Will we ever go back to a time like the 2000s where no one was a SJW and people were so PC?

Will we ever go back to a time like the 2000s where no one was a SJW and people were so PC?

Attached: Sjws_e7da4e_5774844.jpg (720x908, 86K)

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will we ever go back to the early 90s where no one literally gave a shit and were able to say whatever the fuck they want without feminazis, trannies , niggers and fags breathing down their neck?

Would bang.

Stop blaming clocks. There has never been a time in history where the authorities haven't engaged in cultural manipulation.

Elon pls go.

I think the culture is shifting away away from sjw trash

Those times were the calm before the storm, because the old lefties were still smarting from the collapse of communism and the new generation that would be ripe for manipulation wasn't old enough yet.
The rabid lefties hated the situation because there was nothing to be offended at and the social equilibrium was slowly returning - they were becoming irrelevant, so they had to invent modern bullshit.

No, because there is no big communist block that we can topple again to shut the reds up once and for all.

I hope so. They're insufferable at this point.

Nope, my first posts here on Jow Forums people called me a white knight, and i had no idea what it ment.

Then they called me a social justice warrior and i had no idea what that meant either.

But now that i am starting to know what both expressions means i feel proud, maybe i am a good guy after all.

I without thinking always try to protect people in need.

Answer: NO

There is too much money to be made pushing SJW LGBTQ weirdness.

Every University Administration now has an Office of Diversity and Inclusion, those officials are making $100,000 a year pushing papers around, they will NEVER give up their jobs.

The big Corporations now have hopped onto the Diversity train, they are pushing the Leftist propaganda also, just look at how Starbucks rolled over for those 2 nigs in Philly a few weeks ago.

We are more than 50+ years beyond the Civil Rights movement, and we still hear about race every day and every hour, more than we did a few years ago. 50 years from now, we will be hearing about Gays and Trannies far more than we are now, wait until we start to get Tranny state Governors, Trannies in the Senate, maybe even a Gay President... then you will really start to see/hear them push the agenda, we haven't seen anything yet.

>without feminazis, trannies , niggers and fags breathing down their neck?

>maybe i am a good guy after all.
>I without thinking always try to protect people in need.
You have to choose one.

90s were the decade were SJW culture totally took over basicly every cartoon show started to have a mixed cast and pop music dumped the obligatory guitar solo and replaced it with an generic token nigger rapping abouth "muh RESPECT" "muh color of my skin".

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no we won't. The world has changed too much and now every little idiot has a platform to shout his bullshit on where a sea of other like-minded idiots will support and circle-jerk whatever ridiculous idea is going on.


Any freak you can do i can do better. Freak thread.

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50 years from now?
I have some bad news for you, user.

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No, 2001 was the beggining of the end. Specially 9/11. We can't come back, we are far too gone now.

george soros funds the overwhelming majority of these SJW/PC groups and media establishments


The term "Feminazi" was popularized by Rush Limbaugh in 1992

You Svens are getting better and better at b8 every day

Nobody gave a shit what you had to say because no normies cared about anything.

The reason we get suppressed now is because people are receptive to the message

yeah 90's were shit