Upper class neighborhoods

Jow Forums
How's to live in an upper class neighborhood?

>tfw poor
>Live in a shitty dirty slum

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You already know, it's not hard to figure out, work hard and make connections and be Chad. The real question you should ask yourself is why you're not doing the things you know you should.

I don't have a house like pic related, but I just bought a 4000 sq ft mcmansion. Not married, no kids. Feelsgoodman.jpg.

Everything costs money all the fucking time and even basic shit you would do for free in poorfagland, like neighbourhood watch, is a paid service. That said, there are basically no plebs or retards, which is nice, Not that richfags are never idiots. They are often huge idiots and I wonder how some of my neighbours even fucking survive. It's just that poor people are somehow even worse.

Also, in order to keep out poorfags and such, you either need a HOA (bullshit commie fucks EVERY TIME) or really, really high property prices. Both suck, pick your poison.


Feels good man

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Make money retard
retarded memflagtard kys

Honestly the idea of living in a huge house with no wife or kids sounds incredibly depressing. Like something out of a horror movie. I would much rather have a nice apartment in an interesting neighborhood while im single

Is the neighborhood nice?

Absolutely no niggers allowed, which is why rich people become delusional about how niggers really are vs what the msm andvfaceberg tells them

Plenty of Jews, poos, arabs and chinks tho

t. million dollar home owner

I lived in a luxury apartment downtown before my house. 800 sq ft and the rent was more than my mortgage payment now. The degeneracy of the city got old quickly. I have a full acre to myself, no noise, no drunk chads and staceys screaming on the street at night. And I'm not alone, I have my gf, two dogs, and friends who come over and crash.

>million dollar home
My childhood home went for over a million a couple years ago and it isnt even a nice area or a nice house.

ty Toronto real estate

btw the house was bought for something like 300k in 2003. fucking insane

Sounds about right, I live in a modest city in a red state where most new mcmansion homes go for about 300k

At least you get legal weed.. oh. Nm.

Wouldn't you get more home invasions? Niggers will be all like "ayyyy dem big homes have all da jeeewellery".

Security guard at a gatehouse 24/7, police constantly drive around the outside, armed Zimmerman security patrol always on duty.

Niggers arent climbing the wall around it either.

Rich libs hate trumps wall but wouldn't live outside their own.

It smells much nicer than the city

Might as well be living in the sewers.

No. The houses are designed with security in mind and the neighborhoods have active armed guards and cctv set ups.
And if the thief is some homeboy from the streets he would be spotted in an instant. Suburbs are the most popular targets

Its quite comfy actually.
Most of my neighbors are doctors and judges. The o ly time I see a brown person is when their mowing my lawn.

i grew up in an upper-middle class community, and now live in a working-class neighborhood.

not much of a difference - my old town looked nicer, but people didn't go out so much and there was a constant ambient threat of the police harassing teenagers and people who didn't seem to belong in the neighborhood. virtually no crime though.

now in this working-class neighborhood, things are kind of falling apart (cracks in sidewalk, more trash), but more stuff "flies". i can walk around without a shirt and drink a beer no problem (open containers are illegal in public here). people don't get murdered or mugged here, but you have to be careful what you leave out and in your car because break-ins happen. also packages disappear from porches all the time. the people seem a little more relaxed/friendly but i'm obviously not going to meet the CEO of some hot startup who will give me a job like i could in my old town.

i don't hate it here

Its easy. Be either a dual earner household (non-meme careers), or be a lawyer, doctor, or business owner.

People who think wealth and intelligence arent correlated are badly sheltered. Capitalism aggregates social status on the value you can provide society, and upperclass status is what everybody should strive for

I grew up in a huge house with a family of six. Now I'm the last one, moving out this summer. I can't possibly see how my parents would want to stay here

Safe, mostly white, a lot of conforming to upper class social norms. Other than those things, nothing much compared to a normal neighborhood.

Very comfy living in a gated community with security guards to keep out plebs. Everyone is kind.

I grew up in a gated community built around a small artificial lake. The big downside was the small number of children, but there were many great things about the community. The adults were all men and women of exceptional character. There was a sand beach with a boardwalk where I would spend every summer day playing games with the other children. There was a preschool and a summer recreation program. I played golf and tennis, though I was never very athletic. Every family owned a golf cart which children were allowed to drive on the local roads, and every family had a dock with pontoon boats and small speedboats. On Fourth of July, everybody would decorate their golf carts with American flag bunting and there would be a parade across the dam road. Then at night everybody would go out on pontoon boats to watch a fireworks display staged on the dam road. All these amenities were perfect for the normie kids.

