Support Israel

I support Israels right to defend their homeland against the non-human islamic invaders

do you ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did you know that Israeli girls LOVE western men that supports their defensive war against terrorists?

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Did toy know that Hamas fucking shoots missiles at INNOCENT ISRAELI CIVILIANS?

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Did you know that Israel actually protects the whole western world? its basicly our frontline against those who wants to attack our western values

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>do you ?
No. Fuck you shill.

>Did you know that Israeli girls LOVE western men that supports their defensive war against terrorists?
Did you know that the Holocaust literally didn't happen and that there's zero evidence for it?

This is the only thing wrong I see with compulsory military service: models get used to imply that the entire military looks like this when most of them are goblins.

they can eat shit and die for all i care

>Did toy know that Hamas fucking shoots missiles at INNOCENT ISRAELI CIVILIANS?
Did you know that Israel dropped White Phosphorous bombs on civilian targets (a war crime)?

>Did you know that Israel actually protects the whole western world? its basicly our frontline against those who wants to attack our western values
Did you know that the Jews gave birth control to immigrants without their knowledge or permission?

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>This is the only thing wrong I see with compulsory military service: models get used to imply that the entire military looks like this when most of them are goblins.
OP is a D&C shill trying to MUH DIK us into supporting the kikes.

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do they like my big uncut dick

the answer is yes

>do they like my big uncut dick
Why would you want to betray your race with a subhuman animal?

Nice try, better luck next time!

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that could only be a chazarian eastern merchant saying that

>most of them are goblins
Like your mom and sister? oh ok

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>Nice try, better luck next time!
But you can't prove the Holocaust happened.

Therefore it didn't happen.

Jews aren't even human though. That's why they're so evil. They have no soul.

who fucking cares?

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western values? Such as LGBTQ+-%?

it never happened

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>who fucking cares?
So you attempted to sterilize non-Jews and you think that's acceptable?

Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots

How many more of these threads can you make untill you get bored of this shit?

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I'll support it when they support us doing the same thing.

>it never happened
So you're saying this happened?

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I got plenty of support to show her

Turn them all to slag. kikes, carpet jockeys, sandniggers - kill fucking everyone

you mad because your iq is forever lower than ours

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>hurr durr being a White Supremacist is evil
>Being an IQ Supremacist is good
>Trust this study that proves we're superior goyim!

>Race doesn't exist
>IQ differences prove we're better!

You would love to do it to your niggers if you had a chance, so why do you bother going full anal about it now?

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Didn't read!

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>You would love to do it to your niggers if you had a chance,
Funny how it's only acceptable though when you Jews do it huh?

Eight Children Killed as Missiles Hit Gaza Playground, Hospital

As a Jew, I support Israel. Muslims are subhumans, it has a reason why Hitler masturbated to the Quran.

>Can't read
Yes, I know.

Oy vey goyim! Remember the masturbation machines!

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>it has a reason why Hitler masturbated to the Quran.
But Table Talks has been debunked.

it is all propaganda bullshit crap that never happened

>it has a reason why Hitler masturbated to the Quran

Golden words, brother.

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>it is all propaganda bullshit crap that never happened

Where does this unusual feature of offering your women in silverware?
Is genetic?

>"We Jews didn't use white phosphorous"
>evidence proves others
And you wonder why people hate you kikes?

Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: Israel's use of white phosphorus against Gaza civilians "clear and undeniable"

some rare pepe you got there

>Hitler was the most evil person ever
>Hitler was a Jew!
lol you kikes are ridiculous.

I meant that Hitler LOVED Muslims, he ADORED them. There are literally quotes of him being sad that the main religion if the state is not Islam.
Nazis and Muslims are made for each other.

all lies, all lies. stop trying

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>I meant that Hitler LOVED Muslims, he ADORED them.
No, he didn't.

>There are literally quotes of him being sad that the main religion if the state is not Islam.
Table Talks has been debunked. Therefore those quotes are bogus.

>Nazis and Muslims are made for each other.
You're an idiot for believing that. You even believe the Holocaust happened.

Not to mention the Republican party and Conservative ideology exists to serve the Jews.

>all lies, all lies. stop trying

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Save it!

Do you see that anti israel propaganda here is super strong, but if you make a thread talking shit about the jews in america, the thread will get removed fast.
Youre chasing the wrong enemy, dummy.

>all lies, all lies. stop trying
You mean stop telling the truth about how evil you Jews are?

Orthodox Jewish Woman Harasses Palestinian Mother

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>Do you see that anti israel propaganda here is super strong,
That's because we tell the truth here, kike.

There's No School Tomorrow, There's No Children Left in Gaza!

Book About Killing Gentile Children Becomes Bestseller in Israel

wow youre massively full of shit juice!
how can somebody believe this shit?

