>Peaceful religio...
Peaceful religio
Little shits probably deserved it
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith.
Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil choices.
>STOP BEING ((((((((((CHRISTIAN))))))))))
This isn't a religious problem
Catholics doing what Catholics do best.
proofs? I won't believe it unless there are charges being pressed
>Peaceful religio...
It has this reputation because it was the religion of white people.
Choose one and only one.
The "Catholic Church" is the mistical Body of Christ. The papacy is very easily proven from the Bible. The apostasy of the Church was vastly foretold in Catholic culture. Even the Bible.
"So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand-let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."
"These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.
Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory." (part of the St Michael prayer by Pope Leo XIII)
When Catholics were torturing others and conquering in the name of Christ, the Faggots, jews, mudslimes and the rest of the degenerate world was kept in check
This stupid anti pope makes me sick
Is the Vatican going to actually collapse yet? No?
Wake me back up when it does.
>Catholic church
>Not completely corrupted by cultural Marxists
These kid torturers are probably diversity hires.
When you realise peadophilia is truth ^^^
post pics of the nuns.
pretty sure it's some niggers in wakanda.
Maybe because Catholics are not Christians are nuns and monks are completely unbiblical, and repressing your sexual desires is fucked up according to the Bible?
how many foreskins have rabbis eaten this year?
he reminds me of Mohamed
They weree prbably resisting getting raped or tried to tell someone.
>Catholic church
Pick one, m8
Typical Catholics
Why that? Wasn't everyone sperging out about him "being to authorian"? I think Francis is a good person but goes to much with the time instead of standing true to the ideals of the chruch.
Catholics tend to make alot of weird shit.
But they blame others for their sins.
Celibacy and priesthood are unnatural. Most priests I met were obviously faggots with their voices. All this shit just results in sexual frustration and eventual rape.
Faggots or pedos, or a combination of the two.
statistically, priests are less likely to molest a kid than is literally any other man
Christianity is a good religi-
It's Catholicism. What else do you expect from the Whore of Babylon?
You're just trying to compare Christianity to Jihadism lol
Gotta keep the little animals in line somehow.
Why is there nobody with a spine in the Vatican to take out the Fake Pope?
The problem isn't catholicism, it's that demonic satanic leftists control catholicism
There's nobody with a soul in the Vatican
>Sor Ines Perez and Rosa Elivra Trochez Joagui ran the Santa Clara Rebirth Home in the southwest Colombian city of Popayan.
>No True Christian
It was locally dubbed "the hellhouse". People are insane..
literally no reason why you shouldn't convert to Eastern Orthodoxy right now
don't act surprised
The Catholic Church is one of the most dangerous, evil organizations on Earth.
Kiss the hand of Jesus while honoring his mother?
>Luciferians, Freemasons, and commies, OH MY!
Grow up user, they’re called Jews
Idol worship
this, OP is a faggot
>60 Children
That's peanuts compared to Islam. Not even peanuts, more like peanut dust.
try 325AD
he's a f'n communist...you miss the irony...idiot!
my man
None of this would have happened if you didn't add the filioque and larped as the Vicar of Christ to justify it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
And female public school teachers molest children at about 400x the rate of Catholic priests. But both jews and the Anglos keep pushing this priest narrative for some (((reason))).
These... 'authorities', do they have names?
Tfw people still think there is a significant difference between jews christians and muslims
This. Also google Malachi Martin and the instructions of the alta vendita.
It is truly proper to glorify the Theotokos.
What is this from?
So what thats not new :3
Lol your a fucking idiot if you believe that.
None of them is wearing a kippah. Thank God.
>JPII: wtf are you showing me, kike?
>Benedict: if I touch this wall the jew magic will corrupt my soul
>Francis: good, good! let the hate flow through me
What race were they?
>burning their skin
Standing outside, getting sunburns. Normal discipline.
>shoving their faces in toilets
Swirlies - all in good fun.
The rarity of this though
>Most priests I met were obviously faggots with their voices. All this shit just results in sexual frustration and eventual rape.
Straight priests have affairs with women. I've known a lot of straight priests. Gay priests have sex with other gay priests or with random strangers. Some gay priests fuck their pubescent altar boys. Luckily the church has gotten this under better control lately.
So you illogically assume that every believer is like this? You are a fucking brainlet. "They ain't no God cause muh flyin spaghetti monster durrr."
