
do you have rules /pol?

Attached: imjmijmj.png (499x225, 28K)

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Is kanye going fascist?

Yes I do. Rule #1: niggers are fucking stupid and nothing they say means anything

I live by my rules, as for KW I never gave a shit about him.

I mean, he's not wrong, but most people are dumb as dirt so rules (social pressure, shaming, laws) are needed to keep them living half-decent lives.

fuck off with your nigger worship

Around blacks never relax.

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>bake that cake
Half the the SJW BS is because people cared too much what other people thought about them, so they needed to force people to accept them.

Rule #1: Never expect others to do for you what you wont do for others.
Rule #2: Never trust Jews, Blacks, or Communists.

It's the opposite, Facism is for people who are losers and can't get laid. They want daddy Trump (i.e. the government) to give them gfs and free money.

In other words you people are a joke

>kanye having any sort of coherent ideas or views
I dont think so m8

True, but rules are also there so successful and smart people don't get a hammer to the head from some asshole.

post more, need to add to my folder i lost my old one

>Government handouts
remarkably idiotic post

They're actually there to prevent people do the same as those that got the power to make the rules. Dumb nig

Rule #154: Stormfags are leftists.

Attached: absolute state of pol.png (1014x588, 217K)

without rules there's nothing to carve a path through, obi won kanyebe

>remarkably idiotic post
I bet that's what mom said to you when she found your Reddit account littered with rincel posts

go back

In a world where everything is permitted, the only rebellion left is enforcing the rules.

>no problem getting laid
>is on Jow Forums


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Those three things have nothing to do with each other