Did the Nazis ever push anything what Jow Forums would consider degenerate?

Did the Nazis ever push anything what Jow Forums would consider degenerate?

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Socialism is degenerate. So yes.

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Social security.

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I think Amphetamine pill called Pervitine aka speed.
And actual women rights.

Fanta is kinda good desu

an authoritarian would say no, a libertarian would say yes

yes, losing

If you are a worthless leach you don't deserve other people's shit

this, although you could argue they didnt really understand the drug enough and it was really only used by the military

Actually developed in America so coca cola could still sell a modified cola due to the war embargo.


Amphetamine is the most anti-degeneracy drug I can think of though. It straitens out your life and makes you a workaholic

>Did the Nazis ever push anything what Jow Forums would consider degenerate?
Yes. The Nazi did not immediately eradicate the Jews but rather wasted time and resources putting them in camps. Wanting to keep kikes alive is unforgivable degeneracy.

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As an authoritarian, I absolutely say yes.

They only gave gun rights - and limited, at that - to Party members. That makes the inner American in me pissed off.

It was heavily used by the german Army.
But also commercially.
From pre-WW2 till the 60s even here.
And actually Relatin is a very watered down pervitine pill.

They allowed some Jewish women to set up a whorehouse in Auschwitz during the war. That's pretty degenerate.

No it isn't.
He did made a law that everyone has to register hes gun.
Thats all.

> Welfare state
> Onions
> Hubris
> Being friendly with islamists
> Being wimsy on the extermination thing. If you set out to kill a people, just fucking do it instead of fucking making ghettos and then labor camps. Do it properly or don't do it at all. Don't wait around 4 years before you hit the gas.


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They put pedophiles in camps.

This is what I don't understand.

If they wanted to kill all the Jews, why'd they do it in the most expensive and time-consuming way possible?

This is just plain wrong. I’m studying science in grad school and AT LEAST half my classmates abuse different amphetamines to keep up. You can get strung out on amphetamines, just go check out a campus library during finals week to see upper middle class tweakers. Additionally, lots of people use amphetamines when they go out drinking, which is certainly degenerate.

If you can’t do the work without amphetamines then maybe you should find a different career.

>red flag
>doesnt even know the red stood for communism in the Nazi flag
>doesnt know the red stood for the enemy encircling Europe and the white was the people and the black was the state repelling communism

Get educated conservacuck.

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>making a national registry of who owns what guns

This is degenerate.

Shit ain't healthy long term know people who abused it in the 90s who are fullblown schizophrenics and your skin get a hard beating it dries out making you look 10 year older.

I don't know, you tell me

They were all meth addicts

How about calling FUCKING MUSLIMS & NIPS honorary aryan?

Their double standards with the honorary stuff is just pathetic. White purity was just used as a guise to push their politics when needed. what a joke baka

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>only socialism is bad
Why are you so individualist about economy but suddenly not about ethnicity? If everyone is only in for themselves regarding economy, why shouldn't everyone be only in for themselves regarding ethnicity? If I'm not supposed to care about my countrymen's economics if he's a dead-end, why should I care about his genetics? Arab doctor is likely to be better than Finnish construction worker both economically and genetically.

So if I am supposed to ditch socialism, why shouldn't I also ditch nationalism if the other guy is better in both regards?

They weren't particularly concerned with women being whorish at some points, because they wanted more white children. It wasn't fully degenerate though

I don't consider using amphetamines during war to be degenerate, myself. Everything has a use and a purpose. Getting like four hours of sleep per day for long stints of time, or going without sleep at all for more than a day during a certain mission or offensive, is absolutely going to decrease your alertness.

The things they did which were degenerate were usually related to a being a wartime nation. If not actively then actively preparing. I doubt such would be the case in peacetime for a natsoc germany.

Despite the straightedge ultra-ultra-megafash nerdcucks, I think even the nazis understood a good german soldier and citizen is going to enjoy a good marzen, smoke, or hefeweizen from time to time. If you got to kick him in the gut for coming back to duty hung over, so be it. Nazis weren't social wizards that excluded themselves from the world being smarmy about it. They just put their own people in high regards and pursued toward excellence.

>red stood for communism in the Nazi flag

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Encouraging German women to get knocked up by German men out of wedlock

>They were all meth addicts. We would never lie, goyim.

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Kek they had a fully operational SS baby factory.
Must have been neat.

Truly mysterious

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Well yeah, its pretty well documented

It was pretty obvious he was fucked up on drugs, amerishit.

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They had an out-of-wedlock impregnation program for single German women wherein they would be inseminated by members of the SS.

Degenerate scum, desu.

I think that is referring to the same program.

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The red was for socialism. The white disc was for German Nationalism and the Swastika was for the race based world view of NatSoc. Read Mein Kampf before you spout your shit.

