What a timeline where we get Xavier Renegade Angel being spammed
Heh, faggots
>Chad is what incels strive to be instead of an exaggeration
From the BBC:
"These crude caricatures seem laughable - but they are important because they create an "us v them" mentality. Incels believe that sex, love and happiness are out of their reach, available only to others.
They're particularly drawn to the nihilistic "black pill" theory - the idea that they are the only ones who realise that the game of sex and attraction is rigged from birth.
Self-help or positivity is frowned upon on incel forums. Anyone who successfully interacts with women is instantly branded a "fakecel" - meaning "fake incel"."
>They think the Chad meme is about sex
Heh. Faggots.
>eating window in the morning instead of late afternoon
Fake news
when will (((they))) learn
>Self-help or positivity is frowned upon on incel forums. Anyone who successfully interacts with women is instantly branded a "fakecel" -
what forums are they talking about here? I am kind of curious to see this
What's the Kiwi diet like?
I feel like it's all lamb and potatoes but that's probably a meme
TV license cunt.
>journashits trying to understand memes
is chad from xavier?
I am not a master xavier connoisseur but I think he is just refering to the way xavier walks with his weird inverted legs.
Are they retarded or are they really trying to twist the facts that badly? That is clearly not how any of this shit works or is supposed to mean.
is r9k really this bad?
What the fuck is this timeline
>the chad vs virgin is a "incel meme"
i have never EVER read a article on this website that even came close to getting ANYTHING right. What the hell is wrong with these fuckers?
Failed normies are a thing there. It's like being a cyborg; neither normie nor robot.
>"I think people feel oppressed when equality is closer," she says. "So if you were once the king of the hill and now everyone's almost on your level, you feel threatened."
Goddamn it's always the same fucking line. What fucking horseshit. They say this same shit whether it's niggers, women, kikes, whoever: "they're just afraid of a little equality" - no bitch, it's not equality when white men need 200 more points than niggers on their SAT to get into the same college.
Chad is based on Jack-7 from Tekken, I believe it originated in /fgg/ on vg.
Knew this would be posted in here
Can anyone find out what the writer of the article looks like? We have to keep an eye out for those incels ya know.
Fucking hell lol
Jow Forums never used the term incel, it was always "robot" there.
>Matthew - again not his real name - found out about incels on Jow Forums, a freewheeling, often extreme message board.
I just checked and they're using incel there more than pol uses soi and cuck
his head is the outline of the country chad
Whoever made the original Chad (OUCH!) must be feeling extremely fucking smug these days
They're empowering Chad by broadcasting his image to normies. He's gonna try and overpower Kek.
Why don't normies recognize the shitposting?
>create an us vs them mentality against incels
>"this is important because incels are creating an us vs them mentality"
How long are we going to wait until we hang these faggots?
I need to apply to become a journalist.
I dont know how they have writers that write and push fakse narrativee like a 10th grade intro to journalism student.
All these writers make up bullshit and dont have any skilling in writing, mosy everyone on Jow Forums can write aswell if not better and we'd use other autistic friends to go into a more detailed story into the rabbit-hole
Journalists today arent hired due to skill but more on diversity and agenda alignment.
If anyone took journalism classes, journalism today is a joke. In the old days you'd have the journalist go out and act as an investigator and gathering stuff to make a story.
Now everything is highly restrictive. Journalism today is a false job that now acts as propaganda pieces and stories about dogs, happy stories etc.
Its all a big joke:..
we've come full circle. If its on the BBC its fake news. lets move along then, nothing to see here.
The irony of this is that just two days ago there was a fairly straightforward and compassionate article written by an ex-incel
They forgot to say alt-right and racist. Must have been written by an intern
And so a new trend begins.
Im gonna start forcing this meme, should get some loveable reactions
Holy shit
finally some relatable content
>spends every moment on self-improvement
I thought I was a chad for a second...
Tomo predicted this.
Journalists with skill are hired for PR. And since most people need money it's an easy sell. Not like any other media isn't already corrupt either.
It's worse than that, think about what she's actually saying here. She's so stuck in the identity politics mindset that she talks about white people, a group, as though they have a sort of genetic memory, that someone who's never got his dick wet in his life is feeling nostalgic for a time when he was fending off rabid Staceys with a broom handle, his allure was so strong
It doesn't even make any sense
What is this referring to?
