What scenario could help crush the "two party" system? Where would a 3rd party gain ground?

What scenario could help crush the "two party" system? Where would a 3rd party gain ground?

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Isreal starts their own political party

"the duck wins"

If blacks and hispanics split from the party due to racial tensions, which might be the only democratic way to make any kind of American ideals stick by splitting the dark vote

The Democrats are no longer a national party

Both candidates are revealed to be serial child molesters and neither party wants to look face over having to renominate someone else and basically admit defeat so they just stick it out. Though considering how fucking stupid the two-party system is in America, people would probably still vote on partisan lines and choose a pedo over a third party candidate


The republican party already exists :P

I think if we wipe out the Democrats there'll be more political parties looking for a chance to run than vice versa.

we're really close to having a one party system

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They really are our greatest ally after all
*snort* XD

It could only happen if most states adopted ranked choice voting.

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rebirth of populist party, dems not reddy enough 2 b republican but sick of being dem.

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>where u gonna go sucka
after we hang all the traitors it will be very very very different in each party

very very very different

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Typically when a third party becomes popular, all it does is suck away votes from one of the two established parties, leading to a victory for the other established party.

In order for third parties to succeed, you need to have at least two viable ones that will take away votes from both established parties at once.

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libertarians are shit since they've turned their back on Ron Paul principles and become democrat light.

Americans will never abandon the two party system. Even here on Jow Forums, you have retards who buy into the two party system and shill for the Republican Party.

Liberalism is literally a metropolitan virus... it's a disease that can only be found in big cities.

The divisiveness of the two party system nearly led to the fall of America. Taking turns in power every eight years, wasting billions of dollars trying to flip the congress... all a thing of the past.
the old two party coin toss left half the American people unrepresented.

the new two party system ensures that everyone is represented. each state gets one democrat and one republican seat. equal representation for all, no competitive election campaigning between parties, only campaign between members of your own party.
Your state's bipartisan duo have to agree with one another on any issue at the state level prior to bringing it to federal.
This will remove all the wasted time filibustering, and fleecing the American people's tax dollars.
If your state can't make up their mind, then your state sits this vote out, so elect wisely. Your state governor can serve as a tie breaker.

This prevents your state from trying to force values that you can't even agree on, onto all Americans in every state. Giving power back to the states.

Congress was never intended to be royalty. There will be term limits. This allows more people the opportunity to serve their state, less chance for corruption, and puts and end to out of touch career politicians.

no need for a waste of time minority / majority leader, when the congress is always equal. 50 republicans, 50 democrats.

Nobody gets left out. At the state level... if democrats want to pay higher taxes they can vote to raise their own taxes, with no impact on republicans. Democrats can vote to not carry guns, and turn them in at the police station, while republicans continue to arm themselves.

Doctors who register as democrats, can be forced to perform free abortions for their fellow party members, at clinics paid by the DNC.

>What scenario could help crush the "two party" system?
JFK every candidate for the "two party" system.

>Where would a 3rd party gain ground?
No candidates from the "two party" system. No one to run a "two party" system. The third party would be the only option.

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Everywhere. It just has to be a party with something real to offer, and not an ersatz church like the "two" incumbent parties.

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>The divisiveness of the two party system nearly led to the fall of America
Hah, no, actually, it's why this pile of proto-feudal shit has lasted as long as it has.
Not at all. It's kept a lot of people busy and cucked, and a few people named Podesta in a very lavish lifestyle. Surely you didn't think (((Adelson))) and (((Steyer))) were just going to give this money to us, the people who could most wisely use it?
Two right wing parties is two too many. Kill yourself for being an autistic cuck.

>team peanut butter

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The only thing that could stop it is getting a ranked choice voting system forced nationwide.

But it will never happen, because the people in charge would never vote for something that might make them lose power.

Youre a miserable cunt

Trump AND Sanders are the only two people in the political sphere at the moment that could start their own parties with any measurable success.

Trick is they'd both have to or their respective leanings would lose 100% of the time

If PB can do the impossible, anyone can.

third and fourth parties are compromised. anything that gains ground and has money to spend is compromised. sorry.

Read up on Arrow's Theorem

there is no escape from the two party system.
a 3rd party only steals from the other two. causing whichever of the two parties they most agree with to lose and the party they least agree with to win.

afterwards what little people that actually supported the 3rd party will know the fact that their vote didn't matter because he through it away. and next voting season will will join the rest of us and vote for the lesser of two evils.

Even that wouldn't necessarily help, as it would still be necessary for each individual voter to differentiate between voters. Score voting is superior, by far, and probably a lot easier to understand (thanks to (((reality))) television and sports) than RCV.

Even the DSA doesn't want to become a party just yet because it's more work than they can handle and there's no guarantee the media-party partnership "Commission on Presidential Debates", let alone either media or the parties alone, will accept them as legitimate. Don't think for a minute this isn't one of the major reasons for the "fake news"/social media crackdown.

That depends in part on where it gets its money. The DSA is member-funded, not (((donor)))-funded, so that's one conflict of interest out of the way.

*for each individual voter to differentiate between candidates

Jeb runs as an independent in 2020

the only thing jeb will be running is from the law.