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from who tho? lel


>pol is one person

They needed them to work and support the war effort idiot. They only killed the old and sick who couldn't work.


> Current politicians are not fucked up on drugs

>ywn be the guy in the SS whose job it is to fuck aryan German sluts to grow the white race

Why even live

Amphetamine usage?

These points don't go by me unnoticed. Again though I say, war time nation. By the ending stages of the war, they were drafting up 15 year old boys, in attempt to stop communists from overrunning their nation.

If they were letting just any old simpleminded never proven merit crippled german drunk that couldn't serve, to impregnate women for fresh warm bodies that were cranked out, I'd see the full disgust. It's a special situation. Normal good methods don't apply.

Personally, I think decent iq women, should crank out as many children with decent iq men, as possible. Sans jews.
Rare women with iq's over 120, Should Be practically paid to crank out babies. It's good eugenics. Normal marriage only slowly betters the overall pop through generations and generations. Which proves it's merit and uprightness, I grant.

Welcome to Auschwitz

>Jewish Fat Camp

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OwO wat's this?!??

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The NSDAP fought against degeneracy. They were not degenerate.

The kikes are degenerate.

Is that Charles Barkley with Nirvana before Kurt an heroed?


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>unsourced bullshit claims


Kriegsnotfalle or war emergencies call for extreme measures. When lives are at stake I'd give men permission to stim the fuck out and send them into combat screaming like wild animals if the need was great enough.

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They tried to create Israel

Came here to say this.

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Occultism: 4th Reich Spirit Cooking.
>Thule Society

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Because Nationalism is a natural extention of the supremacy of the Nuclear Family. Consider: my family > my community > my state > my country > other countries. National borders are as important as the borders on private property. Good fences make good neighbors. Socialism reverses this hierarchy. It is actually harder to make the case that other countries are NOT more important under socialist thinking, as the core family, community or state is meant to subordinate themselves to the interests of the Nation. One step beyond in ybis logical progression and we have nations expected to subordinate themselves to the best interests of the world as a whole, thus communism.

Every country's military was doing meth.

They lost

NAZI Sexploitation


IIRC, He chose the red for psychological effects.

Need big daddy to take you by the hand and tell you how to live? ;)

>. It is actually harder to make the case that other countries are NOT more important under socialist thinking
Not if you're a socialist and believe the first part of your post. Which is why NatSoc works

Furry NAZIs are my favorite historical side note

Yes, unbridled jizz guzzling devotion for authority and idiocy

I'm glad those pieces of shit got wrekt, and it's rewarding to see nazis getting hurt or BTFO nowadays.

Are you a Mestizo?

Who's asking?


I'm asking, are you fucking retarded? you must be a Mestizo if you get so defensive about it.

There was a WW2 Facebook group I used to be part of that posted letters from all sides of the war, before it got Zucced.

There were a few from the Eastern Front in which the German soliders were begging for pervitine and ammo, not food or winter clothing.

>White purity was just used as a guise to push their politics when needed.
this. slavs were aryan when they wanted them to be (czechs, ukrainians) but mongoloid when they didn't (poles, russians).

Asking an irrelevant question like that and then getting mad when someone fires back with another irrelevant question is a sign of being defensive, get to the point instead of beating around the bush before you throw the bait.

>implying jews are good for manual labor

A spic would be mad about the nazis just because, you don't have any well thought out reasons give me a break.

I agree all the college students make the people who actually need it look bad. Whether you believe in the psychiatry/psychology is a different story.

If you wanted to know the reasoning behind my disdain for nazis you could've asked directly, but instead, you chose the shit-in-hand-and-throw approach, don't be mad if people disregard you for acting like a clown.

I think Hitler was purposely fed the methamphetamines, while telling him he needed it to stay strong as a long haul goal to trigger a psychosis that would make him easier to subvert, control, and ruin the chances of their success.
Meth is evil.


Yea, they tried to reason with the eternal anglo.

There's no reasoning other than perhaps jealousy, you're a lower life form and the National Socialists were as far we know the best people to have ever lived ever. Maybe you don't like Nature, but that's a different story.

Define evil.

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Define degenerate.

Meme flag faggotry

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I don't like being full of shit but then i remember that everyone else is full of shit and that in fact you can't avoid being full of shit and that the void will get us all and then i feel okay-ish again.

NYPA, search engine, or your designated spoonfeeder.
Besides, I can already tell that you aren't actually interested in that and it's just a cover so you can try and malign what I said using your own predetermined guidelines where you will more than likely just keep moving the goalposts so you can never be pinned down fully.
Not playing your game, faggot.

Hey guys, this is a shotgun. Catch the bullets.

You're playing the only game there is whether you like it or not, friend. Would you have a problem wih me eating your flesh?

You probably would.

Sorry, been binge-watching The Walking Dead recently.

Yeah, sure.

To think that you actually think i'm actually interested in anything about you, just goes to show, uh... boring.