I mean, now I feel sorry for you that youre so stupid, are you mentally ill? do you get some help there?

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Israel Admits Killing 189 Children in Gaza Campaign

fuck off nigger genes.

Israeli Strike Kills Four Boys Playing on Gaza Beach

You really do love to kill children don't you, kike?

Show me any not debunked "evidence" that the Holocaust never happened. I'm sure my great grandpa just lived the rest of his life on a Island on state money while not talking to any of us, AMIRIGHT!

>Show me any not debunked "evidence" that the Holocaust never happened.

>I'm sure my great grandpa just lived the rest of his life on a Island on state money while not talking to any of us, AMIRIGHT!
So you're a kike? Imagine that...

(((citation needed)))

Checks out

>Show me any not debunked "evidence" that the Holocaust never happened.
And here's the evidence that proves Table Talks is a fraud...

Genoud, Heim and Picker's "Table Talk": A Study in Academic Fraud and Scandal - Veronica Clark

"Hitler's" Table Talk?: A Study in Academic Fraud and Scandal - Weronika Kuzniar

Hitler's Table Talk and Other Extraneous Sources - Jim Walker

Hitler's Table Talk: An Update

VK Clark on 'Table Talk' Fraudulence

hilarious jew damage control at the moment

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>hilarious jew damage control at the moment
Jews can't help but act in ways that make the goyim hate them.

ye, its like the third post from the ukraine proxy so far

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what u mean?

>ye, its like the third post from the ukraine proxy so far
Yeah...too many redpills and they leave the thread because they don't want the goyim seeing the truth about them.

its targeted at newfags presumably

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You fucking know it takes literally days to debunk your crap without buying those books with actual scientific evidence and not just out of context quotation dropping like in most of your sources.

>its targeted at newfags presumably
And its forum sliding, D&C and distraction.

source on the van?

and ofcourse the amerishart at it again...

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>Did you know that Israeli girls LOVE western men
Did you know that if you have kids with a jewress than your kids become jews?
Did you know jews still hate whites and will push wars and race mixing to get rid of them
Stop being an idiot, jews hate us!

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>"The Jews of Ukraine constitute the third largest Jewish community in Europe and the fifth largest in the world."

>pro-Israel Ukranian

I thought you guys were nazis now.

I support anyone killing mudslimes. Including other mudslimes, as long as the net result is fewer Muslims until the religion is nothing more than a salted crater where Mecca used to stand.

nice try mr.shart

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not my pic

check flag jidf, arent you guys being trained ?

>You fucking know it takes literally days to debunk your crap
I've been posting those links for years and you kikes have never been able to debunk them.

> without buying those books with actual scientific evidence
There are no books with scientific evidence about the holocaust. Because there is no evidence that proves the holocaust happened.

>and not just out of context quotation dropping like in most of your sources.
Then why is it that the only thing you can do is vilify, insult and dismiss the facts out of hand?

It's not my fault you came to this debate unarmed.

We believe in truth on Jow Forums. which is why you kikes fucking hate this place. You don't control the narrative or flow of information here.

Why do you kikes love your Ukrainian proxy so much? I've seen a Ukraine flag post an Israeli women thread hundreds of times

I know, thats why im here you fool

Saved for future IDF Israeli mutt shopped pic
Keep them coming

>Anti-white kike shill posts within 30 seconds of each other after leaving the thread for nearly 15 minutes
pure coincidence, right?

we have alot of movements.

I support the deportation of every Jew in America & EU back to Israel & the genocide of those who resistance.
Anyone who disagrees has betrayed their mother & forgotten the face of their father.
Report to link provided for conviction.

>I know, thats why im here you fool
You're here to shill for the kikes because you can't stand the fact that we're onto you.

>we have alot of movements.
That's because you kikes are behind everything bad happening to white countries.

Communism is Jewish.

I didn't support Israel before, but anons on /ptg/ changed my mind.

Is that why you live in a war torn shithole and we live in the richest country in the world

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u cant use vpn on Jow Forums. go ahead and try to post with vpn, ull see.

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Notice how you don't have an argument other than posting fecal related images and dismissing the evidence out of hand?

The Fecal Fixation of the Chosen Ones

what are you talking about?

lol youre going crazy with your conspiracy theories. hahaa!

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>what are you talking about?
That user is using your own images against you, kike.

Kind of like how I post images from the nuremberg trial transcripts to prove that the holocaust didn't happen.

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>lol youre going crazy with your conspiracy theories. hahaa!
How does it feel when even you kikes let it slip that the holocaust didn't happen?

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neither jews or muslims are human, op

>the mutt poop pants in mart!!!!!
Literally every insignificant country's insults to americans