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If one party were to die. You'd never be able to get everyone who supported that party to all agree on another one. There'd be one major one and several smaller ones.

All Arrow does is show that if things are equally divided, the last undecided vote is the only one that actually counts.

Which is true of every voting system.

The turnout in 2016 was higher than every presidential election from 1972 to 2004 and the 2012 election. The only presidential election in the past 46 fucking years that had a higher turnout was the first election of Obama.

Not going to happen, and Trump proved that there is no reason to because you can in fact rape them in the primaries.



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Not necessarily true. A party that doesn't fancy itself a substitute for going to church and that offers universal, concrete material benefits would pick up a shit-ton of the 42% plurality that want both of the present parties to die in a house fire.

And more people still voted for fuck you by staying home than voted for either party. That's a large force to be contended with, should they find themselves aligned with a party that actually serves them materially, rather than being some sham of ideals.

Not from the left, you can't. The Democrat Party is 100% donor-controlled and the whole "muh russia" scam has as its sole aim keeping it that way.

>And more people still voted for fuck you by staying home than voted for either party. That's a large force to be contended with, should they find themselves aligned with a party that actually serves them materially, rather than being some sham of ideals.
Voter turnout in America has been in the 50s since 1912. FDR was one of the most popular world leaders in history and his turnout only reached 58%. Eisenhower and Kennedy were vastly popular and their elections only reached the low 60s.

It's not that people weren't motivated to vote, it's that America is a vast country with a large and diverse population while pretty much all of the countries with higher voter turnouts are the size and population of single American states.

It's almost as if American electoral systems were designed to be a larp and induce loyalty to oligarchs rather than accurately determine the sense of the people by making it easy for them to do so.
If election days were national holidays, as they are in most countries, I bet you'd see much better turnout than the current system of begging your master for not enough time to even stand in line to vote in some precincts.
Diversity and vastness isn't actually an argument against obvious indifference, relatively and absolutely.

What would most help crush the two party system is if Americans read Hoppe en masse.

It isnt the situation, it's the system, stop this meme

Third parties are pretty much totally boxed out of national politics. Its honestly a complete waste of time and money to even pay attention to their national campaigns. But IMO third parties could have success at the state and local levels if they stopped trying to be idealists like they always are. Just focus on being pragmatic and appeal to local and regional issues.

American Nazi Party

Expecting the general public to become politically well-read is exactly why libertarians will never achieve anything. Their system requires the public to have an autistic understanding of individual and property rights. Not going to happen.

Nigger break free from the Democratic party and start their own.

Do you know how many failed attempts at this would benefit the Democrats?

Military Junta.

i agree, third parties would be more successful if they challenge either of the two massive national parties at a dedicated local level

The Democratic party already exists :P

I'm pushing for the Libertarian party now, and will encourage any other liberal to do the same. There's no salvaging the Democratic party, it's time for a clean slate.

Team peep shall rise again.

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In a year where the green party fails ballot access and you have a populist/civil liberty libertarian with some republican background, you could see them run up the vote in the West/Southwest as well as a bit of the Northeast. Probably not enough to split the Electoral College, just state-by-state campaigns for a lopsided victory.

Now, if you could have a candidate that protects civil liberties/muh weed, is not a neo-con, but must be a white christian, and is against globalist trade deals, most regions of the country could support that. For all the "Evangelical vote", the South and Midwest/Great Plains voted for Trump just fine.

The media and state enforce the two party system.

The media does this by hosting the two parties and by having coverage of these two groups as if they are the only ones that exist.

The state enforces it by maintaining a large minority population that votes Democrat. The only way Americans can counter this is by voting for an antithetical party, the Republicans.

But in the end, it's the same people running the sex cults and subverting an already dying nation.

The third party wont be democratic. It'll be made of lead and steel, and it won't give a fuck if you vote left or right, only that you bleed red.


No sweetie, it's just one party all along.

Utah came really close last election towards going third party with McMullin. The state is definitely going red this time, but after Trump there's still a chance.


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>the CIA party isn't really just the two-party system united
I don't think McMuffin's got another chance, ever.

Mah nigga

What most countries do is allow many multiple parties to register for both the house and senate. They can give their preference votes to a major party to gain power and influence.


Here you need at least 25000 founding member signature in 8 distinct counties, with a minimum of 700 in each, or 1% of the electorate.

Meaning if you are not already a politician with some resources or rich as fuck to effectively buy said signatures you are not making one. Even at half a dollar for a drink to buy some uncaring peasants signature that is 50000 USD worth of cheap drinks for signatures at a minimum, double that more realistically. Then there is the legwork, the paperwork, and a whole host of weird arcane shit.

Basically if you are not a member f the oligarchy you ar not making a party. Most of the politicians are former members of the communist nomenclature, and the odd rich fuck or relative of one of the two, plus some mandatory whores (why do you think we have a quota for women now? To give the whores some jobs close by.)

Dunno how it is where you are, but democracy was always a oligarchic kabuki theater from shat I know. A way for the oligarchs to delay or completely shift blame on the populous about decision they make sure get taken since the populous 'voted' the least worst option, but still an option of their choosing.

Pretty much like that everywhere.
Sortition would give better results, on average.
