
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>VP Pence Commencement Address @Hillsdale College 5/12/18
>Pres Trump roundtable w/Automakers 5/11/18
>Pres Trump Remarks on Lowering Drug Prices 5/11/18
>This Week @State 5/11/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/A FUCKING LEAF 5/11/18
>SoS Pompeo/SoKo FM Kang Press Conference 5/11/18
>VADep Officials @Senate on Budget 5/11/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, HHSSec Azar) 5/11/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence MAGA Rally in Elkhart IN 5/10/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC for IN 5/10/18
>VP Pence on CBS ThisMorning 5/10/18
>VP Pence on GMA 5/10/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets Chile FM 5/10/18
>Pentagon Press Brief on Niger attack 5/10/18
>NasaAdmin Bridenstine on Huckabee 5/10/18
>CommSec Wilburine @Senate on budget 5/10/18
>IntSec Zinke @Senate on budget 5/10/18
>HHSSec Azar @Senate on Budget 5/10/18
>UNAmb Haley Commencement speech @ClemsonU 5/10/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greet NoKo exHostages 5/10/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Lame duck president

Nothing is going on and I'm mad.

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Today I will remind you.
>Boomers in America: Go die for Israel you youngsters!
>Boomers in Iran: Go die so that Israel might be scratched you young punks!

/vp/, standing by

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Smelly awoo.

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>why can't i post everyone-is-mad-this-is-great.jpg


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You're only humiliating yourself if you knock on McCain and that's the truth.

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>mfw the Senate goes home and Trump shuts down the government right before the election

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The picture posted here shows the African American population by US county (left) and the suicide rate by county (right). As you can see from the picture, it's reasonable to conclude that less blacks = more people offing themselves. The true redpill is that the suicides are almost entirely white women. Why? Because of the lack of BBC for the white women to enjoy in the area. For the few white boys who do get laid (usually because of the lack of a BBC alternative), you know how much you enjoy it. How would you feel if all you had to have sex with were gross, smelly, hairy, loose, dry, 80 year old woman vagina? Well this is comparable to how white women feel when there's a lack of BBC. No woman wants to be restricted to small, blue veined, pink, smelly penises. You can see in these rural areas in Idaho and Montana which have very few blacks yet the elementary schools are 50% mixed race. The few blacks there DROWN in white pussy. I therefore support a more evenly distributed black population across the US (and all white majority countries for that matter) because it really isn't fair that BBC can only be enjoyed by white women in the South or the big cities.

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Just watched the new blade runner movie. What an absolute masterpiece.


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Kek, Mitt should kill himself.

I'm glad that Obama beat those two at this point. I can't believe I just typed that.

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It's great.

Did the catch the fly guy who truly put a huge dent in our jeans (?)

>Today I will remind you.

Since Trump was sworn in, only Iranians have died for Israel.

>look at Rothschilds and Soros, they're great and successful
>you're only humiliating yourself if you knock on these Jews, and that's the truth

reminder that north korea is unironically more powerful than iran and will be first world before any muslim nation


Why is the ban pitbull memes getting people so asshurt?

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NOT GO HOME/ STAY. what did trump mean by this

>went for a long walk over hills today
>legs and feet are still twitching

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C'mon anons, summer is almost here. Get off your ass and become alive again!


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is it as good as Unforgiven? is it a western at all?

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There are a couple different types of people out there. Trump is like a 3rd party. He isn't normal. He is a whore and a complete wildcard.

He is going down.

America is forever.

>silent accomplices
kek that's a pretty subtle jab at songbird mccain, mittens

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Most of these suicides are white men leaf

Yes it is

You obviously don't do that enough, get more exercise.

It's contemplative.
It's nostalgic.
It's beautiful.

Why do politicians get entire months off work?
What other jobs let employees vacation for half the year?!?!

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>NOT GO HOME/ STAY. what did trump mean by this

Congress likes to take a nice, long vacation during the fall. He's telling them not to.

Facebook was 3 foreign guys black person dating site Obamanation, tec is so smart it can target your jeans, he made sure even the poorest of poor got free seed killing cellphones, the fly guy in more ways than one. Obama lord of the flies Beelzebub. Where was he really from?

big if true

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Also there is no place like that in Idaho or Montana

AWOO are you ok?

