Had a chat with a friend and he brought up the cheddar man and he said “Have you heard about the cheddar man? he was dark skin you know, makes sense why London has a Muslim mayor because anglos were black.” I’m just surprised at how retarded some people are. Islam and dark skin has nothing to do with anything. Europe (and the British isles) has seen the first wave of humans with dark skin come from Africa and intermingle with Neandtherals, who had light skin and also some had ginger hair. Europeans from the cheddar man’s time (12,000BCE-7,000 BCE) had European features and light eyes (e.g blue or green) and a 75% chance for being dark, Europeans were shifting from a darker skin tone to a lighter one during this time. But having dark skin =/= African. Dravidians have dark skin than many Africans, but they still are not Africans because of their phenotype. Cheddar man had dark skin, yet he had straight hair, European facial features, and light eyes. Europe has seen many new groups yet that doesn’t mean “it’s make sense why they have a Muslim mayor” Britain has been home to Germanic tribes from central and Northern Europe, Cro-Magnon, neotlhic farmers moet closely related to the basque if today, Neanderthals (minimal), and Normans (who are just Danes mixed with French people during that time). These are the only real groups to leave a major genetic imprint on the English, none of which being modern sub Saharan African or “Islamic” (maybe my friend meant Arabic or Punjabi but who knows).
The cheddar man
I have direct family memebers (a few aunts and uncles, and some 1st, 2nd and 3rd removed cousins) in somerset, and saying that they are “black” as in African is just not the truth, the cheddar man is not a reason for, and all of the Great Britain’s, native population to be replaced by those from Africa and Asia but the opposite. The British and thus the English people have lived in Great Britain for thousands of years, the only time being assimilated or integrated (not totally replaced or wiped out) is through conquest, not invitational immigration. I was born in the USA, and have only been to the UK a few times in my life to see family, so it’s not up to me what the British people want for immigration or any other polices or laws in that land, but the media slants it so people think Europe was black as in modern sub Saharan African and conquered by white people and it really isn’t European people’s land and it’s for everyone, and that is not true. My friend really isn’t into politics or anything like that but he read one article and made an assumption since they didn’t inform much else because they didn’t want too.
(Pic is what cheddar might have looked like alternatively)
White people are from Australia.
Petrus Camper is renowned for his theory of "facial angle". He delivered two lectures in Amsterdam in 1770 to art students on beauty and portraiture. He was concerned that artists painted the black Magus in the nativity with a Caucasian face. He determined that humans had facial angles between 70° and 80°, with African and Asian angles closer to 70°, and European angles closer to 80. According to his new portraiture technique, an angle is formed by drawing two lines: one horizontally from the nostril to the ear; and the other perpendicularly from the advancing part of the upper jawbone to the most prominent part of the forehead. He claimed that antique Greco-Roman statues presented an angle of 100°-95°, Europeans of 80°, 'Orientals' of 70°, Black people of 70° and the orangutan of 42–58°. He stated that, out of all races, Africans were most removed from the Classical sense of ideal beauty.
Here is a picture of a Yamnaya man (aka "Aryan"). He has a facial angle of around 92 degrees. It's entirely possible that that classical ideal of beauty came from nobles classes having a high admixture of Yamnaya and entrenching that look as beautiful because it was the look of the powerful.
My nose is identical to the one in that pic.
The cheddar man reconstruction was politically motivated pseudoscience. All previous reconstructions of the race of Mesolithic Western European Hunters depicted them as slightly tanned blue-eyed caucasoids, instead of weird pseudonegroid chimps.
possibly he was an world merchant of the non-circumcised variety that traveled the ancient world to peddle his products?
archaeologist here. wouldn't surprise me if whole darkness thing has been totally made up. seen plenty of examples of low-profile data manipulation that can never be undone, with catal hoyuk being the last major exposed hoax that even reached normies. the jew is everywhere, I've seen lectures about medieval Europeans described as "immigrants in the new homeland". Professors can shill so hard it's unbelievable
cheddar man was debunked literally 1 week after the story. this is classic demoralization tactic, 0% truth to it.
This was posted yesterday.