Atheists are intellectually inferior. They lack intelligence. Their words should never be taken seriously.
The penguins don't put up with shit!
There is. Real Christians and most Muslims try to live a Godly (non-degenerate) existence. Jews, whether religious or atheist, push wickedness onto the world.
Wait a minute. Are feminists just modern day nuns?
At least they are kind enough to kiss African feet
>The figures suggest “the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests,” said Shakshaft, according to Education Week.
>Indeed, more than 4.5 million students are subject to sexual misconduct by an employee of a school sometime between kindergarden and 12th grade, says the report.
This was 2004.
While the current numbers are being covered up, the Catholic church has done a lot to protect the children under it's care. The public schools here in the US have done all they can to protect the teachers.
I've seen various estimates which have given rates of about 400-to-1, but have no official studies to quote.
Yeah, you're allowed to jerk off. The only passage that suggests masturbation is a sin isn't really about masturbation. The sin is having a wife and not impregnating her at least once.
so that's what no sex does to you
Where were all those women at when I was young? Sounds like a bullshit statistic.
This. The Catholic religious elite are no different than the Rabbi elite. They are pedophiles and Luciferians.
Ah, the No True Scotsman fallacy again. Why do you religious freaks keep showing up? Fedora tipping atheists had you beat with logic and reason a long time ago. But you wouldn't listen. You want a world filled with hate because your imaginary friend's dick is bigger than someone else's imaginary friend.
Letting modern ideology dictact anything to the Church was a mistake. I'll respect the rules and call Benedict the Pope until death. For the very transparent reason that Francis is cucked is why I reject the papacy these days although! nothing would make my dick harder than exploring the forbidden knowledge buried in the vaults of the Vatican, the unpublished chapters of history hidden by the church. I only want to know more
When I was sixteen, my sex ed teacher was trying to seduce me. She would constantly come up behind me while I was working and put her hands on my shoulders leaning over me to "see what I was doing". I could feel her tits on the back of my head and the heat coming off her pussy.
Luckily, even though I had never heard the saying before and didn't formulate the actual thought. My natural reaction was "don't stick your dick in crazy". I'm glad I never did. The bitch was psycho.
Ya Onan had married his brother's wife after his brother died and could not bring himself to cum inside her or fuck her, so he "spilled his seed on the ground." so the story is more about how we need to suck up our pride and continue procreation regardless of the shitty circumstances
Real women sure are scary what with the law being completely on their side because jews hate masculinity.
That's kinda sad, isn't it? Why does God want there to be more kids if most are going to hell? Just kidding, hell isn't real according to Judaism. Hell's a fever dream fanfiction from a guy named Dante.
Well whatever it is is probably bad, but since when is Christianity a peaceful religion? Jesus himself says that he didn't come to bring peace
But where they young and hot and nice, or old and grumpy?
>The sin is having a wife and not impregnating her at least once.
So what about infertile wives? Your god was so smart that he forgot about that possibility?
>Yeah, you're allowed to jerk off. The only passage that suggests masturbation is a sin isn't really about masturbation.
Wrong, masturbation is against natural law and is in the same category of sexual behaviour as homosexuality
>The sin is having a wife and not impregnating her at least once.
Birth control is against natural law. You're supposed to not use it and only use periodic continence if you have good reason to space out births. But even then, there is nothing sinful about infertile people
go drink some semen you cuck
He isn't my god. I'm just reading the Bible. And yeah, no mention of infertile wives.
If it's against natural law, why do other animals do it?
>Makes touching yourself feel really good
>Punishes you for touching yourself
Is that not the biggest troll you can pull off on someone?
Because animals aren't capable of making moral decisions like we are. They operate by instincts, while we consciously choose to perform every act that we do, even ones that we do because of instinctual reasons (like eating because you're hungry, having sex because you feel the urge, etc.)
Gluttony is a sin, eating isn't. It's okay to jerk off and have sex. Just don't be absolutely degenerate about it like an obese person chugging down over 10,000 calories everyday.
And it feels good when your penis is stimulated a certain way because you're imitating the sex act with that motion, but doing it for a disordered reason. Sex has two main aspects, a unitive aspect and a procreative aspect, and masturbation has neither of these aspects
Gluttony is a sin because you eat for two purposes: to enjoy the food and to nourish yourself. If you're eating in a gluttonous way, you're not hungry (i.e. excluding the nourishing aspect) and are eating only to experience pleasure, so it's disordered.