For myself, what I liked best were the special places in the forests surrounding the lake. In the forest beneath the dam, the lake drained into an old spillway built in the 1920's, which erosion had transformed into a thirty foot high waterfall with large concrete slabs strewn about at its base. In heavy rain the creek would swell into raging rapids that my friends and I would go swimming in. Some years later a suffered a depressive episode which lasted six months, as a result of leaving the Christian faith. Then I would come alone to the base of the waterfall to meditate and practice singing.

Nowadays the community is now being taken over by crass yuppies who are demolishing the old houses and building soulless McMansions. The old residents were rich hippies who I remember fondly. The old houses were all very cool looking midcentury designs. One of my neighbors lived in a house which was literally a giant octohedron suspended in midair. The yuppies are managing to reproduce at least, and I'm glad to see a new generation of children at the lake.

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No, those neighborhoods have a gate with a security guard. The middle class neighborhoods 4 miles from the projects are the ones that get hit.

This is literally my neighborhood except I can't drink in public here. Although I haven't tried, to be honest. Neighbor has a nice security camera system with one pointed directly at my house which I appreciate. We live next to the city's beltway so freeway noises typically drown out anything else, which means I can be reasonably loud.

It's nice.

The most important thing you can do for the white race, and yourself, is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

kind but arrogant af

This. Two physicians assistants could easily afford a 500k+ home in a gated community. If you want to live in a comfortable neighborhood without your wife working, better pick a high caliber career.
>upperclass status is what everybody should strive for
Because the middle class is dying

Why do you care user? Do you want to be surrounded by nigger-tier entitled white kids whose parents are thrice divorced each and none of them are around or even care? Yeah, what a dream. No thank you. I'd rather be surrounded by middle class whites in a smaller town where my neighbors are great, Christian people who care about America and not just what gadgets they can get if they could just Jew more honest people out if their money.

Why even live? Kick your girlfriend out she's a roastie with no dignity if she's willing to live with you without being married. Unless you're not interested in marriage. Either way, kys.

Don't live in one but my uncle does. Absolutely zero sandniggers, but there is the odd nigger, they must work for a bank or something because the houses are pretty big in terms of UK standards. No crime where he lives, streets are clean, and everyone is much kinder. It changed my view on rich people to be honest, before visiting my aunt and uncles house i used to believe the rich hated the working class and were greedy cunts blah blah blah - but even though they know my background they don't judge, don't show off their money, vote Labour of all parties, and are very charitable. Like, i cant even put into words how kind they are, maybe it's just the neighborhood but i honestly don't know why msm like The Guardian talk about how evil the rich are, i truly believe those types are a minority as in the billionaires.

These people are wrong.
This guy is right. Rich people are rich by virtue of their exceptional character and tend to be kinder and more intelligent than the average person.

Continuing from above. One of my neighbors gave gave piano lessons out of her house to the local children including my brother and I. She would give us stickers to put on the folders we kept our sheet music in, typically with holiday themes. She would have piano recitals were she would go all Martha Stewart with holiday themed baked goods and decorations. Halloween was a big recital I remember. My mother was very involved in the community as well. She recruited two Methodist ministers from a nearby church to found a small local church which held service in the ballroom of the clubhouse. She taught bible school to my brother and I and the other children. We also had local celebrity of sorts who played jazzy hymns for the church. He also made metal sculptures of animals which he set up in a marshy "jungle" located in the back area of the lake where people would drive their pontoon boats through on "jungle cruises." (and where the bad kids would sneak out to to smoke weed.) There were actually several residents who did sculpture and painting, and several who had impressive art collections in their homes.

If you can see your neighbors, you’re not really rich.

>If you can see your neighbors, you’re not really rich.

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>If you can see your neighbors, you’re not really rich..

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Um...ever been to the Western states. You can buy 1000s of acres of land for very little.

>The real question you should ask yourself is why you're not doing the things you know you should.
THIS. 90% of questions people ask, they already know the answer, they just want others to tell them what to do cause they procrastinate.

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We need to convince "refugees" to migrate to these areas.

>almost $20m for a fucking mcmansion


Don't listen to this moron:

forgot pic

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You failed to mention nosy neighbors that can rattle off on the top of their head every time you left the house and returned for the last two weeks and what you were wearing when you did it. They also like to call security at the drop of a hat, at least twice a week. Security responds every time, politely and promptly.

Interlopers don't make it past three or four houses before gathering unwanted attention.

I have met obnoxious rich and poor as well as kind rich and poor in equal numbers. I will say it's easier to be kind when wealthy so there is more integrity in poverty based kindness and intelligence.