>No DNA link was found.
these reconstructions are 90% guesswork.
having dark skin =/= African
>Had a chat with a friend and he brought up the cheddar man and he said “Have you heard about the cheddar man? he was dark skin you know, makes sense why London has a Muslim mayor because anglos were black.
Why are you friends with a retard?
those are old though and are they based on skulls?
not only being the british empire but WE WUZ DA KANGZ also. can you cunts construct giant structures such
as the pyramids in the middle of fucking nowhere, with no technology? thought so. the eternal anglo moves
throughout the ages, conquering, inventing and in all behind the things that can be considered the greatest
achievements of mankind. without us there is no civilisation, fact.
left are reconstructions based on the skulls and right are what they found out the actually looked like after the victims were identified. parts of the face where the bone is close to the surface are usually vaguely accurate, and all of the fleshy areas and cartilage are basically made up nonsense.
>Why are you friends with a retard?
he isn't. on the other hand, someone taking such a retarded copypasta seriously ...
I bet ai could do wonders on facial reconstruction, just feed it with scans and x-rays of thousands of people to learn
Black chedder man was already proven false.
There was a reason they released the TV show before releasing the scientific paper backing it up.
There are tons of vids on the science paper which say its basically a load of shit lacking even basic scientific facts.
Timeline of Galician History
200,000 BCE:
In the Paleolithic period, the Neanderthal Man enters the Iberian Peninsula.
40,000 BCE:
The first large settlement of Europa by modern humans, nomadic hunter-gathereres coming from the steppes of Central Asia, characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome, defining them as haplogroup R population. When the Ice Age reached its maximum extent, these modern humans took refuge in Southern Europe, namely in Iberia, and in the steppes of Siberia.
30,000 BCE:
Modern humans make way into the Iberian Peninsula, coming from southern France. Here, this genetically homogenous population (characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome), will develop the M343 mutation, giving rise to the R1b haplogroup, still dominant in modern Portuguese and Spanish populations.
10,000 BCE:
The populations sheltered in Iberia, descendants of the Cro-Magnon, given the deglaciation, migrate and recolonize all of Western Europe, thus spreading the R1b haplogroup populations (still dominant, in variant degrees, from Iberia to Scandinavia).
5,000 BCE:
The nomadic hunter-gathereres of the R haplogroup (characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome) that had taken refuge during the Last Ice Age in the steppes of Siberia (and had developed the M17 mutation, originating the R1a Haplogroup), give rise to the Proto-Indo-European cultures.
1,000 BCE:
First wave of migrations into Iberia of the Urnfield culture (Oestrimni, speakers of the Proto-Celtic language).
Cheddar man was basically middle eastern looking. The (((media))) are just exaggerating his skin color because of their multicultural agenda. Cheddar man isnt Dravidian.
I highly doubt that Europeans had a dark skin tone at the time.
First of all, it's (((their))) research.
Second, the half-life of DNA from bone is around 500 years.
It's practically impossible to find such detailed info on 10-15K yo skeletons.
Whenever someone brings up the cheddar man, just say: "So? We all know humans evolved from apes".
whenever you see National History Museum, National Geographic, Smithsonian, and others, nowadays think JEWS. They've all been co-opted for political purposes.
aryans originate from what is now India, where they, in all likelihood, had darker skin, not "white."
They didn't even know the skin color of Cheddar man. They made it up as much as his smug smile.
English are not niggers. It's just a lie to get us all wound up. Why aren't we making up lies for them to counter?
Slightly tanned seems to be most correct. They lacked the mutations for really light 'Nordic' skin which only gets sunburn upon exposure. No need to give up protection from UV only to synthesize more vit D in skin, diet was full of that. Farming (low vit D diet) forced the total bleaching.
Also, blue eye mutation is interesting. OCA2 gene makes dark eyes, lack of gene activity makes them blue. But the mutation causing blue in European HG (and us as their descendents) happened NOT in OCA2 but in the neighboring gene HERC2 ... this mutation 'silences' HERC2 but as a side effect also shuts down its neighbor. Now thinking selective pressures, HERC2is heavily involved in brain development but its exact role is yet not understood, only that other (damaging) mutations in HERC2 cause severe mental retardation, showing that the gene is crucial for human brain development.
