This is an advert for the British army

This is an advert for the British army.

Notice anything?

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what exactly is your problem? can you articulate it?

Joining the army is a war crime.

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I didn't know the British still had an Army. What land are you going to colonize next lads?

first british soldiers killed by their muslim comrade when ?

>Britain's tank factory was bulldozed and paved over with council housing
>This is what they get instead

Yeah. They'd planted a mine and had bets on whether his forehead would set it off was what I was thinking.

I haven't seen the ad yet. Is it something to do with Muslims? Tell me I'm right.

I live right next to a historic one. Wouldn't take long to change from civilian vehicles to tanks.
Times have changed though. The war now is a war of resistance vs the NWO.
And we must party hard to win the culture war. Red Pulling the females is what we need to do to basically completely win in about 10 years, which BTW is how long we've got before AI changes humanity forever.

Britz = Total Cuckz

I really think of you as a pathetic bunch. You fucking lost your empire and became a second tier power. KEK.

Seems like a place for me, signing up right now.

I fucking hate this country. I hope when our fashy leader comes to save us from this degeneration he has the fucking generals and politicians and anyone who encourages diversity shot.

Lol this makes me proud to live in German even if it´s fucked too.

Meme flags don't deserve replies. You all know what they are, right..?
If they didn't hate us we wouldn't be winning.

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Germany is more fucked but our government is trying hard too catch up.
I'm leaving ASAP. I'm going to be a Greek. I always leave my Union Jack on when I travel so you won't guess.
People who live in (((London))) make these adverts. That place needs to be 'fixed'

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Is there really anything to be proud of in comparing how fucked we are when we're all headed in the same direction?

Dude my kids are gonna invade England bros. Holyfuck I hope they free those poor white people who will suffer under sharia. I say we let them suffer for 40 years. Then invade and take it as our own.

Yeah, let muslims be canon fodder.

But this advert is targeted towards Muslims only. Basically, the only idea in it is that they would let them pray as usual.
The question is: should non-europeans be allowed to fight for European countries? I think not. This is why Roman Empire fell, if I remember correctly.

The fact that it exists is very telling of UK demographics

I thought we did not want ISIS to expand?

Now recruiting adds.

Whichever one we tell you to