>Many incels believe they are genetically inferior to "Chads".
>mfw this is real life
>The Virgin Chad vs The Chad Virgin
"xavier renegade angel" and "rick and morty"
>The Virgin American Cringetoons vs The Chad Japanese Anime
>vegeta is literally a manlet who beats his kids
There is literally nothing wrong with murdering journalists.
Jow Forums and Jow Forums RARELY used incel before this year.
For comparison, Jow Forums used "nerd" and "virgin" in the same post at roughly a fifth of the rate, while Jow Forums used those two terms together almost as often as "incel" before this year. The term "incel" came from Reddit and was not part of Jow Forums's common language until this manufactured event happened.
From /an/
Me on the right
It's worth noting that Niger and Cameroon border Lake Chad, but do they claim that it is called Lake Niger or Lake Cameroon? No I say, they bow to Chad's superiority. Even if they did have the gall to claim the Lake to be Lake Niger or Lake Cameroon, the rest of the world would still call it Lake Chad.
This appears to be a meta thread.
>would the lugenpresse really lie this badly?
Do you honestly need to ask this question? After everything that they have done in the past decades. There is no limits to the lies that the media will tell. They will lie and manipulate at every opportunity. They are parasitic rats.
I would attribute most of the mistakes they make to stupidity or ignorance rather than genuine malice. They don't have the esoteric board sense that we do.
>memes now get world wide attention and taken serious
>the absolute state of msm
what time to be alive
Lol at this stupid thot following the Incels.
It is literally proven that the better looking you are the more likely you are to get into medical school.
Literally a scientific study that a journal refused to publish.
Of course thats for both men and women.
I think you are wrong here mate. I'd bet 10 grand that she is just so stupid she doesn't realise that those people have been dejected their whole lives and didn't actually experience life before they were fucking born. I worked on a media group (a big one) in London for a few months and its fucking unreal how stupid ALL journalists are, there wasn't a single exception. The interesting part of it is the dunning Kruger effect they suffer from. They have a massive ambient circlejerk atmosphere the entire time and think they have god tier intelligence. Another interesting thing is how badly paid they are. Especially the millennials, they all despised me because they somehow thought their job was more important than mine and resented me for being paid way more than them. Good job they didn't know how much more or they would have thrown their bottles of onions at me.
>They don't have the esoteric board sense that we do.
How the fuck can you look at something like and think "this is completely serious"
this is the best time line
Please cover Millhouse as a Forced Meme next, BBC
> BBC published this, publicly
I'm beginning to think Jow Forums may actually win.
>Anyone who successfully interacts with women is instantly branded a "fakecel" - meaning "fake incel"."
Does Jow Forums do this or is this from some non-Jow Forums site?
Wizards be Wizards even if they speak to the women
Also, why is the media fighting against wizards?
It keeps happening
These faggots actually are talking about a fucking mspaint meme.
What timeline is this? giggling ass holes in basements control the world.
Fucking nice
He must have been a mighty wizard indeed.
they are so absurdly and unronically wrong they must have interviewed some leftypol faggot
>normalfaggots taking memes seriously again
holy shit this is hilarious
>prefers asuka to rei
Doesn't everyone?
She probably made that part up to sex up the nonexistent story. The best part about being a journalist is you don't ever have to reference anything or provide sources. You can just lie through your fish-mouth all day and if you get called out you claim you are being trolled by Nazis committing a literal personal shoah against you.
>implying they actually interviewed anyone
Where is the lie? This is all true
Maybe this is really what the people on Reddit and Jow Forums believe, I've never really browsed either of them for more than a few seconds so I genuinely don't know how accurate this article might be. I do like my blackpills though.
Because of their fearsome wizard powers of course
Breakfast is unironically the most important meal of the day. There is also no reason to eat after 2pm
no, chad was the result of people (most likely Jow Forums) making fun of the original image that was just about the virgin walk. So they made a complete antithesis of the virgin character to make fun of how stupid it was portrayed.
I'm a wizard but I didn't get any powers :(
it's a shitty kind of gift
Nuke London.
>Mongoloid Prime
Bless you
Imagine, squandering that level of sheer magical power just for some thot