Only thing they found was a lack of the mutation which TODAY causes light skin in Europeans. Does not mean there were no alternative routes to the same phenotype.
She looks like a mix of Spanish and Turkish.
Cheddar Man and La Brana were Tamil brown that drawing isn't a reconstruction it's a shitty artist's impression.
Cheddar Man has all the alleles for Tamil brown skin so no, he wasn't the same phenotype as us. No way we can be anything except brown (probably near black) with all those alleles he had.
THIS is the guy we descend from.
Not that blackass faggot Cheddar Man everybody here oddly wants to identify with. He is who *so-called white bitchass women* descend from.
10,000 years to literally change skin colour from dark black to white and pale as fuck, so I guess all Europeans in Australia in 10,000 years will be black skinned?
The guy that did it said it was all wrong and its why the subject quickly got brushed under the carpet. The entire thing was done for a DOCUMENTARY funded by outside sources and these claims funded it:
The person that said it had non European features was a kike. Not even kidding. Pic related.
It's gone from 100% certainty to 71% certainty and dropping.
You can find plenty of articles like this from many sources.
My housemate un-ironically believes this
Why is it so foreign to believe that he was black? Based on literally everything we know about how humans developed it would make sense. Native angos would develop from his progeny of course adapting to local enviroment, then later being mixed with the Germanics
10,000 years ago was the last stage of the Quaternary extinction event where the last of the ice age animals died out, the plant life died and the climates changed which also resulted in significant death tolls among the many nomadic tribes across Europe and North Eurasia at that time, and they migrated back and forth at the change of seasons. So *IF* this guy was a darker early man, It's very likely this guy was a nomad scouting for food and crossed the English channel(21 miles at closest point to France) which was frozen over back then and explored the harsh terrain looking for berries,nuts and meat. Anything to sustain his people or even himself if he was the last member.
To try and compare an ancient human pre civilisational nomad to modern humans is 100% subversive, its as bad as the medieval Swedish womans grave with warrior equipment and an Islamic ring and all the "scientists"(thats what media called them) said "Proof Swedes were Islamic!" and "Warrior women were common!" which was promptly and eloquently destroyed by a female anthropologist who examined the body and the jewelry.
Pic related is a real article from this year. If you google the name and date. You will see white genocide in full and even getting off on the phenomenon of "White Flight". How anyone can deny this agenda is beyond me.
If they adapted without modern housing and medicine yes they would but we can handle the issues with being pale in a sunny environment pretty easily now, so no there's no evolutionary pressure to adapt to the local environment.
Why is basic biology and history so difficult to understand
Anyone got the post from Survive the Jive summarizing the bullshit surrounding this new reconstruction?
Used to have it saved for when cheddarman came up but I had a clear out of my hdd and can't find it.
I read a few books about British and wider prehistory when this whole thing came about and every one seemed to feel the need to virtue signal about something or another. Even the Conservative peer.
lmao how fucked in the head or brainwashed are we to want to be descended from that black monkey.
Now we know.
i know white people that look like this, they're roofers.
If you spend all day everyday outside you'll tan.
shit thread btw
That "lack" could be caused by DNA decaying for thousands of year
More like 1 hour
No, right.
>Anglos were “””black”””
>This is why London has a paki mayor in the 21st century
We need to ask ourselves real questions like we used too!!!
>is Q a fraud?
>is Q disinfo?
>why wait so long?? So Podesta escapes or takes his death like Barbara Bush
We need to know what happened last week and WHY THE NEW TRIPCODE
VIDEO also discusses
>Vanguard Group
The Major owner and controller of Western financial power ... THEY OWN EVERYTHING AND ARE CONNECTED TO
the rabbit hole goes deep!!! Follow that white rabbit!
>why is DPRK folding
>what did Pompeo do/say
>why is pizzagate being hidden and slid!!!
To the NWO we are all Nigger Cattle
People who trust modern "science" are really really stupid. I mean, like, incredibly fucking stupid.