Only the military should have knives like this. They used to be called "Trench Knives" and only a terrorist would have use for such a weapon. Why? It's strictly designed for KILLING!

Assault knives are LONGER than regular knives, DOUBLE-EDGED, and painted a DULL BLACK! You could assassinate people in a crowd with this thing and get away with it. Regular knives are shorter, single-edged, and shiny. If you can't tell the difference you are BLIND!

Disagreeing with knife control (particularly for assault knives) makes you complicit in stabbing attacks - PERIOD. No assault knives = fewer stabbings - if any. COMMON SENSE KNIFE CONTROL NOW!

Attached: large_24338_Cold-Steel-Chaos-Double-Edge-02[1].jpg (850x665, 398K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah but if you ban knives people will just throw acid in each other's faces and run them over with trucks. Shall not be infringed.

Stab wound>acid/explosive wound

The same logic applies to all assault articles. Anything used exclusively for killing = assault article. Ban the acid used for assault and vehicle modifications that are purely for killing.

I think acid is banned but they just make it out of bleach and such.

Trash ban.

Attached: jojo_the_dinosaur_SPOON.png (2252x1400, 78K)

Any damage from an assault article is greater than the civilian article. Chemical warfare for example: you wouldn't want people to use assault chemicals on you vs. something from the grocery store!
What would you rather have used on you: bleach concoction or chemical warfare? It's the same thing with knives!

What is car battery acid?

Do you not understand the difference between guns and knives?

What a clever point you've made.

Am I posting with a Union Jack? How would I know what they're throwing at each other?

You don't think assault knives are a problem? Let me spell it out for you:
>Twice as long, doing twice as much damage
>Double-edged, doing twice as much damage
>Dull black, making it harder to see
>Grip intended for stabbing a human
If you think regular knives are the same YOU ARE BLIND!

>acid attacks are bad so we shouldn't solve the knife crisis
Is this what you really think?

That is a coldsteel weeb-accessory meant primarily for fantasising about being the Road-Warrior in post-apocalyptic america, they even advertise it that way.

When it comes to old-school trench-knives the "rule of cool" should apply that weapon's laws are null and void if you are edgy enough to carry something like that around for self-defence.
Same thing goes for conceal-carry as long as it is something slick like a shot-gun, Tommy-gun or Mauser C-96 with an elongated barrel hidden under a trench-coat

It's not strictly about trench knives but ALL assault knives. Pic related is DESIGNED for killing. There are plenty of other examples I am sure you are aware of. All I'm asking for is some COMMON SENSE knife control ONLY for knives described here:

>a knife with larger blade
>fewer stabs in less time
I dont know man

forgot pic

Attached: 392049[1].jpg (2089x2224, 250K)

>smaller blade
>fewer lethal stabs
>and easier to see
>and not designed for stabbing a person


Attached: 0000000000000000000000000000000000.jpg (499x570, 25K)

COMMON SENSE KNIFE CONTROL ONLY! I'm not saying ban all knives! ASSAULT KNIVES ONLY! Please read my posts!
Are you saying dull black is easier to see or longer double-bladed knives are less lethal? Because in both instances you'd be WRONG!


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"Shall not be infringed" is a reference to certain guns for certain people. It says NOTHING about assault weapons OR knives whatsoever. I don't see you up in arms over losing automatic assault weapons so you can compete with the military. Do you really think the founding fathers were thinking about the related pic when they wrote the second amendment? NO!

Attached: 390625[1].jpg (2059x2140, 297K)

Take this to /k.

Great idea user. Might as well try it on Chicago see how it goes

LOL you wish banning knives was simply about weapons, although you are right that THESE ARE WEAPONS NOT TOOLS.

>Stabs your spleen and brains with a thin object

Attached: naskali_ml.jpg (1000x1000, 91K)

Only the military is supposed to have them.
Those be brass knuckles matey and quite illegal in the US
You also cant be going around with a blade over 3.5 inches either.

Fuck that,
ban straws,
you could poke an eye out!

Show us your true flag, bong


many stabbings happen with kitchen/tool knifes, fuck recently here someone got beaten to death with a fucking chisel.

Valid arguments. However I would direct your attention to the potential loss of life caused by stray debris in a raging storm. Can you imagine a plastic bottle hitting someone at the speed of 220 mph??