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>black criminal

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Jogged 7 miles up the highway to the nearest summit once, then proceeded to walk back. Trip took 3 hours. Legs were sore for a fuckin' week. Recommend getting in shape before pulling that kind of shit.

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>AWOO are you ok?

That's the Ebola Awoo.

right right but what about this blade runner movie, what's it like?

Dont merge with the machine Trumps been trying to stop Darpa, baka

Did I miss a french happening?

Shouldn't it be a black AWOO if it has ebola?

but user im hungover and feeling somewhat down

Be the change you want to see in the world.

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/sg/ BTFO!

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stabbing today. north african perp dead

Iranians are dying in droves you dumbshit. In the iran and iraq war about 20% of the male population died. I wonder how many ISIS killed.

it really makes roasties mad, like as mad as muslims have been the past few days since iran got btfo

>Trump talks shit about PAris and L O N D ON
>Paris and london dwellers sperg out
>Paris proves Trump right again baby

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The blood coming from her eyes means she's getting stronger


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Hero ;__;7

>wall and border security should be included
>not "must"

He's gonna cuck

Drink lots of water, flush all that lactic acid out of your system.


>Did I miss a french happening?

Yes, ROP guy went stabby stabby, killed at least one, injured more, got himself his bat wings.

>implying their not suckling at the feet of influencers that wish to see the downfall of this nation during that "vacation"

They subconsciously know pit bulls are the niggers of the dog world and that by admitting they are dangerous beasts that don't belong in civilized society, they know that niggers don't either.

Israel is having a good week.

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Correction. He yelled "God is great".

then start later this week. and stop poisoning your body.

Paris isn't even Paris anymore :-(

they showed a clip of that act on the news, she was just making sound effect noises into the microphone

*in Arabic

I was talking about the BR movie fren.

tfw no ana robot gf

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a w o o

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Israel won Eurovision 2018


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Dont just say NK just say Korea. The 2 will merge as one and become a huge power as SK already is.

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Nasi was likely Mcveigh'd. I'd bet money on it.

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Must can be begging, begging is gay
Should is putting the pressure on cunts and shifting responsibility

>they showed a clip of that act on the news, she was just making sound effect noises into the microphone

Can't account for Europoor taste

actually, that translates as "nothing can be done"

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Fuck all, iran intentionally leave ISIS alone so they can keep fucking up the area, they're mad salty because unlike Obama, Trump & Mattis don't stand for that shit.

Gas the incels. Purge the purity spiralers. I'm getting sick of this bullshit.

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INB4 Iran fires rockets off again

why is she so fascinating?

>He used stilted Communist jargon and ungrammatical language to signal that the statement was forced.
No, he was just reading exactly what Communists with a very rough understanding of English told him to say.

yes that was the point I was making, also Korea will get American economic and infrastructure development, a Trump tower, and a mcdonalds (they deserve in n out but in n out hasn't opened up a distribution plant there yet to keep ingredients fresh, maybe in the future they will)

Dammit did the USA even place!? Burgers are obviously the best singers in Europe!

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Is this the thread where we do the thing?

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i'm pulling your leg cause Unforgiven is all the things you described br as
you have seen Unforgiven, right Portubro?
the shit is so official the Japanese made a version of it inspired by eastwood

Went down the youtube rabbit hole watching a bunch of her vids not too long ago. She's strangely attractive and super interesting. Such a weird story.

I wanted to point out the differences between boomers.


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I had one of the greatest threads ever on /tv/ about that.

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W-what's Eurovision?

At 100lbs overweight I’m in the walk don’t run camp. That’s a hell of a lot of stress on your joints. You shouldn’t be running until you’re down under 40lbs over. If you feel you need to move fast, use an elliptical. Elliptical are very low impact and is what I used for rehab when I blew out my knee. The advice I’ve given in the past for someone as big as you is to walk 45 minutes every day. First thing in the morning. After a cup of coffee. Before breakfast

But really, there’s a saying, you can’t outrun a bad diet. Pic related is a home brew Velocity Diet I worked up. I’ve given it out to fatties as quick reset. It does a couple of things some physical some psychological. Use all that time you’re not eating to study up on nutrition and proper eating.

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Add the freedom hat and it'll be perfect

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