some of his viewers to think about course correcting,” Holt added.

So that's literally it. It isn't about him personally. It's his 'followers'.

well his retarded blog posts about them that put a big shiny light on jewish nepotism and myth of jewish IQ sure makes it look that way, dude got completely btfo and made people look more closely at some of the things he's been saying, like "you can't be proud of your ancestors goy"

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The more ridiculous the slander, the more our cause is benefited. Nothing inspires anti-semetism quite like this type of column. Jordan Peterson does not inspire anti-semetism, the response to Jordan Peterson inspires counter-semetism by disgusting Jordan Peterson's followers.

>what is going on?
You're finally realizing that he was simply a gullible goy the whole time and that making him swallow the fashypill will bring his reputation down, preventing him from "redpilling" more youth.

Oh we will see

I can make Fascism fashionable next week.

Peterson is the jew's best friend. Glad he's gonna be stabbed in the back a lot.

fighting for centrism is the equivalent of giving up.
like hercules, we must choose the thorny, dark, cold path, and suffer our entire lives only to die a miserable death, so that our deeds will echo in eternity

Plato Resurgence

Et tu brute?

It's more Socrates defeating the mob in the long term by drinking the hemlock instead of taking exile.

But Socrates was Plato all along...

Give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth


Is this a dagger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
I see thee yet, in form as palpable
As this which now I draw.
Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going;
And such an instrument I was to use.
Mine eyes are made the fools o' the other senses,
Or else worth all the rest; I see thee still,
And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood,
Which was not so before. There's no such thing:
It is the bloody business which informs
Thus to mine eyes. Now o'er the one halfworld
Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse
The curtain'd sleep; witchcraft celebrates
Pale Hecate's offerings, and wither'd murder,
Alarum'd by his sentinel, the wolf,
Whose howl's his watch, thus with his stealthy pace.
With Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his design
Moves like a ghost. Thou sure and firm-set earth,
Hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear
Thy very stones prate of my whereabout,
And take the present horror from the time,
Which now suits with it. Whiles I threat, he lives:
Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives.
[a bell rings]
I go, and it is done; the bell invites me.
Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell
That summons thee to heaven or to hell.

You cheeky Brit. That was beautiful. You're right too.

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Et me, buddy

Grazie mille

I hope you mean champagne...

It's the Sabbath - day of Epicurism

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Fucking real life merchant

I'm not saying he's right when he doesn't want to take a position on jews, I'm saying that, in the clown world that we live in, making him take a stance on it, will only ruin his momentum and prevent him from bringing more people closer to our side, which we can then take them from there and bring them even closer.
Just leave the man in peace, he's old, he won't listen and he's doing more good than harm.

Merchant of everyday heroism?

I think we should be fighting for every single inch of territory ruthlessly. The last five decades (centuries) have shown that incremental measures don't work for the right wing. There was only one movement that managed to leave a lasting impression and that was National Socialism.

save your father from the Jewish dragon in your dirty room

I get what you mean, that if we don't get to make things clear on ALL subjects they will be the skeptic 2.0 which will then become the new SJWs.
I just... he's old and old people almost never change ideas, it won't work...
I think it would be more productive selecting people and doing it while they're young, like choosing between a James Allsup, a Nick Fuentes or a Lauren Rose rather than a Lauren Southern, that's all.

>Juden Peterstein is going to get the Garrison treatment soon enough
You mean like this?

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It's not about changing him. He either yields the audience or we take it.


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He's like all 3 (((Stooges))) rolled into a smug Brooklyn hipster.


based Führer Peterson will lead us to the Endsieg

He also wrote a very dishonest piece "on the so-called jewish" question where he said jews had high iq and this was the reason for their overrepresentation; he posted a paper that argued they had this high iq because of unique selection pressures due to their historical circumstances (alien group surviving amongst hostile peoples), but then calls the idea that they have high in group preference a "conspiracy theory" even though this would be at least as strongly selected for in such circumstances as intelligence would be (as would cunning and manipulative duplicity).