Chicago may be where it starts but this needs to be FEDERAL LAW EVERYWHERE! EVERY COUNTRY NEEDS THIS! Mass stabbers don't use pic related!
>sees brightly colored TOOL without a grip or edges to facilitate stabbing
>easily avoids it, and even when hit do not receive as much damage
>Only the military is supposed to have them.
>Those be brass knuckles matey and quite illegal in the US. You also cant be going around with a blade over 3.5 inches either.
It's not enough. Banning the really dangerous assault knives were a start but for all the reasons stated here
it's not enough. Thankfully brass knuckles were dealt with.
>straws are as dangerous as a military assault knife
not a bong
If they make assault spoons yes but since they don't exist that's a false equivalency. AS STATED ABOVE THIS IS ABOUT COMMON SENSE KNIFE CONTROL NOT BANNING KNIVES! Read my posts before commenting please.

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Say that to my face, not online.

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The problem with this argument is that you're comparing two separate things. An act of passion or a general assault can be from anything. This is about mass stabbings using assault knives. It's A LOT easier for an untrained civilian to murder people with a long double-bladed WEAPON than a chisel. If they designed chisels for murdering people I'd make the same argument...but they don't.

I had one of those, it was less effective than the smaller 3.5" I prefer desu

Look meme flag, you see pic related? that's a machete, a well sharpened machete can be used to cut sugarcane ( i bet you didn't know that cause you are a soft handed faggot) You can also cut small to medium branches, you can also use it to cut and quarter a pig if you so needed to, you can kill chickens with it, and lamb and calfs and what not, you know what you can also use it for? killing people, you can cut someone's hands off with it, you can peel the flesh off their skull in one blow, you can chop someone's head off in a strike or two and you wanna know why I know that? Because I worked as an EMT for years and I know that when non gun owning niggers get angry they grab one and attack people, so do me a favor meme flag, grab your own dick, chop it up and then shove it up your asshole then go jump off a bridge.

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>littering isn't illegal
Thanks for proving my point! Assault knives are weapons used for assault and NOT TOOLS.

ya the effectiveness of a folding stilletto compared to this monstrosity is orders of magnitude higher..

I'm not just talking about the original pic. Even if a 3.5" knife was more effective at stabbing in your experience then
1. you stabbed someone proving my point or
2. an effective murder weapon is available to untrained civilians thus proving my point
Do you really think assault knives should be unregulated given this information?

>mass stabbings using assault knives

all British mass stabbings where done with kitchen/tool knifes or machetes.

you just fear black long objects, which is the projection of your nigger hate onto inanimate objects, same for scary long black guns.

They'sll stab you the same, but having your fingers stuck in that shitty knuckle duster is actually a negative for knife control

Assault internet too.
Everything has to be in your real name verified with biometrics.

>2. an effective murder weapon is available to untrained civilians thus proving my point
>Do you really think assault knives should be unregulated given this information?
I stabbed them with a regular butter knife in elementary school, the point is moot. You can kill with a pen or pencil if you wanted to. 9/11 used utility exacto blades

UK already controls knife sales, it prevents nothing

Attached: spoon_id_required_uk.jpg (468x456, 35K)

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>not a bump stock

>cutting someones hands off is common in assaults and mass stabbings
>my experience tells me that machetes which are incapable of stabbing people are used in mass stabbings
Not surprised you got violent given your lack of reading comprehension.


Source? That doesn't negate the fact that assault knives are more dangerous than kitchen knives otherwise the military wouldn't distinguish between the two. And If what you're saying is true then when Britain banned assault knives civilians stopped using them in mass stabbings so thanks, you just proved my point. There are less FATAL STABBINGS because of common sense knife control!

Guess what else is designed for killing..Assault fists! Ban all mixed martial arts now! It's not a real art anyway!
t. Hollywood actress no one remembers.

Attached: 259678-clenched-fist.jpg (300x191, 6K)

Proving my point that current knife laws aren't enough.
This is only about assault knives and not banning all knives or the "assault internet". Using the internet to plan imminent assault on a person is already illegal.


>stabbing with a butter knife had the same effect as a double-bladed assault knife
>9/11 exacto blades
Banned, and amazingly no more planes flying into towers!
Science requires repeatability and the UK banned kitchenware alongside assault knives. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT ALL KNIVES BEING BANNED!

>Proving my point that current knife laws aren't enough.
There is no way to stop pointed objects sweetie

>bayonets are not a weapon of war

>Science requires repeatability and the UK banned kitchenware alongside assault knives. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT ALL KNIVES BEING BANNED!
You're just baiting, show your real flag faggot

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diluted sulfuric acid

Ban acid and trucks. Only small cars and bicycles from now on

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fucking google?

>more dangerous than kitchen knives
no you dolt, my fucking vegetable knife is just as dangerous as your "assault knifes", its 10cm in lengh, easily concealable, easy to stab with and has a decent grip when holding it in a fist.
Pic related.

Also even better at stabbing, a fucking ice pick.

Attached: zwilling-twin-chef-garniermesser-2411023.jpg (348x348, 4K)

>how to make a knife out of pasta

>how to make a knife out of saran wrap

Good luck banning knives faggot

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>but knives are banned in prison they said

Attached: knives_20160712204316944_5405721_ver1.0_1280_720.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

oh so when I skin a deer or filet a fish it's not a tool somehow? You're just saying this because its black you bigot.

Yes, since an assault chemical would be chemical concoctions used for war and assault. Banned in WAR by THE WORLD!
>raising a fist at a stranger isn't a sign of imminent assault and would hold up in court if a fight broke out and police were called

They would probably think about actual swords

>it's as easy to stop a double-bladed military knife as a screwdriver

>still thinks flags matter

cold steel is pretty nice

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>double-bladed military knife

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>he's British
deal with it

Being this retarded. The founders absolutely meant swords and knives as these were weapons in common usage on the battlefield. You are talking about a time where you got off on or two shots with a musket then you charged with the bayonet.


comon man

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now you are just retarded.

you know whats even funnier, here we can own and carry any knife, the only requirement is to be 18 years old.

Until recently knife crime was no problem, but with the influx in the 90s of slavs and the recent influx of shitskins knife crime is on the raise, especial in schools.
Knifes are not the problem, fucking uncivilized brutes coming from 3rd world shitholes are the problem.

>I'm for civilian chemical warfare and weapon mods for cars

Attached: 1fpxdl[1].jpg (547x402, 23K)

>Knifes are not the problem, fucking uncivilized brutes coming from 3rd world shitholes are the problem.

Attached: future_doctor_holding_scalpel.jpg (2560x1707, 512K)

>burden of proof is on you not me
Regarding lethality see

I don't think you understand how knives work.

> Do you really think the founding fathers were thinking about the related pic when they wrote the second amendment? NO!

Except they were, and is still recognized today as such, faggot. That's why they said right to "arms", as in "armaments", not "firearms".

>so retarded it has to be bait

>average terrorist watches Youtube on how to make knives out of pasta and saran wrap
Italians have no reason to commit mass stabbings and once again COMMON SENSE KNIFE CONTROL! ONLY BAN ASSAULT KNIVES!
>let's make it easier for mass stabbers to butcher people

related, now apply to knifes.

Attached: 1519749772977.webm (1066x600, 2.24M)

Oh get fucked cunt.

You can a have a fixed blade as long as you like
3.5 restriction only applies to folding knives

unironically illegal in many countries, like my home germany :)

Just pointing out how stupid you are. After you've banned everything the bad guys will still have their fists. What are you going to do then? Cut off hands?


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>I can't do that with a hunting knife
Swords were banned and sword deaths are what now, zero? No-one screamed "MUH SECOND AMENDMENT" when swords were banned!

>Swords were banned
Where? Swords are legal in Canada and the USA

>Swords were banned
then explain this:

Knife laws vary by state and sometimes by cities, and counties.

I think a lot of people missed the satire in your OP bro. Just wanted to point out that I understood what you were doing that's why I used a republican meme flag to counter your democrat meme flag when I posted
as a counter argument

I just wanted you to know that I'm not completely fucking retarded and blind to sarcasm. It's important to me that you know this.

Fucked that up. Meant

and yet knife crime is still on the raise.

>shiny single-bladed kitchen knives are the same
>it's why no military in the world agrees

Attached: 0e8[1].jpg (1024x595, 64K)

America logic: Ban knifes > Ban assault rifles.

Because a rifle shot can kill you instantly, but stab wounds are more violent, personal and painful.

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I don't hear ANYONE complaining about the open carry ban of swords. Like the rest you prove my point - assault knives are real, and they are a problem. Civilians should not have military weapons. See automatic rifles!

Why are there so many retards not realizing the obvious satire?

>Knives are banned in the UK
>Cleaning products are used to make acid
>Cue faggot OP crying for "CLEANER CONTROL"

OMG they need to ban these! Even the military doesn't use these in combat! How many times have you seen on video where some defenseless teenagers were making out and some hockey mask-clad psycho attacked them with no warning? Only licensed and trained lumberjacks should have access to these. COMMON SENSE CHAINSAW CONTROL!!!!!!!!

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